Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 65: Things are unpredictable (please give me recommendations and monthly votes!)

Chapter 65: Things are unpredictable (please give me recommendations and monthly votes!)

When I came here, the heat outside was unbearable and the sun was shining brightly. Now, the heat has subsided slightly, but the air is extremely dry.

Occasionally, hot wind blows and hits Ying Zheng's face.

Ying Zheng suddenly couldn't wait to return to Zhangtai, where it was warm in winter and cool in summer...

"In that case, from now on, General Wang will enjoy his family happiness at home."

Ying Zheng just said a few words and ended Wang Jian's career in Qin.

Unlike Wang Ben, who was both surprised and frightened inside.

Although Wang Jian was shocked, he quickly accepted the fact and immediately took the initiative to express his gratitude.

"Wang Jian thanks your Majesty for your consideration."

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Jian, who was bowing in front of him, with some reluctance.

With that said, Wang Jian said again.

"Has your Majesty thought about who will take over the position of General?"

Ying Zheng was stunned.

"Who does the old general think can take over the post of general?"

Ying Zheng understood that Wang Jian wanted to recommend someone to him.

"General Meng Wumeng, in terms of merit, reputation, and loyalty, is enough to help the king command the three armies."

"I will consider your proposal carefully."

Ying Zheng responded solemnly.

Then, Ying Zheng looked at Wang Ben suddenly, "For the past few days, Wang Ben, please stay with the old general well. If there is no serious matter, you don't need to see him."

It is one thing for a king to feel for his father.But being afraid of their Wang family is another matter.

Perhaps this is the fate of their father and son.

"The last will obey."

"I have something important to do, so I'll go back to the palace first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ying Zheng left without looking back.

"I will send you to your Majesty at last."

Wang Ben and Wang Jian said in unison, until Ying Zheng's back disappeared, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The father and son of the Wang family first went out to greet him in a panic, and then answered the king's questions. Both of them were trembling and walking on thin ice, but now the king suddenly left them at home.

Something happened suddenly. It was clear that the father and son were still melancholy under the moonlight last night, and they were worried about this morning.

But in the early morning, Mr. Fusu suddenly appeared, impassioned, and Li Xin, young and frivolous.

But now, the two of them suddenly no longer have military power in their hands.

The two father and son couldn't help but look at each other, and then smiled at each other as if they were relieved.

"Father, you can feel at ease now."

Wang Ben always knew what his father was worried about.

Suddenly, Wang Jian thought of someone and said, "Not necessarily."


Qingyang Palace, Chonghua Palace.

In the summer night, the cicadas chirp noisily and the warm breeze blows people away.

In the Chonghua Palace, the graceful curves of the palace ladies wearing pink gauze can be seen at a glance.

The heat is stirring people's hearts. On a night like this, it seems a pity not to do something...

In the inner hall, Fusu was lying on the couch lazily, wearing only his middle coat and half-opening his smooth and strong chest.

Fusu half-closed his eyes, and a palace maid served him drinking wine.

Behind the curtain of the inner hall are the female music officials who came from the Wei Kingdom in the past.

It uses five tones as the rhythm and three hundred poems as the song.

Although they were simple musical instruments, they produced tunes that Fusu had never heard before.

The singers all had excellent voices, and the wonderful sounds reached my ears like gurgling springs flowing into the ocean.

Beside the couch, there were two young women standing, one was fanning Fusu to cool him down, the other was helping the young master massage the acupoints on his head.

Although I don’t know if the Huangdi Neijing was written by Huangdi, he actually figured out these acupuncture points in ancient times.

Fusu couldn't help being surprised.

Fusu naturally had to make good use of the wealth left by his ancestors thousands of years ago.

Suddenly, the maid's hand was taken away, and a pair of tender hands suddenly touched Fusu's eyes.

These hands, cool and smooth, gently covered Fusu's eyes.

Fusu chuckled and let out a muffled groan.


Wang Lin giggled, put her hands together and patted each other, the youngest daughter was full of emotion.

"Young Master actually knows it's Lin'er?"

Fusu suddenly sat up, his chest half-naked.

"Other than Madam, who else in this Chonghua Palace would be so bold."

With that said, Fusu pulled Wang Lin into his arms and let her lean against his chest.

Wang Lin suddenly blushed.


This delicate sound matches the scorching summer heat and arouses people's desire.

Fusu couldn't help but sigh, ancient beauties were really pure and lustful.

Wang Lin's bright eyes were shining, her face was never painted, and her beauty was natural. Fusu found it pleasing to the eye every time he saw her.

Fusu whispered in Wang Lin's ear, "Lin'er came to see me tonight, but there is something important?"

Wang Lin's pink face turned as red as a ripe peach, almost turning purple.

Wang Lin was wearing red clothes, under the bright yellow candlelight, her complexion was even more fair.

A slender neck, distinct collarbones, and a white chest.

So tempting.

"Concubine—I just want to read books with you."

After Wang Lin finished speaking, she ran away from Fusu and walked to the side room.

Fusu felt depressed.

Why are you still so serious?
But Fusu liked her arrogance from a wealthy family even more.

Well, let's go to the book--

"Go back."

The young master suddenly spoke, and the maids in the palace naturally filed out.Suddenly only Wang Lin and Fu Su were left in the hall.

The moon rose higher and higher.

There are a few light clouds in the sky, loosely hanging on the slightly bright sky, like a woman's hair bun.

In the Chonghua Hall, the spring scenery is beautiful, but the atmosphere is hotter than outside the hall.

With no outsiders around, Wang Lin naturally let go of her restraints.

While Fusu was enjoying it, he also did not forget to give Wang Lin lessons as agreed.

(hope to pass the review)


The next day, Fusu got up feeling refreshed and reluctant to let go of the delicate beauty in his arms.

"I heard that the young master is going to be an envoy to Qi, but is it true?"

Wang Lin buried her head in the quilt and asked softly.

"If your father allows me, I will leave soon."

Wang Lin suddenly fell silent.

Fusu also understood her thoughts, but he couldn't take her with him.

"Then how long are you going?"

In the palace, she was not spoiled to be so squeamish and angry.

Fusu suddenly fell into deep thought.

Qin and Qi are far apart, and it takes two months to go back and forth.

And, he has other things to do.

"It's as little as three months, as much as half a year."

 As long as you can understand it, I have racked my brains...

  Please vote for recommendations and monthly passes!
(End of this chapter)

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