Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 707: Fight against the local tyrants and divide the fields (please give me a monthly recomme

Chapter 707: Fight against the local tyrants and divide the fields (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Chapter 236: Beat the local tyrants and divide the land
"You mean, my "Clan History" is useless?"

Zhao Wan was once a retainer. Although he had been a Qin official for many years and was now a county governor, he still had not forgotten the diplomatic rhetoric he was good at in the past.

In the past, the First Emperor was surrounded by talented people, and he had no chance to show his talent. Now, naturally, he had to show his talents, so he bowed and asked:
"I wonder if Your Majesty knows the difference between conspiracy and conspiracy?"

"What difference?"

"The so-called conspiracy means that the general trend is approaching, so a favor is a conspiracy. Conspiracy, in fact, is not in line with morality and human ethics, but in order to achieve the goal, it is manipulated behind the scenes to reverse the situation."

"so what?"

"Your Majesty decided to implement the [Extension of Favor Order], which was a strategy to weaken foreign countries. The princes in the world heard about it and did not dare to respond. They praised it as a conspiracy. Now that your Majesty wants to implement the [Clan Chronicle], your Majesty thinks that this [Clan Chronicle] ] Compared with [Tweeting Order], can it be called a conspiracy?"

"If the common people in the world are determined to submit to Your Majesty, then this "Clan Chronicle" will be the aspiration of the people and the hope of the people; but if these common people do not bow to Your Majesty, then this "Clan Chronicle" will be the hope of the people in the world. conspiracy."

"Your Majesty is the lord of our country of Qin and holds the highest position of emperor. However, now that you have issued an edict, everyone in the world thinks it is a conspiracy. How many people are willing to obey such an edict?"

After hearing this, Fusu actually calmed down. The second generation stared at Zhao Wan.

"You mean, [clan chronicles] are not enough to satisfy those common people?"

"Your Majesty, this is exactly what I mean. The Spring and Autumn War lasted for 500 years, princes and generals were everywhere, and celebrities gathered. However, the late emperor created the emperor system. Among a county, the person with the highest power is actually a county guard of the empire. Not even as good as the ministers of the imperial court. Not to mention other people."

"Those common people were already ready to move, but now that they are not suppressed by the old nobles, they are even more arrogant. They want to dominate, occupy a place, and establish themselves as kings. This is the goal pursued by knowledgeable people. Today Without war, those talented people who want to stand out will be dissatisfied, and those who want to become marquises and generals will be dissatisfied. These two types of people are actually the two most dangerous types of people among the common people."

"[The order of favor] can be successful because all the princes are your majesty's concubine, and your majesty is sitting in Guanzhong, and all the Qin officials in the world are willing to obey your majesty. In short, your majesty and the princes are facing each other, and your majesty With great power and advantages in hand, when the princes and princes first go to the place and are about to lay their foundations, they must rely on His Majesty the Emperor to support them so that they can gain a foothold in the local area. The princes and princes are weak, so [throwing the grace order] is a conspiracy. Although the princes are dissatisfied, your majesty has a good reputation and no one dares to disobey him."

"But now your Majesty wants to compile the "Chronicles of the Clan", but he has not yet appeased the two most dangerous people. One is the common people who want to be ministers, and the other is who want to be made marquises and generals. Wu Fu. Your Majesty is going to implement [Clan History] so soon. For them, it is a huge conspiracy. Not only will they not think that Your Majesty intends to promote them, but they will also think that Your Majesty is going to keep them trapped in that place. place."

"I have been granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister, and I have no chance to be associated with them from now on. Do you think the compilation of "Chronicles of the Clan" is good or bad? In the Central Plains, the war has been burning for 800 years, and the people of the world have been fighting hard for a long time. However, the Qin State ended the war, but instead It aroused the resentment of the common people of the six countries against Qin, and this is where the contradiction lies."

After hearing this, Fusu suddenly realized.

"What Mr. Zhao said today made me enlightened. It was 800 years of continuous war that made the people of the world suffer from war, but they all depended on war. No matter who won the war in the end, the result would be the same as what Qin is facing today. The situation is the same."

"But at this point, launching a war is definitely not a choice that the empire should make. Only by doing light corvee and recuperating can we protect the foundation of our Qin Kingdom for thousands of years. Otherwise, let alone Zhao, Han, and Wei, I will not be able to protect anything within Hangu Pass."

"Since Mr. Zhao said that he is here to offer advice today, how does Mr. Zhao plan to solve this situation? The common people need war, but the people of the world have long been suffering from war. Do we really want to continue to fight and let the world become a river of blood again? ?”

"I don't understand. Unification cannot solve the problems of people's livelihood in the world, and the way out to the empire actually leads to war."

Zhao Wan knew that the war went against the emperor's plan.

"Your Majesty implemented the Guanzhong standard system in order to stabilize the three lands of Zhao, Han and Wei, capture all the people on both sides of the river, and dominate the world. But there is a very serious problem at the moment. The interests of the common people have not been met, and they will not give up. . I do have a plan. I thought Your Majesty had considered this plan, but His Majesty was unwilling to do it. I wanted to say it but didn’t dare."

"You came all the way to Xianyang City to give me face-to-face instructions. When it came to the key points, you were pushed back and forth. I wonder what Mr. Zhao is afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that if I tell you about this, I'll end up in disgrace in the future."

The Second Emperor simply said:
"It's okay to say it straight, I'll protect your head."

Zhao Wanzuo said:

"The method is to re-divide the land. This time, Your Majesty wants to affect the interests of the common people."

When Qin Er heard this method, his heart beat faster.

It's winter, and only places like Zhangtai Palace in Xianyang Palace that are warm all year round still have flying insects alive.

A fat moth actually flew to the candlestick on one side. It hugged the flame, and soon the moth's wings were ignited by the flame, crackling and burning.

The huge Zhangtai was originally silent, but the hissing sound of moths flapping their wings against the fire made the second generation feel a little panicked for a moment.

"The difficulty of this matter is no less than that of the Changping Battle between Qin and Zhao."

"I know this, and His Majesty will definitely have the idea to do this."

The second generation stood up and wandered around the hall.

"Then you should have expected that I finally gave up on this matter. I am willing to use my forbearance to exchange for the support of the people in Guanzhong and maintain the rule of the empire. For the sake of the empire, I am willing to endure for another ten or twenty years."

"But your Majesty ordered the compilation of [clan chronicles]. I'm afraid that your Majesty will lose face in this matter. Your Majesty is the one who helps the world. If there is a big chaos in the third year of your reign, I am afraid that the world will be scattered." . Nowadays, the foundations of the princes in various places are unstable, and they need your Majesty’s full support behind them. If at this time, because of the "Chronicles", the common landowners are angered, your Majesty will gain more than he loses."

(End of this chapter)

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