Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 703: Another Census in Guanzhong (please give me a monthly ticket recommendation!)

Chapter 703: Another Census in Guanzhong (please give me a monthly ticket recommendation!)

Returning to the Dazheng Hall in the afternoon, the ice and snow outside have begun to melt, and the sharp swords held by the twelve golden men are shining in the light of the sun.

This time when they returned to the court, everyone's faces were filled with joy.

"In the early morning, you all discussed a lot about the country's population plan. I have just discussed with the Minister of Public Affairs and the Minister of Finance. In order to arrange follow-up matters, I want all 27 counties in Guanzhong to reorganize the population and household registration and compile it in the register. This time , the date of birth, gender, and age must be recorded on a family basis. As for the refugees, they must also be registered as a single household, and their age and gender must be recorded in the register."

"A few days ago, I asked you, Zhang Cang, to compile clan chronicles together with officials from various counties and counties. Now we are starting to work on these two things together."

Naturally, Zhang Cang, the Minister of Household Affairs who presided over the audit, quickly stepped forward and said Wei.

"This time, there are no refugees who are not on the household registration list. I know that under the counties and counties, there are villages. And these villages are often difficult to reach due to the remote terrain, so orders from the government are difficult to reach, so we need to rely on the three elders in the village."

"In order for my orders to be issued to all villages in the world, I also need to send a list of the villages in the world. The names, allusions and family backgrounds of the three elders who manage them must also be reported in detail. Documents recorded by people in the world in the past must be written on bamboo slips. Bamboo slips are bulky and difficult to carry, and it is even more inconvenient to modify, add or delete. Now I have been creating paper for 14 years, especially the manufacturing technology in Xianyang City. I have become very skilled. I think there should be nothing to hinder the world from conducting a census. .”

"The world is peaceful and there are no wars. If you want to manage the empire well, you must understand the situation of the empire. It's just that the empire is thousands of miles away, and I have more than I can do. This census is only conducted in the 27 counties in Guanzhong."

"I heard from Wei Ji that we have handled population surveys in the past, but they involved many issues. The empire is spread over thousands of miles, and the customs and customs are very different in different places. Moreover, the terrain and climate conditions are very different, but the same town has to be given two names. , belonging to two counties."

"This reorganization is different from the past. It must be meticulous. There can be no counties in the world that are not on my map, there can be no people who are not in the register, there can be no villages that are not under the jurisdiction of counties and counties, and there can be no empire that is not The three elders who know.”

"I want the county governors to clarify the boundary between counties and re-draw the map. If anyone is hiding in the mountains and old forests and wants to escape from the world, let me pull him out. If there is a village far away from the county, let him Move your family and live close to the capital, so that my orders will not be conveyed to their ears."

The second generation showed the momentum of doing what he said and doing it well. After hearing this, the ministers naturally followed suit.

"I will gather all the people in the empire to complete this matter. Within three months, we will complete the clan register, the household register of the world, the register of the villages and towns of the world, and the register of the three elders. The Ministry of Husbandry and the Ministry of Personnel will work together to complete this matter."

Zhang Cang bowed:

"Your Majesty, to this day, the Ministry of Personnel has no leader. Aren't the so-called Ministry of Personnel responsible for managing officials' promotions? In the past, this matter was handled by the Prime Minister. Now the empire has no prime minister, and the Ministry of Personnel is even more leaderless. Although there are government officials, But there is no one to control the transfer, and the officials are loose-minded."

There is no prime minister or minister of official affairs. The dispatch and promotion of officials depend entirely on the emperor's decision.

It was very satisfying for Fusu to hold the power of appointing and removing officials alone, but holding on to this power all the time was not a good thing for the empire.

After all, the emperor is the leader who stays in the palace all year round to deal with major affairs of the empire. It is impossible for him to go down to the front line and not know the situation ahead.

Feng Jie knew that the emperor had always wanted to bring Xiao He to Xianyang City, so why not take a step back now.

Xiao He has not yet come to Xianyang City, but all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty know that there is a position in this empire that belongs to him.

"Your Majesty, the humble minister Feng Jie has something to report."

"Start playing."

"Since your Majesty put an end to the chaos in the capital and purged the traitors, the position of prime minister of the empire has now been vacant, and the position of the nine ministers is missing. But since your majesty has set up four ministries to handle political affairs, I think that the position of prime minister is not urgent. But now it is necessary To deal with the issues of population, clans, counties, and townships, Wei Chen believes that there can no longer be a vacancy for the Minister of Staff. Your Majesty needs to find someone who can convince all the officials in counties and counties in the empire. Only if you are competent, otherwise this Minister of the Ministry of Officials is useless."

Feng Jie's words were very satisfactory to the ministers in the court. The son of the former prime minister was indeed still powerful.When he shifts his focus to the political affairs of the court, people always feel vaguely that he alone can equal the prime minister of the empire.

The second generation saw that every time Feng Jie spoke, all the ministers looked at him sideways, and they were obviously convinced by Feng Jie.

The second thought, now the rest of the court are some sages, Feng Jie is outstanding, if I don't use him, it will make the ministers feel that they don't know people, wouldn't it go against my original "Zhou Gong vomits and feeds the world and returns to his heart" promise.After a long time, Feng Jie must have his own vassals, which is not good for me.

The Meng brothers saw that Feng Jie was about to show off again, and they had no intention of stopping him now.

By this time, everyone had a vague idea of ​​who should be the Minister of Staff.

Qin II widened his sleeves,
"Then Doctor Feng thinks who can be qualified to serve as the Minister of Civil Affairs."

Everyone held their breath and pricked up their ears to listen. Everyone was very curious about who could enter the court of Wu Xinhou, the son of the first prime minister.

Feng Jie pretended to be thoughtful and replied after a moment:
"Your Majesty, this Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs can be said to be the person in charge of the Prime Minister's responsibilities. Now he has to interact with the officials of the prefectures and governors all over the world. He not only has a high status in the court, but also has great powers and responsibilities. A non-prudent person cannot hold this position. I heard that there is Xiao He, the governor of Jiangdong, who is famous all over Jiangdong, and he is praised by His Majesty himself as the object that all the governors of the world can emulate."

"I heard that friends from Jiangdong also talked about Xiao He, saying that he was like a maternal monarch."

When everyone heard this, they felt very strange.

II also asked;
"Your friend is wondering why Xiao He is said to be like a maternal monarch."

"Your Majesty, don't blame me. What my friend meant is that Xiaojun handles the affairs of the county just like the matriarch of a family takes care of her own baby. The affairs of the county, big or small, are never neglected."

After hearing this, everyone nodded their heads.

After Qin Er heard this, he looked at Feng Jie intently.

As expected of the prime minister's son, he has thoroughly figured out my preferences and thoughts.Now that we are in the court, it is not easy for me to show off to him all of a sudden, and he is indeed very aware of current affairs and wants to regain my respect for him.

It can be seen that he still doesn't know how his father died, and how much I hate the Feng family.

(After being locked down in Shanghai for three months, I am exhausted physically and mentally. I slept in the quarantine hotel for a whole day today, and I still feel very tired. It’s just that the update is late. I always planned to update it, but I broke my promise. Sorry, I’ll update it later. One chapter has been updated.)
(End of this chapter)

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