Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 702 I just don’t want to pick up the watermelon and lose the cucumber (please give me a mont

Chapter 702 I just don’t want to pick up the watermelon and lose the cucumber (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Meng Yi said:

"This Confucian way is often unrealistic. It has strict rules and regulations and limits people within them. It is definitely not the way to make the empire last for a long time. Now is the era of great rule, and the empire has a territory of thousands of miles. If you use Confucian techniques, it will be Laying the foundation for the empire. Our Qin State emphasizes the rule of law because we see the needs of the people at the bottom for promotion. Often the period when common people can be promoted is when the Qin State is the most powerful."

"Confucianism is only suitable for gentlemen to cultivate virtue. Cultivating oneself, managing one's family, governing the country, and bringing peace to the world is actually for the nobility. If the common people learn this way, they will be in trouble over time. You must know that what Confucianism emphasizes is class hierarchy, but This is exactly the opposite of the truth. If Confucianism is used on the officials and the common people, the consequences will be disastrous. If you have the ability, why not teach some common people to learn and read the law. If it goes on for a long time, it will be a big disaster."

"How can a gentleman's cultivation skills be transferred down to the officials and the people to learn them? It is no different than giving jade stones in your hands to the common people to dig in the ground."

[Yu Yao, a very long piece of jade that the ministers of the Qin Dynasty held in their hands when going to court. 】

These words were so catchy that all the Legalist scholars and officials clapped their hands and applauded, and all the Confucian scholars blushed and were speechless.

Because in fact, by the time of Qin II, only Mencius and Xunzi promoted the progress of Confucianism, but the Confucianism founded by Confucius essentially served the aristocratic class.

Nowadays, the Confucianists ask them to use Confucianism in the name of serving the people. It does feel like using a saddle to harness an ox, and the Confucian scholars naturally feel embarrassed.

In recent years, Confucianism and Legalism have been fighting fiercely in the court, but these struggles have promoted the contact and exchanges between Confucian and Legalists, and have also promoted the conceptual renewal of the two academic schools.

Especially in the era of great rule, both Confucianism and Legalism are actively working hard to improve the strategies used to govern the people in order to gain political power.

In today's quarrel, it is obvious that the Legalists represented by Meng Yi have won.

The back hall was bustling with excitement. Everyone ate, drank and rested for an hour. Some even took this time to take a nap.

The Second Emperor was resting in the Palace of Prayer for Good Harvests, and all the servants at the Shangshutai were serving him. There was one person who was a little impatient in this environment.

"I went to court today and saw that those military strategists were once again mentioning the preparation of the army."

Minister Fan Ying said:
"Your Majesty, this shouldn't be the case. Your Majesty has punished thousands of families with military exploits, which can be described as the emperor's thunderous wrath. Now there is no soldier in the world who wants to be granted the title of marquis or general."

The second generation didn't say anything and just lay on his side on the couch, which showed that he was not interested in Fan Ying's words.

This one doesn't work, the next one will come.

Lin Mu, the assistant minister, thought to himself that today the emperor did not say military commander but used the term military strategist.This military art has always been the way to govern a country, and is not just a simple combat strategy. Now that His Majesty mentions military art again, it can be seen that he is interested in what today's generals say.

"Your Majesty rejected the strategy of exhausting the people and chose the Guanzhong standard system. He wanted to slowly rule the world, which I deeply agree with. However, our Qin State has always had many soldiers and generals. Although it is a time of great rule, we cannot neglect the construction of the army. .”

"The first emperor ruled the world, and the king and minister each held half of the tiger talismans. Now the left and right halves of the tiger talismans are in my hands."

After everyone heard this, they were silent for a while.

Li Zuoche was kidnapped by Qin II. He stayed in the palace for a long time and felt very comfortable. Some of his previous thoughts also changed.

"Is Your Majesty planning to regroup and intimidate those outside the border?"

But the second generation stood up and shook his head and said:

"Outside the Pass, there is no need for me to bother. With Qin's current strength, even if the Six Kingdoms of Guandong come back, as long as Qin sends troops from Hangu Pass, the world will still belong to me. This is the result of the 14 years of hard work after the empire was unified. , even though he offended those common men who had subjugated their country, it preserved the old Qin people’s support for the Qin State.”

"Then what is your Majesty so embarrassed about? His Majesty has always advocated disarmament, recuperation, and recuperation. Now such talk has come up in the court. His Majesty should have been furious, but now he is still calm. It can be seen that your Majesty is not satisfied with the court today. Zhiyan is angry and is even reconsidering the matter."

Qin Er looked at the people in front of him and then spoke what was in his heart.

"I have never disliked thousands of troops, let alone opening up territories. But if I want thousands of troops, then they must only be willing to obey my orders; if these thousands of troops are only willing to Listen to what the general says, then why should I feed them with food and grass?"

"I also hope that I can expand the territory in my lifetime, but if the Xiongnu is destroyed and the late emperor's legacy is fulfilled, what's the point of looking back and the war in the Central Plains starts again and the princes are restored."

All the ministers said:

"Your Majesty is absolutely right."

"I want to free up my hands to personally build an army and build an army that only belongs to me."

"If His Majesty wants to do this, he will have to leave the court for a long time. This is absolutely unacceptable."

"So, I want you to find a way for me. The late emperor created the emperor system, but you have also seen its effect. Everything is decided by one person. Once there is a problem in the middle link, the emperor will lose control of the counties. If I If we don't give those county guards and county officials a beating, I'm afraid the remnants of the country's subjugation will have reappeared long ago."

"Then your Majesty wants to change the emperor system?"

After hearing this, Li Zuoche admired Qin Er even more for a while.

"Our country of Qin has always had a tradition of reforming based on circumstances. If something goes wrong and is not corrected in time, do we have to wait for the second mistake? People cannot and should not cross the same river twice."

Li Zuoche lowered his head and thought for a while, then said truthfully:

"If Your Majesty mentions this matter at this time, I am afraid that some people will take advantage of it. As far as I know, the turmoil in the court has just subsided. If the imperial system is changed at this time, it will definitely restore some forces."

"So I have to make good preparations and resolve the uncontrollable factors first. And I cannot be the one to mention this matter, otherwise I will fall into an extremely passive situation."

Immediately, the second generation looked at the few people serving in the queue.

"When I create an inner dynasty, I have to ask you for your opinions on everything. Although you are different from the courtiers, you are all my confidants. This matter is related to the operation of the empire in the future. I want to see it in my lifetime. Xianyang City gives an order Under the rule of law, counties and counties all over the world heard the news and helped each other. The empire may have created a system of counties and counties, but without the blood relationship to maintain it, maintaining the emperor would probably be more difficult than feudalism."

"This matter is no small matter. I will give the three of you ten days today to help me find a way to solve the problem of how to control those county guards. The three of you were personally selected by me, and you have been with me for half a year. There are still many vacancies among the four departments, it depends on whether you are willing?"

 I want to update you!Completed

(End of this chapter)

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