Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 63 I came here to visit General Wang (please ask for rewards and recommendation votes)

Chapter 63 I came here to visit General Wang (please ask for rewards and recommendation votes)

In Zhangtai Hall, Ying Zheng frowned.

In Zhao Gao's narrow eyes, two glowing white eyes slid back and forth.

Zhao Gao saw that the king was so worried and thought:

Since the king came to the throne when he was 13 years old, he has always wanted the wind to prevail and the rain to prevail. Since he got close to the king, he has rarely seen anything that makes the king so unhappy, unhappy and in a dilemma.

But now, under Zhao Gao's eyes, Ying Zheng frowned, his lips tightened, and anxiety burned between his brows.

Although there is no separation between life and death, there is the worry of impending disaster.

"Why should the king be troubled by the young master's reckless words? With 40 troops, that is the strength of the whole country."

Ying Zheng shook his head.

"With 40 troops, attack Chu with 30, and attack Qi with [-]. It should be noted that Fusu is not the only one who said this."

Zhao Gao naturally said who was the other person who said this.

"Then, Your Majesty, do you want to summon Guo Wei Liao to discuss this matter?"

Ying Zheng tapped the hilt of his sword with his index finger, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he stood up suddenly, "No, I have to ask Wang Jian in person."

The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the heat is in full swing.

The streets are lined with tiles of restaurants, and there are only a lot of vehicles passing by. Canopies are connected with each other, and pedestrians are even more crowded.

If someone accidentally leaks water on the street, the water will quickly turn into vapor.

Suddenly, three black knights rushed into the crowd.

One person in front and two behind.

The leading general held his sword high in his hand.

"Give way!"

"Quickly give way!"

Then, there was a sudden violent shaking on the ground.

"What's going on over there?"

There was a sudden commotion on the South Street of Xianyang City, and the noise alerted the guards on the high platform in the distance who were on the lookout.

Looking down from the high platform, two teams of black cavalry were running south from the direction of Xianyang Palace at extremely fast speeds.

The men on these black knights were all wearing black armor and had long white feathers on their helmets.

"It turns out to be the King's personal guard Hu Benjun——"

Every black knight in the Huben Army has his face covered tightly by armor, with only his eyes exposed and a small slit under his nose for breathing.

Not only that, the horses under each member of the Huben Army had shiny black fur, and their temples were neatly combed.

Each guard has a sword on his waist, a crossbow on his shoulder, and a bunch of crossbow arrows on his waist.

At this moment, they suddenly resembled a whirlwind and walked towards the south of the city, surrounded by a man in black robes and a jade crown.

To the south of the city are the residences of Qin's generals.

'Black Tornado' opened a way for Ying Zheng.

When the people on the roadside came to their senses, they realized that the man who had just rushed over to be escorted by the Tiger Army was their king. They fell to the ground one by one and shouted repeatedly.

"Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!"


But listening to the cries of these people, the tiger soldiers became more and more vigilant.

The king suddenly had to leave the palace to go to the royal shogunate. The official of the CRRC had no time to prepare his chariot, and of course there was no one to clean the streets.

And the king is very eager to see General Wang.

So, there was this scene.

Ying Zheng personally rode his horse and led a group of guards to the south of the city.

Pedestrians on the street fell to their knees, the carriage was pushed aside, and some even climbed on the carriage and shouted "Long live the king."

The streets were once in chaos, but by the time the soldiers and horses from the city defense camp arrived, the Huben army had long disappeared.

Arriving in front of the Wang family shogunate, Ying Zheng saw Old Wang Jian hurriedly walking out to greet him.

Wang Jian was obviously unprepared before, and he was still shirtless now.

Seeing Yingzheng Wang Jian bowing.

"In the end, we will be disappointed, but we still hope to forgive you."

Wang Jian knew that he didn't greet him, and he was not very polite, so he felt very guilty.

But Wang Jian didn't know why the king suddenly came to his house.

As he spoke, Ying Zheng had already dismounted and casually threw the whip in his hand to the leader of the Huben Army.

"What's your crime, my dear? Please get up quickly."

With that said, Ying Zheng walked up to Wang Jian and personally helped Wang Jian up, who was standing on the first stone step.

The summer heat was at its peak, and Ying Zheng was naturally sweating as he galloped around like this.

Ying Zheng stared at the empty land in front of the Wang family shogunate with his eyes widened, and felt inexplicably comfortable.

After a while, Wang Ben also walked out of the door.

"The last general pays homage to the king."

Wang Ben naturally wore a lot more clothes than his father. He wore a dark brown shirt on his upper body, which added a bit of gentleness to his eyes.

But even so, his muscular figure was still so obvious, and his straight chest was bound by the dark clothes, almost bursting out.

"This is the chest that every man in the Qin Kingdom envies."

Ying Zheng stared at Wang Ben's chest, and then punched Wang Ben twice.

"Wang Ben, your chest is stronger than that of a widow.

Wang Ben was touched by the king's intimacy with him, and at the same time he was amused by the king's behavior.

"Your Majesty, please don't make fun of me. My father pointed at Wang Ben's chest today and said that my general's limbs are so developed that he has no merits."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng naturally looked up to the sky and laughed.

Then the father and son were talking and laughing, and embraced Ying Zheng into the house.

The royal palace, the palace of generals, has a strict natural atmosphere, but it is not as magnificent and magnificent as Xianyang Palace.

Wang Ben led the way for Yingzheng and entered the main hall, where Yingzheng sat in the upper seat.

Wang Jian knew that the king must have something important to do, otherwise he wouldn't be so impatient, he didn't even need the imperial chariot, and led his personal guards, Huben army, to come on horseback.

Sweating all over, Ying Zheng suddenly felt that his mind had cleared up a lot.

After Wang Jian ordered people to bring the wine utensils, he turned away everyone.

Wang Ben personally poured wine for Ying Zheng.

This time the wine was full, Ying Zheng just looked at it and immediately put on the sad look he had before in Zhangtai Palace.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

"Old General Wang fought for me on the battlefield, conquered half of the country for me, and made great contributions to my ambition to unify the seven kingdoms. Naturally, I came to visit Old General Wang in person today."

Wang Jian's face suddenly turned pale as he listened.

"The king's order is like a mountain."

Wang Jian spoke first.

"The last general can win the battle with Quanzi, and it all depends on the king's strategizing to win thousands of miles. The last general and Quanzi dare not take credit for it."

Ying Zheng smiled lightly, as if he had just asked the question unintentionally.

"Old General, you also saw it in the court today. Li Xin threatened to defeat Chu with a hundred thousand troops. I wonder if General Wang thinks that Li Xin can really defeat Chu with a hundred thousand troops?"

Wang Jian lowered his eyes.

The king came to ask him in person, so naturally he still valued him as an old guy.

Originally, Wang Jian didn't intend to speak his mind.

They have been king and minister for more than 20 years, and he knows the king's character very well.

While he and his son made military exploits for the king, they also stabbed a thorn in the king's heart.

Wang Jian looked solemn, but he got straight to the point.

"Xiang Yan of Chu State is definitely no match for Li Xin."

Ying Zheng's eyes darkened slightly, and he rubbed the hilt of his waist anxiously again.

(End of this chapter)

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