Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 66: Talking about the relationship between cousins ​​(please vote for recommendation!)

Chapter 66: Talking about the relationship between cousins ​​(please vote for recommendation!)

When it came to business, Fusu's eyes flashed slightly.

In fact, attacking Chu and Qi would not have been so troublesome.

For Ying Zheng, he has thousands of troops and horses in his hands, and there is no place in the world that he cannot conquer.

But what Fusu was worried about was that Ying Zheng would eventually change his mind suddenly, abandon the policy of courtesy first and then attack Chu, and directly let Li Xin lead troops to attack Chu.

But Ying Zheng is the future First Emperor after all. If he can't think foresight and foresight, how can he succeed the King of Qin?
He would not really care about what the people of the Six Kingdoms thought. Those subjugated nobles who were raised in the Xianyang Villa were the best examples.

Fusu thought that he had made his interests clear to Ying Zheng, that the mission was just a roundabout tactic, and that Ying Zheng was not impatient.

Fusu turned around, only to see Wang Lin leaning on his shoulder, slightly lost in thought, with a serious look on her face, and her emerald white jade fingers intertwined together.

Fusu held those jade hands and said in a warm voice.

"This matter has not been decided yet. Besides, you may not trust me to go on a mission?"

Wang Lin calmed down.

"Yes, the relationship between the two countries is very important, and envoys are extremely important. Your Highness has never been on an envoy before. How can you rest assured that your son will be an envoy to Qi on our behalf?"

Fusu raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"What's so difficult about this? When I go on a mission, there will definitely be ministers watching over me. Of course, this is a small matter, but more importantly, I am going to demonstrate to the King of Qi."

Wang Lin listened, and couldn't help showing admiration to the young master.

"Since the young master is so confident, I will go and talk to my father today. Maybe my father can convince your father."

Fusu thought to himself that although his father-in-law was trusted by Ying Zheng and he could rely on him, Wang Wan was now on Li Xin's side when it came to attacking Chu.

"If you want to see your father, you can choose the treasures in this hall's private treasury at will and bring them to Wang Qing. However, it's fine for you and me to whisper in the room about the affairs of the court. Don't talk to your father. Talk too much in front of me.”

Wang Lin listened and nodded obediently.

"I understand."


For several days in a row, the sky in Xianyang was covered with dark clouds, and the sky was blue-gray, making people feel depressed.

In the Chonghua Palace, Young Master Fusu continued to listen to music and compose music as usual, seemingly not caring about the unexpected events at all.

But Fusu was still full of energy, showing no sign of laziness or weakness as he indulged in wine and meat.

After several songs, Fusu finally called a halt and dismissed the music officials.

"Sir, today the king has summoned Li Tingwei to play chess with him."

Fusu remained silent.

He knew who got the news about Shen Yu.

Shen Yu was inexplicably curious.

Why is it that the young master has close contacts with all the ministers, but he is a little cold to Lord Tingwei Li Sili?

Could it be because of that.

Shen Yu was delighted.

After thinking about it again and again, Shen Yu said again.

"I also heard that the king is considering the marriage of the second young master."

After hearing this, Fusu opened his closed eyes.

"What did your father say?"

"They say they want the second young master to marry Li Tingwei's daughter."

Hearing this, Fu Su raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Li Si has always been cautious and will definitely not take the initiative to mention this matter to Mr. Jun."

"Young master knows everything well. It is true that Li Tingwei did not mention this matter. It was the king who wanted to marry Li Tingwei on a whim."

"It is okay for Li Si's daughter to marry your father's concubine, but it is not allowed for your father's princess to marry Li Si's son. This is nothing."

Fusu looked indifferent.

Seeing that the young master didn't care much about this matter, Shen Yu couldn't help but worry:

Since ancient times, there have been very few people who were established as princes but successfully succeeded to the throne in the end.

What's more, in the past, Zhao State had a saying of abolishing the elders and establishing the young.

But Shen Yu could only keep these words in his heart and speak them out, which would alienate the relationship between the young master and his brothers.

Fusu didn't care about the relationship between Ting Wei Li Si and his second brother Jiang Lu.

Because, Li Si's daughter can only marry his concubines at most.

Li Si was a weakling, and he would fall to anyone who was strong.

Now that he is in the limelight, Li Si is more willing to marry his daughter to him.It's a pity that the current Prime Minister is Wang Wan instead of Li Si.

It was his seventeen younger brothers who really worried Fusu sometimes.

Why does he have so many brothers?

In this garden of the royal family, brothers fight each other, either you die or I die.

The war without gunpowder never stops for a moment. Suspicion and oppression are like a duo, always ringing in everyone's ears.

Fusu has always believed in one word.

learn from mistakes.

His younger brothers have all learned their lesson after experiencing the rash 'collective action' last time.

In a few years, they will all leave the palace and start a family, and then they will have followers in their own homes...

Even, it is easier than him to get close to the ministers of the DPRK and China.


They will advocate for enfeoffment!
The naked stakes are before our eyes.

Fusu stared quietly at Juezhong Fine Wine with his eyes, resting his chin in thought.

Suddenly, Fusu thought that after Ying Zheng personally announced that he was the crown prince in the court, Jianglu, Ying Gao, Ying Yu, and Ying Chang came to the Chonghua Palace to congratulate him.

Thinking of this, Fusu understood that he should also express his cousin love to them.

To avoid being blamed in the future.

The wine cup in Fusu's hand shook slightly, and the white light glowed in the wine, reflecting Shen Yu's pale and clean face.

"I have recently come up with a new way to eat. Please go and invite some of the royal brothers for me to come to my Chonghua Palace to have a meal together tonight."


It turned out to be noon at this time.

But suddenly, strong winds came and heavy rain poured down from the sky.

On the side of the corridor, under the eaves of the palace, there is a layer of water curtain.

There were flashes of lightning in the sky, and thunder and lightning struck the earth fiercely. Heavy rain poured down on the ground.

The heat and heat of summer have been completely washed away, and the air is filled with the smell of fish and grass roots.

The streets of Xianyang City were naturally deserted.

The cool air spreads to every corner of Xianyang.

From the dignitaries to the common people, everyone warms up with wine in this weather.

But the side hall of Chonghua Hall of Qingyang Palace was extremely lively.

Several young men in bright-colored dark clothes gathered around a makeshift wooden table. There was a pot on the table.

Obviously, these are several young men having a meal.

The pot was steaming with hot peppers, turmeric, and grains of Sichuan peppercorns. There were plates of extremely thin slices of meat on the side of the pot, including fish, mutton, venison, and chicken. There is tofu.

In addition, there are some wild vegetables that the untouchables use to satisfy their hunger.

When Jiang Lu came here for the first time, if he hadn't seen his eldest brother already sitting on the table with his sister-in-law in a gorgeous dress, his pride would have almost forced him to think that his eldest brother was bringing some 'pig food' to the table to humiliate him.

When Ying Yu first saw "hot pot", he was immediately disappointed because it was not the famous Qilu dishes such as sweet and sour carp and Shili ginkgo.

It's a good thing that he didn't know that the food used by the common people was these chrysanthemums, shepherd's purse and the like, otherwise he would definitely not be able to swallow them.

Fusu saw General Lu coming with his brothers. Although they had different expressions, Fusu was very generous and let them serve wine as soon as they came.

Later, several Wang brothers followed Fusu's instructions and cooked the mutton slices.

Ying Yu's first entrance attempt.

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(End of this chapter)

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