Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 705 Zhao Wan’s worries (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 705 Zhao Wan’s worries (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
After the imperial court retreated that day, it was already dusk, and everyone walked back home with their heads held high, their steps brisk and their moods good.A group of civil servants and generals were chatting with each other on the way back to the mansion, but in the corridor, the emperor's carriage suddenly came. Zhao Wan was stopped. The attendant only said that the emperor had something to do and wanted to summon him.

On the way there, Zhao Wan was thinking about how to tell His Majesty the Emperor things related to the Emperor's system.All major affairs in the world can be decided by one person. If there is a slight mistake, the empire will face heavy losses.

Although the second generation has a reputation as a virtuous person, he even appointed Feng Jie again in court today, which shows that His Majesty the Emperor is not a careless person, and is willing to promote anyone who is beneficial to the empire, but this matter is not the same as that.

Even though the second emperor was keen on pursuing progress through reform, would he be willing to make concessions on the emperor system in the face of today's world situation?

Arriving at Zhangtai, Zhao Wan found that the hall was filled with memorials and thick sheets of paper.

The Chancellor's Desk has been moved to the Zhang's Desk. The twelve ministers on duty are all bowing their heads to sort out the memorials. There are also two chief ministers who record the number, copy the memorials and compile the order. After they are sorted out, they are sent to the emperor's case. .

Seeing this scene, Zhao Wan realized that the inner dynasty was not groundless. It seemed that the emperor had already adjusted some of the flaws in the emperor's system.

"Wei Chen greets His Majesty."

"It's been eight months since I left Handan. Is Mr. Zhao still in good health?"

Being called "Mr." with respect by the emperor, Zhao Wan's heart naturally drifted a little, and a smile spread across his face.

"Thanks to His Majesty's concern, I have been free from illness and disaster this year."

"Give me a seat."

Zhao Wan didn't refuse and took his seat directly.

"Every time I receive your memorial, it always reports sorrow but not good news. At the beginning of this year, it was no surprise. I went to Handan County once last year, but I never saw the people there. Later I heard Li Zuoche talk about it. , because Handan City is the capital of the Zhao Kingdom, it has always been valued by the late emperor, and the Zhao clan has never dared to openly resist the empire."

"In other counties and counties, there are scenes of hunger and cold and few rich and noble people, but in Handan City, because it is adjacent to the old Qin State, and because the late emperor paid special attention to it, there has never been any major incidents. I will promote new coins, and Handan County will replace the old and new coins. The speed is extremely fast, it can be seen that Handan County has always been under the control of the empire, I am very relieved."

"Later, in order to frighten Guanzhong, I personally drove there and solved the legacy of the Zhao family that had a reputation all day long, which made Zhao Wan you extremely troublesome. It even scared many Zhao family members to change their names and flee eastward. . Unexpectedly, after seven months, the county prince actually came to me personally about the refugees, and the situation he mentioned was so serious, which surprised me."

"The governor of the county has always refused to return to Xianyang City without an order, but now you, the governor of Handan, drove yourself and traveled thousands of miles to see me. It can be seen that the matter we are going to talk about today is of great importance, otherwise it would not have affected the county. Father-in-law, please come and make a trip in person. Tell me what is going on in Handan City now."

After Zhao Wan was stroked by the emperor, he felt like a bright mirror in his heart. He was a little flustered. Could it be that the emperor had seen his intentions.

"Your Majesty lives in a temple, but he can win thousands of miles away. I admire him. But what I want to say now concerns the whole world. This matter will definitely affect the whole body. If it is not handled properly, I am afraid that I will die. Apologize."

The Second Emperor raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this. Meng Yi said that the empire has reached a moment of crisis. It can be seen that the reform has taken over. I didn't stop it because I wanted to better implement the new deal. But now Zhao Wan came all the way and said this to himself. The problem is, it seems that his empire is really going to fall into disarray.

If someone else were to be the emperor, he would definitely not be able to sleep tonight, and would even be scared to death.

The second generation has a serious look and cold words,
"Old Qing's family has spoken."

Zhao Wan felt sad, so he looked around, thinking about talking to the emperor about something private.

Seeing this, II had no choice but to look at the other waiters.

"Let's all go back."


After all the people in the hall had left, the Second Emperor said:

"Now there are only me and Zhao Qing in the palace, so you can speak frankly."

Zhao Wan sat up straight and sighed:

"Your Majesty has sent a message to the people of the world, and I should also worry about His Majesty's size. In the past, I only thought that excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes would cause resentment in the hearts of the people, which was not conducive to His Majesty's throne. But now, His Majesty is frivolous in corvee and receiving too little tax, but I still see it. Compared with the past, the life of the common people is actually inferior, so I have come to see Your Majesty."

"What's wrong with it?"

"Although the corvee is light and the tax is light, there are still many refugees hiding under the dog holes in the city walls in winter. This happened in the past, but now there are more people."

"How many refugees have you seen?"

"In Handan city alone, there are hundreds of people."

After hearing this, Qin Er inserted the pen heavily on the shelf. The tip of the brush had been flattened, and ink was flowing on several cases.

The second generation was originally calm, but Zhao Wan's words clearly made the second generation angry, and even made the second generation a little anxious.

The implementation of policies takes time. Why does Zhao Wan always report some bad news to me again and again? He wishes he could build Handan into another Xianyang city within a year.

The Second Emperor drew his sword and pressed it back.

Zhao Wan sat below, watching the two scenes before and after, feeling a little panicked, but his face remained calm and unhurried. He told the second son one by one the words he had prepared in advance:

Zhao Wanyu said earnestly:

"Your Majesty, there are originally seven or eight trunks and several branches on a hibiscus tree. To make the tree grow tall, lush and beautiful, you must not only take good care of the trunk, but also care about these branches. If there is a moth on a branch, Eat all the leaves, and over time, those young aphids will become bigger and bigger, and one branch can no longer satisfy them. Fathers have sons, sons have grandchildren. Once this time comes, the moth will think about it. Be the master of the house and take the whole tree for yourself."

"Your Majesty divided the prefectures and states, suppressed them with elite troops, ordered the old nobles to die for the late emperor, and attacked the subjugated nobles. Now no one in Guanzhong dares to call himself a prince. It's just a wave of peace, and another wave. Although the old nobles have been destroyed, , but the old landowners in the countryside have raised their heads, and now their ambitions are getting bigger and bigger. They own large fields, a large number of servants, and hundreds of tenant farmers. We are no longer satisfied with farming in the countryside.”

(Thank you all for your support and suggestions, and please order it all and don’t skip reading. I write the book very carefully. If you think there is something wrong, it is most likely that you skipped the previous chapters. It can be considered that I have worked hard. The problems and details of each reform, especially the change of official positions, have been verified by a lot of data, and there will be no random appointment of official positions.)
(End of this chapter)

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