Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 704: Four pillars in the middle of the court (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket

Chapter 704: Four pillars in the middle of the court (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

The corners of II's lips rose, giving the ministers the illusion that II was very happy.

"Xiao He has always been famous in Jiangdong, and I appreciate him in vain. But now that he is transferred to the imperial capital, there will be no one to take care of him in Jiangdong. I will ask him to stay in Jiangdong."

When the ministers heard this, many of them looked disappointed on the surface, but in fact they were ecstatic inside.

Feng Jie was not sure what this second generation meant. As far as he knew, Qin II had made a promise to Xiao He, asking him to set an example for the people of the world, which meant giving him the position of prime minister.

Fortunately, he personally asked the emperor to step down this step, but he was unwilling.

Meng Tian was already a little disgusted as he listened.

It seems that the emperor plans to keep the position of prime minister vacant.

And what kind of magical powers does this Xiao He have?His Majesty the Emperor even planned to withdraw his 30-strong army, but he trusted Xiao He so much.Next time I go on tour, I'd like to ask for advice.

Someone finally recommended a person, but was rejected by the second generation. There are still so many vacant seats, but looking at himself, he is the incompetent person who is not enough to take over these positions. After talking for a long time, it was all in vain. , the ministers could not help but feel a little discouraged.

"I didn't have a candidate for the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials just now, but after you Feng Jie reminded me, I do know who is qualified for this position."

Feng Jie was still wondering whether the emperor still had confidants outside, but he asked happily:
"I don't know who it is. If your Majesty can please him, he must be an outstanding person among people and an outstanding minister among ministers. Please ask your Majesty to issue an edict as soon as possible."

"Okay! Then I will appoint Doctor Feng Jie as the Minister of Staff."

As soon as these words came out, Feng Jie immediately froze on the spot.

The emperor has forgiven his father?
He has always been grateful to the emperor because he found that the emperor was not as angry and violent as the late emperor, and he was even the No. 1 person in the court who benefited from His Majesty's abolition of the joint sitting.

The emperor did not eradicate the whole family because of his father's fault, but kept him in the court. Although he no longer trusted their family as much as before, if these things happened during the lifetime of the First Emperor, he would naturally not even think about these things. Dare to think.

The two emperors had completely different personalities and methods of dealing with things, which made Feng Jie feel grateful to Qin II.

After hearing this, all the civil and military officials in the court had no objections. After all, Feng Jie's ability and identity lay here.

After listening to Feng Jie's suggestion just now, they all felt that only Feng Jie was qualified for this position.

Shangqing Mao Jiao also said:

"Your Majesty, I believe that no one in this dynasty except Wu Xinhou is qualified for the position of Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Not to mention his esteemed status, Wuxinhou was once a doctor for the second time, and he also served as a general and stationed at the border. Now, veteran minister He is almost seventy, and among the outstanding young men during the late Emperor's lifetime, now, apart from Dazhu and Sikou, there is only Marquis Wu Xin."

When Zhou Qingchen saw this, he thought that he had made a mistake. Seeing that the emperor had always been indifferent to Feng Jie, he ignored him. Now it was good, Feng Jie actually returned his favor. This shocked the government and the public. Big deal!
Zhou Qingchen hurriedly led his ministers and said:

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

Soon, all the officials shouted congratulations to Feng Jie.

Originally, the appointment of these four ministers was not a happy event and did not require congratulations from the civil and military officials of the court. However, looking at the current situation, everyone is looking forward to Feng Jie taking up this position.

The Meng brothers saw each other and looked at each other. They didn't know what the emperor meant, but judging from the situation, it turned out that Feng's return to power was what people wanted.

Zhang Han had mixed feelings when he saw Feng Jie rising again.

As mentioned earlier, Zhang Han was in the same party as Li Si and Feng Quji. During the period of the First Emperor, he and the Wang family and the Meng family, who were famous military families in the DPRK, restrained and confronted each other to maintain the political balance in the DPRK.

Now that Feng Jie is back again, it means that the emperor's resistance to the powerful ministers during the late emperor's lifetime has been relaxed. Now in the era of great rule, the empire needs people.

He, Zhang Han, could achieve the position of Shaofu. If he worked harder, he would have become the prime minister.

Zhang Han naturally had another goal when he thought of this.

But when Li Xin went to court today and saw Feng Jie resurrected, he had the same expression as the Meng brothers.

The post of Taiwei was originally a false one, but the emperor gave him the title of Champion Marquis, which originally meant the No. [-] Marquis in the world. Now he was granted the title of Taiwei. Whether he was granted the title or not, it was the same to him. It was just that he sat in the same position when he went to court. At the front of the generals, even Zhang Han had to sit behind.

The people sitting behind Lieutenant Li Xin were all Qin soldiers who had been awarded knighthoods for their military exploits. Only Captain Zhang Han was not the only one who was promoted to knighthood through civil service promotion.

Fusu did this as a cover-up to make Zhang Han's position as guard captain less embarrassing.

Feng Jie was so moved that he fell to the ground, almost bursting into tears with gratitude, and immediately bowed:
"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Flat body."

"Now the four ministries have their heads. Zhang Cang, the minister of household affairs, Feng Jie, the minister of official affairs, Ji Hao, the minister of work, and Ziying, the minister of rites. The four of you will be the four pillars of the court in the future, handling the government affairs of the country for me. The four of you He is the head of the political hall, he only needs to be responsible to me and report to me in the future."

Listen, ministers, anyway, now, the emperor wants to divide the power of the prime minister. What used to be done by the prime minister alone, is now divided among four people.

"The Great Pillar Kingdom—"

"The old minister is here."

"As the censor, I am in charge of the censorship. These three months are crucial to the empire. I not only need the cooperation of the army, but also the supervision of the censorship. I have to work strictly for me. Patrol."

"With the veteran minister here, Your Majesty can rest assured. There will be no counties in the world that are not on your Majesty's map, there will be no people who are not in the register, there will be no villages that are not under the jurisdiction of counties and counties, and there will be no imperial court. The unknown three elders.”

"With Dazhu Guo here, I feel more at ease."

"Zhang Han——"

"His Majesty."

"This empire needs an army to maintain long-term stability. However, now that the world is at peace, the garrisons everywhere are resting in place. Now I want to reorganize the household registration in Guanzhong. This time, I want the army to cooperate. I am the captain of the empire, and I am responsible for the world's military and political affairs. It’s just that now and then, I don’t need to prepare for war. What I want is for the army to cooperate with the government officials to solve those stubborn diseases. After returning, I will issue documents to the generals so that they can cooperate with the county officials in counting the population.”


After dealing with this series of things, the sky gradually darkened, but in today's morning meeting, everyone in the meeting was full of energy and did not feel tired.

Second suddenly remembered,
"After February and March, the farming work is approaching, and the court will have to deal with new things. During these slack farming days, the ministers will be busy."

The implication is that we should finish these things before spring planting.

Meng Tian led the crowd and said:
"I will not disappoint His Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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