Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 21: Shocking the whole world! (Please vote for recommendation!)

Chapter 21 Megatron World! (Please vote for recommendation!)
"My son's words are insincere, causing rumors to spread. If you say it is big, it will cause turmoil in the court, but if you say it is small, it will tarnish your reputation. This is a crime."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng asked mercilessly:
"What a great saying that will cause turmoil in his court. Do you have such a great ability?"

Fusu naturally replied:

"Of course there are no sons and ministers, but the king's father is the king of Qin, and the sons and ministers, as the eldest son of Qin, should succeed to the throne according to the patriarchal system."

"If you dare to say these words in front of a few people, you don't want to live."

After Fusu heard this, her knees were tensed, and she didn't even notice the frightened expression on her face.

This is Ying Zheng, who is in his prime and full of spirits.

Ying Zheng sat in front of him, like a giant sword hanging above his head, and his chest was extremely tight.If he accidentally angered him, he wouldn't even have to do it himself, he would be pulled down and quartered.

But if you are born as the eldest son and do not fight for your own destiny, not only will you become a historical tragedy, but the people of Qin will also become a historical tragedy.

"Please calm down, father."

"The widow heard that you were very arrogant in Liuying Palace, but why can't you show the slightest bit of arrogance in front of the widow?"

"Your father is making fun of your son."

These words popped out from the gaps between Fusu's teeth involuntarily after being put under great pressure.

If I could take it out, I would be the one sitting on it now instead of you.

"If one day I die, who do you think should succeed me?"

"The matter of establishing a heir apparent is a big one, and Fusu is willing to share the worries of his father. Unfortunately, he is not virtuous enough to convince the public. But Fusu thinks that with his father's foresight, he will make arrangements and make decisions in advance. The successor to the throne. Today, I also sincerely request your father to pay homage to the prince as soon as possible and stabilize the court."

"What will you do if a widower passes the throne to you?"

wish for it!
tossing and turning...

Fusu raised his head slightly and glanced at Ying Zheng, but lowered his head again without even daring to see his face clearly. This was obviously a test.But if you answer well, you will add points to your image. If you answer poorly, you will be completely marginalized by politics. At that time, you may have to run away anonymously for the rest of your life.

Fusu frowned, thought for a while, raised his head and replied:
"My son is willing to follow the example of your father, to fight against the survivors of the sixth generation, to develop a long-term strategy and control the inner world, to swallow up the princes for two weeks, to rule the Liuhe as the supreme, to beat and flog the world, and to shock the world!"

This was a powerful statement, shouted out by a young man with all his strength. The sound was like a loud bell, which undoubtedly frightened everyone in the entire palace.

Sure enough, after Ying Zheng heard this, he stayed on the throne for a long time, stunned.

Fusu and Yingzheng are in the inner hall, but there are many hidden officials who are busy with official duties in the outer hall.

These words were shouted so that those in the outer temple heard them.

Everyone looked at the eldest son Fusu in amazement, especially the eunuchs whose mouths were so big that they could stuff shoes into it.Everyone stopped what they were doing, and focused their eyes on Fusu.

Fusu still knelt on the ground, exhaling the breath of Nuo Ran from his chest, feeling very happy.But after all is said and done, there are consequences.

After a period of silence in the palace, Ying Zheng finally spoke,
"A good one swallows two weeks and kills all the feudal lords. A good one takes the supreme position and controls the Liuhe. A good one is powerful all over the world!"

"How come I didn't know you were so ambitious before?"

"Get up."

Is this out of breath?
Fusu raised his head slightly and glanced at Ying Zheng secretly.


Actually laughing.

Fusu then slowly stood up.

"What would my son do if I were given such a chance to be powerful all over the world?"

Based on Fusu's understanding of Yingzheng.If he hadn't had the idea of ​​passing the throne to himself, he would never have asked such a question rashly.

Also, he has no illusions about immortality yet, and he doesn't even know that he will soon dominate the world.

Moreover, no matter how nice the ministers say about the attack on Wei, the indestructible Daliang City is still standing there. The wind cannot blow it down and the rain cannot melt it away.

The more difficult it is to attack Daliang, the more likely it is that Ying Zheng will consider passing the throne.

Seeing Fusu standing on the ground without saying a word, Ying Zheng suddenly felt a trace of disappointment in his heart.

"Now my father is attacking Wei. Although General Wang Ben encountered obstacles in Wei's attack on Daliang, in my opinion, Wei will be captured within half a year."

"Originally, among the six kingdoms in Shandong, Zhao and Chu were the most difficult to attack. Now that Zhao has perished, the most difficult one left is Chu. My son thinks that at this time, Chu does not dare to attack suddenly Qin State, on the contrary, they are raising their troops and accumulating strength, only waiting for our Qin State to move first, and then they will suddenly counterattack."

"At this time, if there is any change in the Chu State, we, the Qin State, must stabilize our minds and stand still."

"The Qin State has been conquering for years, and the soldiers must be exhausted and desperately need to rest. If your father can order a temporary rest, let our soldiers from the Qin State take a temporary rest to recharge their batteries."

"At the same time, let the envoys go out to lobby, let the Chu State think that the Qin State is still afraid of the Chu State, let them lower their guard, and then find another opportunity, the Qin State will definitely be able to take the Chu State in one fell swoop."

"At that time, the two countries of Qi and Yan will definitely surrender after hearing the news. Then the emperor and father will be able to rule the world and be powerful in the world!"

When Fusu talked about these things, he was naturally passionate and eloquent, with the potential to swallow up mountains and rivers.

The young man in front of him was full of vigor and vigor, but Ying Zheng felt strange.

But apart from the unfamiliarity, Ying Zheng also gradually felt in his heart that Fu Su was the person who could inherit the empire in the future.

"How long do you think it will take for me to conquer Chu?"

"This year is still in spring, and Fusu thinks that two years later, in the middle of winter, Junfu will be able to discuss the establishment of counties in the far east."

Ying Zheng heard this, but did not agree with Fusu's words.

"The State of Chu has long been beaten by me and fled away, abandoning Yan and Ying. Now I have young generals like Li Xin under my command, and the Chu State has only its name. In my opinion, within a year, Chu State will perish."

Fusu's heart suddenly trembled.

Ying Zheng has always been conceited, and the things he determines cannot be changed.

Fusu could only answer flexibly:
"What your father said is absolutely true."

But in his heart, Fusu naturally sneered: I hope Li Xin and Meng Tian don't cry back to Qin after Cheng Fu's defeat.

Ying Zheng saw that Fusu agreed to his wishes, but in his heart he did not agree with what he said...

Fusu has really grown up and already has his own ideas about everything.

Fusu suddenly looked at the chessboard and asked Ying Zheng.

"Since Fusu saw Jun's father today, he wants to have a great time with Jun's father."

"Good. I also want to see how good my son is at chess?"

Halfway down, Fu Su suddenly said, "Father, my son has requested to supervise the construction of the Lishan Pavilion, but there are not enough manpower..."

(Please give me a recommendation vote! Please give me a recommendation vote if you pass by. Thank you readers.)
(End of this chapter)

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