Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 64 Must be 4 (please recommend monthly tickets and reward!)

Chapter 64 Must be 40 (please recommend monthly tickets and reward!)

Wang Jian is sitting on the right seat, his face full of wrinkles, now rosy and peaceful due to drinking a little wine.

Compared with Ying Zheng, who had a solemn look on his face, it seemed that they were not talking about the same thing at all.

"Then if General Wang personally goes into battle, can we be absolutely sure?"

The title of General Wang was naturally a particularly kind name for Ying Zheng.

Wang Jian is familiar with the king. If the king calls him like this, he must be asking for help again.

Suddenly, Ying Zheng asked.

Something is wrong!

Wang Jian was startled, and his face slowly solidified, as if burning hot liquid wax suddenly turned solid, and the life on his face suddenly disappeared.

Wang Jian originally thought that the king just had a sudden whim and wanted to take a look at this old man.

After all, the major affairs of the country have been decided, and he, an old man, never thought that he would be able to go to the battlefield again.

And Bi'er was his own son, and the two father and son had accomplished enough military exploits.

A few days ago, rumors spread in the palace that the king was afraid of Bi'er...

Seeing Wang Jian's serious expression, Ying Zheng suddenly became relaxed, his eyes were clear, and he looked at Wang Jian expectantly.

"Your Majesty, my father is indeed old and it is inconvenient for him to go on another expedition."

Wang Ben suddenly spoke, but Ying Zheng turned a deaf ear to Wang Ben's words and just stared at Wang Jian. .

Wang Jian knew he couldn't escape.

But he still wanted to live a few more years for himself and his children and grandchildren, so he had to refuse.

"Your Majesty, the general is old and can no longer ride his horse. How can he lead the army against the Chu army?"

Wang Jian's tone was long and drawn out, with a sense of vicissitudes of life.

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

I heard a few days ago that you, Wang Jian, took your grandson out to walk the dog. The grandson and grandpa had a great time playing together all day long.

Ying Zheng suddenly laughed and toasted Wang Jian.

"General Wang, don't be nervous. This is not the Dazheng Palace. I came here today just to have a chat with General Wang."

Wang Jian's heart was in doubt, so he had no choice but to respond respectfully.

"I listen to what Fu Su said. Wang Li, the youngest grandson of General Wang, has made rapid progress in riding and shooting skills in recent days, but I don't know who got the guidance from an expert. Since I am here today, I want to meet him."

Ying Zheng said it casually.

When Wang Jian heard this, he was naturally speechless and his face suddenly turned red, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Wang Ben tightened his face and did not dare to make a sound.

Wang Jian opened his mouth again and again, and his goatee instantly became as dry and lifeless as grass in winter.

"Your Majesty, there is no famous teacher in the general's house. Quanzi's teacher is just a nobody. Recently, thanks to my father's urging, he has made some progress."

Wang Ben said in a roundabout way.

Ying Zheng had no intention of blaming Wang Jian, but he hated people who deceived him the most!
However, Wang Jian had made countless military exploits for him, and he was forced to say such words under the pressure of others.

Ying Zheng was very relieved that the Wang family and his son knew how to advance and retreat, and knew what to do.

The matter just settled in my mind.

Seeing that the king looked troubled and worried, Wang Ben thought to himself that the most important thing was to solve the king's worries as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty, are you still worried about attacking Chu? I think you can try what the young master said today. At least, don't rush to attack Chu."

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up and he asked, "What do you mean by this?"

"After all, the Chu State has a vast territory and a large population. The general will think that attacking Chu is no less difficult than attacking Zhao."

"Back then, I spent hundreds of thousands of troops attacking Zhao. Now you say that attacking Chu is no less important than attacking Zhao. Then Wang Ben, if I sent you to attack Chu, how many troops and horses do you think are suitable?"

Ying Zheng held his hand behind him, his expression was awe-inspiring and frightening.

Even without wearing the royal robe, Ying Zheng's calm and self-imposed aura is already intimidating.

Wang Ben only felt that his mouth suddenly became shorter, and he didn't know how to speak.

"Just say it."

Ying Zheng's tone softened slightly.

Wang Ben thought about it again and again, swallowing his throat with a lump in his throat, and then said tremblingly.

"The general thinks that even if you say less, you will get 30."


Ying Zheng was puzzled.

This number is actually consistent with what Fusu said.

"Your Majesty, the dog is extremely stupid. Please don't believe it, Your Majesty."

At that moment, Wang Jian suddenly made a suggestion.

"What do you mean, General Wang? Do you also think that 30 troops are too many?"

Ying Zheng's words were inside and out, so he naturally felt that it was not advisable to use 30 troops.

Yes, an army of 30 will undoubtedly shake the foundation of Qin.

Wang Jian shook his head, his eyes slightly timid, as if he didn't dare to speak clearly.

Ying Zheng stood up suddenly, walked to Wang Jian, and half-supported Wang Jian to sit on the right seat.

The two were sitting side by side. Wang Jian was no stranger to this situation.

"Old General Wang, you are the eldest general in the court, and also the general who has made the most merits. That's why I named you the general."

Wang Jian couldn't help but feel hot in his heart when he heard this.

Yes, the king entered Qin when he was young, but now the king's sons are as old as his grandchildren.

He served Qin for many years and received great favor from the king.

Decades of ups and downs...

Wang Jian relented.

"As far as I am concerned, in this world today, only the two kingdoms of Qi and Chu have not entered the center. To be honest, if I had not wanted to win the hearts of the people of the world and stabilize the territory of Guandong, I would have ordered Li Xin to lead an army of [-] to attack Chu. .”

Ying Zheng confides his heart to Wang Jian.

Wang Jian hesitated again and again, but still said.

"Your Majesty, this attack on Chu requires 40 troops."

When Wang Ben heard this, he thought there was something wrong with his ears.

Could it be that my father is really old and confused?

As for Ying Zheng, the smile on his face naturally disappeared completely.

"Is the old general joking with me?"

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows, his expression extremely surprised.

"With an army of 40, doesn't this mean that a few people will use the strength of the whole country to attack a small area of ​​Chu?"

Seeing Ying Zheng's disappointed look, Wang Jian said again.

"If I can replace Xiang Yan, I can give it a try for 30 yuan."

Ying Zheng was shocked, and immediately stood up and walked around the hall with his long sword.

"Is Xiang Yan really that powerful? He actually frightened Wang Jian, the most powerful general in the Qin Kingdom."

Ying Zheng looked sideways, his eyes slightly indignant.

"I have heard of Xiang Yan's name before, but I really can't understand. The Chu country has already eaten away half of its territory. When it comes to attacking Chu, all the generals look confused."

"If word spreads, people will not laugh at me. Instead of fighting harder and harder, the powerful general under me will be so cowed."

"Only Li Xin dares to defeat Chu with one hundred thousand. Is it possible that among my men, only one Li Xin can be called a general?"

Faced with Ying Zheng's provocative questioning, Wang Jian remained unmoved.

The 40-strong army was still a temporary idea he came up with.

Now it costs less than 40 to attack Chu.

However, 30 troops were too much for the king, so he could only say 40.I hope that based on the king's character, he can reconsider this matter.

At the end, Wang Jian took a long breath and looked ashamed.

"Your Majesty, Wang Jian is old and can no longer be loyal."

Wang Jian drew a sad tone.

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Jian. He had white hair, a face full of wrinkles, and his eyes were in two sunken pits. He looked very old.

The friendship between Ying Zheng and Wang Jian is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

It should be noted that Wang Jian taught Ying Zheng how to ride horses and archery when he was a boy.

Naturally, Ying Zheng didn't believe Wang Jian's "hypocritical attitude", but it was hard for him to expose it.

(End of this chapter)

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