Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 20 Dare to take a nap (please vote for recommendation!)

Chapter 20 Dare to take a nap (please vote for recommendation!)

Xianyang Palace, Qinian Palace.

Fusu was sitting cross-legged beside the table, quietly looking at the black and white chessboard in front of him.Heizi, who is controlled by Ying Zheng, has already been surrounded by Bai Zi, and is about to swallow the large piece of Bai Zi in one gulp.

As Heizi continued to pursue and intercept him, it became increasingly clear that Bai Zi was trapped in a tight siege and had no way out.

Fusu suddenly sighed softly.

This is already the fourth game, and Mr. Jun is really heartless, losing three games in a row.But it must be done.

Seeing that Ying Zheng was about to lose again, Fusu felt helpless.

Ying Zheng has such a personality that he will never give up until he achieves his goal!
In order to win, Heizi used any means necessary. Although he formed a perfect and extravagant attack, the situation seemed to be great.

Actually it is not.

Ying Zheng had been led away by Li Si unknowingly.

If this goes on, the more Heizi wants to surround and swallow all Baizi in one go. With a few Baizi cooperating outside, Heizi can easily suppress Heizi's energy.

Then the black stone will run out of energy, and the white stone will reverse the form.

In chess, what is compared is not chess skills, but mentality.

Fusu looked at chess for too long and felt slightly dizzy, so he moved his body slightly.

This was a bit disrespectful in front of the King of Qin. The ancients attached great importance to etiquette. They had to sit steadily and not move around.

Fusu has been waiting for news from Zhangtai Palace recently, but Yingzheng has not spread the word at all. Just as he is hesitating, Zhang Han came to urge the prisoners in person today, so Fusu had to go to see Yingzheng in person.

Unexpectedly, he met Li Si as soon as he arrived at Qinian Palace.

He had no choice but to enter Qinian Palace with Li Si.

Wang Ben had already sent a message back, and he decided to flood the beams.Ying Zheng is now just waiting for the good news ahead.

In addition, there have been no major events in the court recently, and Ying Zheng rarely relaxes, so he specially summoned Li Si to the palace to play chess with him.

Look, Junfu is in such high spirits today, and it’s not because of anything else.

It's just that the more Ying Zheng loses, the more his desire to win is aroused.

It seems that Li Si will stay in the palace today.

On the contrary, when Ying Zheng saw him, his expression was as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Fusu originally had a fluke mentality, but I put my words aside, you can't just sit idly by, it's possible that the current Qin Wangzheng has already considered immortality.

But unexpectedly, Ying Zheng actually kept him, first having dinner with the two of them, and then letting him sit next to him and watch chess.

The father and son said very little during the dinner, and with Li Si around, the young Fusu was like a foil next to him.

The King of Qin was very majestic, sitting on the throne with an extremely powerful aura. Even Li Si behaved and was very cautious in front of Ying Zheng, not to mention Fusu, who had no meritorious status.

"Tonggu, you win again." Ying Zheng suddenly stopped and sighed helplessly.

Afterwards, the eunuch hurriedly handed the wet handkerchief to Ying Zheng's hand.

Fusu then focused on the chessboard again, and that was indeed the case.

Li Si bowed his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I accept the concession."

Ying Zheng's eyes were blazing and he just said: "One more round."

"Old minister, I will stay with you until the end tonight." Li Si nodded and smiled.

Li Siben was the same age as Chunyu Yue.Now he can be considered an old man in his sixties, but each of these careerists is more energetic than the last.

The eunuchs on the side wanted to come over to arrange the chessboard, but Fusu felt that it was hindering their actions, so he stepped aside.

One piece after another, the empty jade chessboard was suddenly covered with black and white chess pieces.

Ying Zheng and Li Si were talking and laughing, enjoying themselves so much that they seemed to have ignored the person next to them.

The begonia flowers bloomed just outside the window, and the fragrance was fragrant.The bright moon hangs high, and the moonlight is like a white veil, covering the flowers outside with a layer of gauze, the fragrance is dense, and the subtle fragrance floats, like a dream.

It was a pity that Fusu was enjoying such a beautiful night scene alone.

It would be great if he could have a confidant by his side at this moment.

In front of the flowers and under the moon, I push the cup to change the cup, and hold the fragrance in my arms...


"My son is here."

Some people appear calm and composed on the surface, but in reality they are in a state of panic, with thousands of horses galloping inside.

"Who do you think will win this round, Guoren or Li Si?"

Fusu was calm, looked at the chessboard carefully, and replied honestly, "Returning to your father, I think that Li Tingwei will win this game."

After hearing this, Li Si only felt panic in his heart.

The young master did not want to learn from his master, and it was already known throughout the court.What's more, he is Chun Yuyue's good friend.And the king's news is so well informed.

Fusu's intention was too obvious, he wanted the location of the East Palace.

In fact, the king has been dissatisfied for a long time, but he has been keeping it secret, but the young master actually came to his door today.What puzzled him even more was that the young master's temperament suddenly changed drastically, and just now he actually fell asleep and daydreamed in front of the king...

Ying Zheng gently twirled his sword Tai'a with his fingers, his eyes burning as he looked thoughtfully at the young man in front of him who was already as tall as him.

Fusu lowered his head and bowed, but he could feel that Ying Zheng was staring at him, and a strong pressure was in front of him, forcing him not to even raise his head.

"Recently, I heard about something."

"It must be about Erchen and Dr. Chunyu."

Fusu spoke bluntly.

Li Si saw this and hurriedly excused himself.

"It is inconvenient for Li Si to be present for the king's household affairs."

Ying Zheng silently agreed.

Li Si bowed and left, also after leaving the gate of Zhangtai Palace, he suddenly remembered that Zhao Gao was not at the king's side today, it seems that he had expected it.

Li Si brushed his beard and strode outside the palace.

Trembling, as if facing an abyss, as if walking on thin ice.

Fusu is now realizing the true meaning of these three idioms.

"Go back!"

Ying Zheng suddenly shouted again.

After a while, there were only two panting people left in the huge hall.

Seeing that there was no one around, Fusu respectfully knelt down on the ground.

"My son, please be punished."

Ying Zheng looked stern, "Why should I punish you?"

(End of this chapter)

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