Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 199: The Method of Defeating Martingale (Please subscribe and give me a monthly ticket for r

Chapter 199: The Method of Defeating Martingale (Please subscribe! Monthly ticket rewards!)
Huayang Palace, Bibo Pond.

Hu Hai sneaked into Huayang Palace through a ditch under the palace wall.

Huayang Palace is so quiet today.

After a while, there was a rush of footsteps outside the palace wall.

Then, I remembered a series of calls.

"My son—"

"My son—"

Hu Hai was stuck under the high palace wall, and no one noticed him.

Hearing the footsteps and calls gradually disappearing, Hu Hai was delighted and elated.

He laughed and made some noise, then quickly covered his mouth with his sleeve to stop himself from alarming the others.

Hiding under the shade of willow trees is easy to attract mosquito bites.

Hu Hai stood in the willow bush and decided to make a quick decision. He wanted to catch two ducks and take them back to the palace.

Hu Hai stood under the palace wall, looking at the blue lake through the gap in the willow tree.

Hu Hai found a big rock and used it as a cover to prevent being seen by the guards on the other side.

But Qin's guards have sharp eyes.

Looking at the medium-sized stone, a foot appeared on the edge, and then stuck out its butt.

"There is a situation ahead."

"It must be the [-]th Crown Prince, who is here again to cause mischief."

Huo Cheng got the news and rushed over.

After strict selection, Huo Cheng and others who were able to join the Huben Army were all warriors selected from a hundred.Let them be vigilant and deal with the enemy, they will gladly go there, and no matter what kind of predicament they are in, they will show fearlessness in the face of danger.

However, let them deal with these eight-year-old children, these grown men. You look at me, I look at you, and you don’t know where to start.

"This is the crown prince's palace. It's unreasonable for the prince to rush in rashly."

"Go and inform the prince's chamberlain."

Hu Hai was arrested.

The waiter pulled his sleeves, and the two ducks that had been muffled to death, as well as the small blue-black fish all fell out.

Hu Hai looked at the mess on the ground, but did not cry.

Hu Hai thought about how he asked Fifth Brother to take him to Huayang Palace to play with him. Fifth Brother asked him why he wanted to go to Huayang Palace.

Hu Hai naturally replied, go catch ducks.

After hearing this, Ying Yu asked again.

"Why do you have to go to Huayang Palace to catch ducks? There are also ducks here, brother."

Hu Hai naturally refused.

"Fifth Brother's palace has only a small broken pond, so it's nothing compared to Eldest Brother's."

Ying Yu was furious after hearing this.

"Children have no education."

Hu Hai was very angry when he saw that Ying Yu refused to take him to Huayang Palace, but he did not dare to be angry in front of his fifth brother.

Otherwise, he will be taught a lesson by Fifth Brother.

Hu Hai froze immediately.

"Brother has such a big lake, but if he doesn't play with it, he spends all day hanging around musical instruments with a bunch of men, which is a waste of it. Why don't you give me some of this big lake?"

After hearing this, Ying Yu burst into laughter.

"Young brother is really ignorant."

With that said, Ying Yu patted Hu Hai on the shoulder, and then suddenly stood up from the lacquer table, revealing a hurt and severity that Hu Hai had never seen before.

"A mere lake is nothing. When you grow up, you will realize that thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are much larger than a single lake."

"Fifth brother——"

Where there is Ying Yu, there is definitely Win.

Ying Chang immediately reminded Ying Yu.

"Fifth brother, be careful what you say."

Ying Yu touched Hu Hai's head.

"Kid, what does he know?"

"Eighteenth brother, go and play."

Hu Hai heard this and rushed into the flowers.

In fact, it was not that Ying Yu and Ying Chang had no time to take him to Huayang Palace.

However, Fusu, the eldest brother, has now become the prince, and his status is much higher than that of ordinary young masters like them.

In the past, before they were officially crowned king, they didn't think their eldest brother was worth anything.

But now, the eldest brother has the prince's seal, and they are still crowded in the Liuying Palace.

These days, I heard that the king's father intended to let the second son, Jiang Lu, marry Li Si's daughter.I heard that the second brother will leave the palace and build a mansion soon.

Still, no official or position.

The prince lives in Huayang Palace, which has the third largest palace area in Xianyang Palace, but they are still squeezed together in Liuying Palace.

They travel with two chariots and horses and a hundred light cavalry, which is the ultimate.

When the prince traveled, the number of accompanying guards numbered over a thousand, with dozens of vehicles and flags covering the sun.Whenever the prince goes out, the people of Xianyang line up in two rows and shout.

They have seen this situation several times.

It's impossible not to be jealous.

Its momentum is different from the past.

And they are still ordinary sons now.

Therefore, they were unwilling to take the eighteenth brother to Huayang Palace.

One is because they are not interested in catching ducks, but eating ducks is something they can consider.

The second reason is that just to take the eighteenth younger brother to play duck, he went to Huayang Palace to alarm the eldest brother who was the prince. I don’t know what the eldest brother was thinking, but Ying Yu and Ying Chang only felt that they were inferior.

Hu Hai is still young, so naturally he doesn't understand this.

Hu Hai had to pretend to really catch butterflies.

Ying Chang muttered to Ying Yu.

"The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. You should be careful what your eighteenth brother says today."

"The eighteenth brother is still young, what does he know?"

Ying Chang was angry, and then said.

"I never expected that Jun father would be so cruel and not consider the future of our brothers at all."

The corner of Ying Yu's mouth twitched, and his mouth tasted bitter.

"This is the fate of the princes of Qin. Without merit, they can only be reduced to common people."

There was also a cold air in Ying Chang's eyes.

Hu Hai felt that he did not say these words to outsiders. He just felt that in this case, he should have fun as soon as possible.

However, the ducks and fish he had worked so hard to catch all died.

Hu Hai sat slumped on the ground without saying a word, which frightened the eunuch.Several eunuchs gathered around and knelt on the ground, asking the prince to return to the palace.

A child of seven or eight years old is definitely more difficult to deal with than an enigmatic counselor.

Huo Cheng, as a guard of Huayang Palace, he didn't bother to care about the eighteenth prince.Now, impatience welled up in his eyes.

He was just worried that the eighteenth prince would accidentally play in the water and fall in.Huayang Palace cannot kill people randomly.

Hu Hai finally left.

But before leaving, Hu Hai had an idea. I can't let my eldest brother waste this big lake in vain.So Hu Hai threw a large stone towards Huayang Palace.

Seeing the shocked faces of everyone, Hu Hai was contentedly carried away by the eunuchs.

The Bibo Lake has always been as calm as a mirror.

Today, not only did it make a clicking sound, but it also caused countless ripples.

Huo Cheng looked at this scene expressionlessly.

The lake surface, which had always been as smooth as a mirror and calm, was suddenly disturbed by someone.

In the high pavilion of Chonghua Palace, Xue Ji watched this scene.

She remembered the expression on His Royal Highness's face when he left Huayang Palace this morning.

Xue Ji had an ominous idea.


the same moment.

In the Dazheng Hall in front of Qinian Palace, after the prince spoke, there was silence in the hall.

The ministers were solemn and stood quietly in the palace.

Ying Zheng suspected that he heard wrongly, but he didn't.

Fusu said that to govern the territory of thousands of miles, we must change Qin's law.

These words were spoken by the current prince, and for a moment, everyone in the court was speechless.

All the ministers focused their strange eyes on Fusu.

"Changing Qin Fa?"

In the court, the most dignified man finally spoke.


Ying Zheng's expression froze in an instant.

Change the Qin method——

This is Fusu.

The only person in the whole court who could say this was Fusu.

At this moment, Yingzheng had mixed feelings about Fusu.He admires Fusu and appreciates his courage.But right now, it's more of a concern.

Especially the faces of the courtiers in the hall.

Qin's method is the method of Wei Yang.

To change Qin's laws, isn't it necessary to use Wei Yang's laws?

(End of this chapter)

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