Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 706: Restoring the country is just a pretense for the common people (please give me a monthl

Chapter 706: Restoring the country is just a pretense for the common people (please give me a monthly recommendation!)
When the Second Emperor heard this, he immediately understood that Zhao Wan was reminding the Second Emperor of Qin that he was going to move the land!
If the country wants to maintain, it needs taxes; if the country wants to maintain a high level of operation, it not only needs taxes, but also makes the people rich; but between the two, there is one thing that has never been touched, and that is - -land.

The issue of taxation is, after all, a matter of resource allocation.

In the backward agricultural era 2000 years ago, the key to truly grasping the lifeline of the feudal dynasty lay in the division of land resources.

Man is a product of nature, but he has conquered and domesticated nature.All resources that humans need must be obtained from nature.However, land, the most basic natural resource, has long been a field for the rich and no land for the poor after hundreds of years of the Warring States Period.

Landlords went crazy to occupy and annex other people's fields, forcing the original farmers to go bankrupt, thus turning a large number of common people into tenant farmers.

The establishment of the Han Dynasty was essentially the rise of the common people and the transfer of classes.The First Emperor and himself had been busy bringing down the nobles for the past 14 years, but instead gave these landowners a chance to raise their heads.

"The old era has died, but the concept of hierarchy still remains in the minds of the people. The common landowners are dissatisfied with the old concept of hierarchy and want to obtain a higher level of identity and social status. But in today's era, among those who have certain In the eyes of the powerful commoner landowners, except for the princes, generals and ministers, all others are of the lowest rank."

"So they will step on the bones of those refugees and fight for their achievements. The so-called restoration of the country is just a cover."

After hearing these words, Zhao Wan felt as if the clouds were clearing.

"What your Majesty said is absolutely true. I once heard from an expert that a thousand-mile embankment collapsed in an ant nest. Nowadays, the old nobles of the six countries are trembling with fear in front of your Majesty, and no one dares to show their faces anymore. However, the number of refugees in the world is still unabated, and the place is still uneasy. , I think what His Majesty said is the crux of the problem. The landlords of the common clan want to fight for supremacy."

After hearing this, the second generation said:

"Zhao Wan, you are in the county, and you don't know much about the news from Xianyang City. Regarding this issue, I actually have a countermeasure. I have made up my mind as early as the beginning of my ascension. Open the way for them to have the opportunity to improve their status in the world. I ordered the compilation of clan chronicles for this purpose."

After reforming for so long, how could it be possible that such a major issue regarding national promotion could still be missed?

Fusu suddenly felt that Zhao Wan was making a fuss out of a molehill and thought he had something big going on.He spoke so vaguely about the issue of refugees. He only said that he saw a lot of refugees in Handan City, so why didn't this happen in other counties.

Is it because Handan County is now implementing the New Deal, attracting many people but not being resettled in time? Or is it that these refugees came here because of famine in a certain place? Or is it that they are all soldiers who have been discharged and returned to their fields, but they have not been resettled after they returned home? Nowhere to return.

After the war, the family was broken up, and there were many problems involved. Why did Zhao Wan start looking for him without investigating? This was not in line with the procedures of Qin officials.

Even if the problem of refugees is really serious, you have to know that even after 2000, there is still a problem of refugees (unemployed people), and the number of refugees sounds terrible, no matter it is a clever name or something, in the later period There are more than one refugees, and their total number is dozens of times greater than the total population of the Qin Dynasty today.

Therefore, Fusu will not panic just because he heard that there are hundreds or thousands of refugees in Handan, Zhaodi.

History is the best solution, although most latecomers never learn from history.

Nothing is perfect in the world. People must learn to accept reality in life. The world is not what you want it to be.

Isn't it because Shihuang refused to accept reality and believed that the world was something he could do whatever he wanted and finally got out of control?The same was true for Qin II in history. His position was too high and he accidentally lost his position.

The emperor holds the supreme position and is often the easiest to get lost at the pinnacle of power.

If it were not for having 2000 years of historical lessons in mind, anyone would easily lose their way.

Zhao Wan's arrival today sounded a wake-up call for Fusu.

If the subject said something or suggested something, the emperor would completely trust him to do what he did. Over time, the emperor's energy was drawn away by the subject, which instead gave the subject a loophole.

Fusu believes that his biggest problem now is that he works too hard, and it is time for these ministers to get busy.

This is exactly what Fusu realized after reading a section of Lu's Spring and Autumn Period a few days ago.

As the central processor, the emperor has to face information from all directions. If someone deliberately makes a small matter bigger, wouldn't it be a waste of the empire's resources?

"I thought that in governing the world, it would be unwise to blindly pursue perfection. Now that I have heard that there are refugees in a certain place, I then assume that there are such problems everywhere in the world. This is really a mess!"

The implication is that from a macro perspective, this matter is really a small matter in the empire. The emperor himself does not want to magnify this matter.Not only that, the compilation of "Clan Chronicle" has been handed over long before the beginning of the year, and the first batch of lists has been reported. Zhao Wan himself is chasing the emperor to repeat this issue at this time, doesn't it just mean that he has no political acumen? , I don’t know what the emperor means, and I haven’t even done this basic question well.

Zhao Wan found that the emperor was far smarter than he thought. He thought that the emperor had been carried away by the ideal of benevolent government, but he was still so clear-headed. Zhao Wan hurriedly explained:

"Your Majesty, Tokiomi just said what he said."

"Everyone in the civil and military circles of the dynasty knows that Your Majesty wants to give those common people scholars and landowners a promotion path so that they can support the Empire. Naturally, I also know His Majesty's intentions, so I never dare to neglect. In Handan County, once someone wants to serve the Empire Qin Officials and ministers all went to see this person in person and encouraged him to serve your majesty face to face. I also ask your majesty to give you a clear warning."

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I traveled across mountains and rivers to come to Your Majesty, definitely not because I am arrogant or maliciously speculating on the current situation of the empire. I am here to offer advice to Your Majesty."

The second generation raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a cold expression, and only said:
"Traveling across mountains and rivers to offer advice? Since it is to offer advice, why not say it earlier?"

Zhao Wan's back was wide and fat, and by this time, he was already sweating profusely.

Looking at the emperor's eyes, Zhao Wan couldn't help shivering, his beard trembled, and the old county guard bowed respectfully and said:

"Your Majesty, the issue of refugees can be considered a trivial matter, but once common people landowners and scholars unite, then these refugees will become a serious problem for the empire."

(End of this chapter)

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