Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 200: Renovating the old and establishing the new (please give me a monthly recommendation ti

Chapter 200: Renovating the old and establishing the new (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)


Wang Wan came out and bowed to the prince.

"You must be careful in court."

Fusu bowed back to Wang Wan.

"Prime Minister, Fusu kept silent for a few moments before speaking about this matter."

Li Si and Feng Quji were standing side by side, but at this moment, the two of them naturally looked at each other.

What is the prince going to do?
Since the prince first participated in major military and political affairs, he formulated a plan to attack first.Meng Wu, he felt at the time that if Mr. Fusu really came to power, the state of Qin might change.

At that time, Meng Wu only felt that the prince's actions seemed to be different from Qin's consistent views.

However, it is obviously far away from the crown prince's succession.

Therefore, Meng Wu only paid attention to the prince's actions at that time and did not pay much attention to it.

After all, people want to live in the present, and sometimes they think too much and go too far, which will restrict their present.

But Meng Wu never expected that the prince would be so quick and openly propose reforms in the court.

Ying Zheng has always known Fusu's thoughts.

The Shang Yang method of the old Qin State is not suitable for the thousands of miles of territory of the present Qin State.

Because it is not suitable, it needs to be changed.

But how to change it.

There are many people among them who are looking at the excitement of today's events.

Especially some people who only think about high officials and rich salary, and don't care about the fate of this country at all.

However, North Korea and China still exploded.

Meng Wu was the first to object.

"The crown prince is still young, and the veteran Meng Wu can understand what I said. But the veteran begs His Highness to take back the words."

"You must know that law is the foundation of Qin. If the crown prince wants to change Qin law, it will shake the foundation of the country."

But on this matter, Meng Yi, who always handles government affairs, remained silent.

Meng Yi opposed his father's view.

However, in front of the courtiers, he could not disgrace his father.

Wang Ben was also quite surprised.

The prince actually said such a thing.

Even he, who only knows how to fight, knows that the foundation of Qin is law.

The prince actually wanted to touch Qin Fa.

It's really courageous.

After Meng Wu said that, as expected, some old Qin people in the court began to stand up one after another.

As a native of Qin, Wei Zhuang naturally stood up to oppose.

"Your Highness, think twice before speaking. To change Qin's law at this time is to dig out the heart, liver and lungs of a person with sound limbs."

This metaphor is horrifying.

After hearing this, some of the courtiers shuddered.

Wang Wan thought about establishing a parallel system for counties and states, but when he encountered His Majesty, he failed.

Wang Wan never expected that the prince not only thought about the parallel system of prefectures and states, but also wanted to reform the Qin law.

There are voices of opposition, and naturally there are voices of approval.

"I think that what the prince said is absolutely true."

When everyone heard it, they naturally turned their attention to the speaker.

It turned out to be Guo Weiliao——

Liao took a step forward and said to Ying Zheng:
"Your Majesty, Qin's land is thousands of miles away. If we continue to apply the old methods of defending the Duke, it will naturally be inappropriate."

Guo Wei has always been difficult to say, but on this matter, he actually stood up and took a stand.

This made Li Si a little unsure.

A prince, plus a state captain, Liao.

For a while, there was another discussion in the court.

"The prince is young, so he may talk nonsense. But the prince said so..."

Guo Weiliao.

He remembered well that this was the second time that Guo Wei Liao spoke out for him in court when he was alone and helpless.

After all, Wang Wan is a visionary.

What the prince said makes sense.

"The prince should know that the law of Duke Wei has been established for a long time and is related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. I wonder how the prince's reform was carried out?"

Abolish Shang Yang's law?

That's certainly not the case.

The key is to increase productivity, so as to provide guarantee for great unification.

There is no perfect system, but there are perfect laws.

The setting of production relations that adapts to productivity is a perfect system.

"There is a truce in the world. The people are suffering from the chaos, the people's livelihood is in ruins, and there are countless people in the world who are hungry and cold. We should use the techniques of Huang and Lao to govern by doing nothing and recuperate."


When Chunyu Yue heard the words Huang Lao Zhi Shu, he was completely confused.

Didn't the prince say at the beginning that he would govern the world according to Han Fei's method?


There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

After hearing this, Wang Wan actually felt that the prince's words were reasonable.

Ying Zheng also said:

"When the war is over, we should call it quits to stabilize the people's livelihood."

It's nothing to mention the Taoist strategy above the court.

And after the war, you really need to rest.

"The Martingale of Wei's method emphasizes farming and warfare, imposes severe punishments, and restrains the officials and people. Although it helps Qin to unify the world, this system is a wartime system after all. Today, all the land in China is the land of Qin. The war has stopped, and since then We must break away from the old and establish the new.”

Knew it.

The prince is trying to create a military meritocracy.

From the very beginning when the prince mentioned nonsense and imposed benevolence and righteousness on the world, Meng Wu felt that this slogan did not ring true to his ears.

What is Qin?
The land of tigers and wolves!
Talking about benevolence and righteousness, if the people do not fight and rely on their own efforts, then the country will be in disarray.

"The prince actually thinks that Qin's laws are only wartime laws?"

Meng Wu stepped forward to speak out.

"Does the prince think that Qin's laws are specially used to attack the world?"

Meng Wu's words were conclusive and powerful.

One is a young prince who is in court for the second time, and the other is a battle-hardened warrior.

Judging from the physical appearance of these two people, Fusu was at a disadvantage.

Ying Zheng never expected it.

Fusu actually came up with the idea of ​​establishing a military meritocracy.

After the truce, the people of Qin relied on fighting for their livelihood.

For a moment, Ying Zheng couldn't make up his mind.

Wei Liao couldn't help but look at the prince with surprise.

This prince is really a young prodigy, and he once again surprised him.

Without extraordinary political foresight, it is impossible to say these words.

Either he is talking nonsense, or he is a genius.

"The method of Duke Wei is to use war to nourish people. Although it is a sharp blade that inspires the people of Qin and enriches the country and strengthens the army, it also does great damage to the national strength. After a hundred years of war, the people of Qin are also tired."

Meng Wu was naturally dissatisfied after hearing this.

"That's sheer nonsense. The prince only knows one thing, but not the other. I, the Qin Dynasty, have a sharp eye, and everyone is united. If we change the military merit system now, we will undoubtedly destroy our foundation!"

"The prince just said that there is no war in the world. The prince knows that since ancient times, there have been differences between China and Yi. China is unified, but the Yi and Di are still surrounded by enemies in all directions. If our Qin abolishes the military merit system, it will be self-defeating. Destroy both wings."

Wei Zhuang, a native of Lao Qin.

The Prime Minister, who has always been stable and never participated in partisan disputes, also spoke.

"The old general agreed. A truce means letting the people starve to death!"

When Fusu heard this, he was furious, his face was full of indignation.

"What Xiang Xiang said is absolutely true. But I wonder if Xiang Xiang is worried about the life and death of the people of Old Qin, or the life and death of the people of the world?"

(Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket!)
(End of this chapter)

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