Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 22 Making an Engagement (please recommend!)

Chapter 22 Making an Engagement (please recommend!)

Before Fusu finished speaking, Ying Zheng said directly:
"How many more prisoners do we need to transfer?"

"Three thousand people are enough."

Fusu looks good.

"I will give you another [-] prisoners and build six buildings for one year."

"My son obeys."

Fusu's heart trembled. Ying Zheng's attitude was so determined. He must have been affected and inspired by what he just said.

But the more conceited he is, the harder it will be for him to prevent Li Xin and Meng Tian from losing seven captains to Cheng Fu.

"In addition, you are now seventeen years old, and I have been thinking about your marriage before."

Fusu blushed.

"This... Fusu feels that marriage is not in a hurry right now."

Ying Zheng smiled meaningfully, and the lines under his eyes became relaxed.

"The widow has already decided on a candidate for you, the daughter of the prime minister Wang Wan, she is very good-looking, she has read a lot of poetry and books, she looks like your mother and concubine."

Fusu was a little surprised, she was not Li Si's daughter?
"Marriage is a major matter, the parents' orders, the matchmaker's words. Since the king and father have already decided, the sons and ministers have no objections."

"Looking at your expression, you seem to be dissatisfied with this matter."

Fusu then raised his head and said, "My son, I have never seen Wang Xiangguo's daughter before."

Ying Zheng laughed loudly, "This is a trivial matter. I have already asked Zhao Gao to see it for me personally. This girl's appearance is the best among the daughters of the courtiers."

Zhao Gao——

She turned out to be the daughter-in-law that Zhao Gao helped me look after?Although he already knew as soon as he traveled back in time, with his status, it was simply impossible to fall in love and get married freely.

But I didn't expect that I would be accused of marriage so soon after traveling through time.This means that the first big thing you do when you come into this world is to get married.He really looks like the hero of a cool novel, but unfortunately, he is the one who wants to be the emperor.

And this is marriage, which is based on the logic of the ancients.

Marriage is equivalent to the combination of power, and then the creation of heirs and stable status will begin, and only then can one begin to gradually come into contact with political power.




After that night talk, Ying Zheng summoned him for three consecutive days. Sometimes he was called to play chess but actually to inquire about politics. Sometimes, he was directly asked to listen to him discuss politics with ministers.

These actions all showed that Ying Zheng indeed had the intention of making him his reserve.

Fusu has become more cautious about people and things these days.

But what Fusu didn't know was that the previous dynasty was already talking a lot about him.

It should be noted that during the current king's reign, only two people have been so favored by the king.

One is one of the regrets in Yingzheng's life - the late Han Fei; and the other is the young master Fusu.


The rain pattered outside the window, and the banana leaves from the land of Bashu were washed green and shiny by the rain. All the birds and beasts were gone, no one knew where they were lurking.

The pale sky whispered continuously, lightning flashed and thunder continued, and the strange white light beams lashed the earth one after another. The roar of the sky was so heart-piercing that it wished to tear the thick earth into several pieces.

The raindrops suddenly fell heavier and heavier. The rainwater that fell smoothly from the thatched house to the ground had merged into small streams in an instant, and then merged into a small river in the distance.

In the villages near the outskirts of Xianyang, farmers were hiding in their houses with their doors wide open. They sat on mats one by one and watched the rainwater falling from the eaves of their houses. The water in the courtyards was full, and bubbles appeared one after another. Then it was shattered again, and there was a constant buzzing sound in the courtyard.

Dark clouds gathered and the sky became dark, making people feel even more depressed.

It's just that the rain in April is naturally getting warmer and drier as it rains, wetter and damper as it rains.

Such a heavy rain blocked people's sight and blocked people's coming and going.

Taishi ordered Hu Wujing to hold his neck and watch carefully under the eaves, and faithfully recorded this rare celestial phenomenon.

The heavily guarded Zhangtai Palace, without many ministers, naturally seemed a little deserted today.

Because Zhao Gao missed the wonderful show of a strange night, now every time the young master helps Su enter the palace, he will accompany him from beginning to end.I'm afraid that if I miss the slightest bit of His Highness's likes and dislikes, I might offend him if I'm not careful in the future.

Zhao Gao stood at the side of the banquet, quietly watching the king and his highness play chess.

But what surprised Zhao Gao was that the young master who used to have average chess skills suddenly increased his chess skills so much that the king summoned the young master many times.

And Fusu suddenly realized a new truth in this few months:

In the big test for the crown prince, sometimes the fight is not about strength, but about relationships.

Ying Zheng was so disgusted with his personality before, but Ying Zheng still valued him very much, which had a lot to do with Fusu's frequent visits to Zhangtai Palace to see Ying Zheng in person.

Today, Ying Zheng is in his prime and full of energy.

During his free time, although he was wearing simple white uniforms, the imperial dignity he had acquired over the past 30 years and the resolute temperament he had honed himself made people look up to him.

Now, Ying Zheng's black hair is tied up with a high crown, making him even more majestic.

The longer Fu Su stayed with Ying Zheng, it was natural that he would be influenced by Ying Zheng subtly.

The humble gentleman who used to be handsome and elegant has now become more powerful and decisive.

In the past, the dream of thousands of girls in Xianyang City was naturally King Qin Yingzheng, but now, there is another one.

"Your Majesty, General Wang Ben hastened to report." Zhong Shuling hurried forward to present a piece of cloth.

Ying Zheng didn't say a word, as if he didn't hear it, he continued to concentrate on looking for a way out.

Before watching chess, Fusu thought that Ying Zheng was at least a star in chess, but unexpectedly, he turned out to be a bronze.

After being defeated by him in several rounds, Ying Zheng's desire to win was aroused to its peak by Fu Su.

However, before the news of the victory came from the battle ahead, Ying Zheng dragged him to play chess and the sky was dark.

"Your Majesty, General Wang Ben hastened to report." Zhong Shuling said loudly again.

The law of Qin stipulates: those who are in a hurry to execute orders and book offices should do them;Those who stay will be dealt with according to the law.

"Father Jun——" Fusu took his hand back.


Zhao Gao then took the silk letter presented by Zhongshu Ling and handed it over to Ying Zheng.

To Fusu's surprise, Ying Zheng still didn't raise his head.

To know this move, you don't need to be suspicious for so long.Fusu quietly watched every move of Ying Zheng in front of him.

"Step back." Ying Zheng said again.

"Continue-" Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

After taking a look at Ying Zheng's livid face, Fu Su was so angry that he didn't dare to say anything. He had the courage like a kitten to accompany Ying Zheng to lose one game after another.

It gradually became dark.

The sound of the rain also stopped slightly, and the windows were closed tightly, for fear of moisture intruding into the hall.

The candlelight was shining brightly, and the Zhangtai Hall was bright.

Fusu's face was slightly haggard, and his eyes were even more dull.

"What, where was that arrogance from before?" Ying Zheng suddenly asked.

Only then did Fusu's eyes glow, and he bowed sincerely, "There is a saying among the people that ginger is still hot when old, and Fusu understands it today."

Ying Zheng laughed brightly.

For King Bo Qin to smile, Fusu also suffered a lot of mental suffering.

Now it seems that the hard work is worth it.

"Do you know what Wang Ben's urgent report wants to report?" Ying Zheng suddenly became serious.

(Code words are not easy, please vote for recommendation!)
(End of this chapter)

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