Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 708 If you don’t fight, I will fight! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 708 If you don’t fight, I will fight! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Qin II naturally frowned after hearing this.

"Zhao Wan, since I planned to compile the "Clan Chronicle", you are the first person to object to my doing this. You even proposed a strategy that is more dangerous to the empire. Why do you want me to believe you. "

"Your Majesty, I am willing to guarantee with my life that once the news spreads that Your Majesty compiled the "Clan Chronicle" in Guanzhong, the common people in the world will definitely fight against Your Majesty. This matter is indeed a conspiracy for the Empire, but for the common people For the clan landlords, they are really insidious and cunning. How could they obey His Majesty's words? Please think again, Your Majesty."

"But you are also in the court today. Have you forgotten that I once again ordered the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Household Affairs to work together to compile this "Clan Chronicle"? Are you telling me this now to ask me to withdraw the edict? What the Emperor Says , it is a law, how can it be changed at will?"

"Your Majesty, I have never advised your Majesty to give up compiling the Clan Chronicle."

"If you ask me to redistribute the land, won't that force the common landowners to rebel? Zhao Wan, how dare you, think of doing something that I don't even dare to do."

"But Your Majesty, the compilation of the "Chronicles" also forced the common landowners to rebel! Ever since this person began to exist in the world, he has only pursued profits. Now His Majesty the Emperor wants to exchange a false name for a hundred years of his life. Those common people were willing to give up the benefits. At the end of the war, the war became more and more intense. Isn't it because the old princes and nobles were unwilling to distribute the benefits to the people?"

After hearing this, Fusu felt naturally confused.

"Stay back first. If you reveal even a single word about what happened today, I won't be able to protect you."

When Zhao Wan came up with this idea, he originally wanted to pin his head to his waistband.

After the emperor's reminder, he bowed his head to Wei again and again, and then retreated tremblingly.

After leaving the palace gate, it was sunset and dusk outside.

The servants filed in, ready to serve Fusu.

Zhao Wan put his hands behind his back and strode forward quickly.

Standing on Zhangtai, overlooking Xianyang City from a high place, this feeling is something that ordinary people will never be able to experience in their lifetime.

The prime minister's seat has been vacant for so long. If he doesn't work hard, who knows who will be next to climb up?
Xun Qi, Xiao He, Feng Jie, Meng Tian, ​​these people are all possible.

But they all have flaws and are not as good as themselves!

The reason why I recommend Xun Qi is not because he is the grandson of Xun Zi, but because I know that the emperor loved Han Fei's writings.

Xiao He is recommended because Xiao He represents the common people in Jiangdong. If he is promoted, it will show the emperor's intention to promote the common people.

I recommend Feng Jie because he was the second in command of the late emperor, and now he has been promoted to the first in command, so there is nothing wrong with it!
Meng Tian was recommended because of the late emperor's edict and because Meng Tian was quite famous in the court.

However, he, Zhao Wan, is no ordinary person.If the emperor wants to occupy the hinterland of Zhao, he needs someone who knows the situation of Zhao as a confidant. At the moment, he is the most suitable candidate.

Not only that, in terms of age, none of these people can be taller than him.

Zhao Wan thought so and smiled with satisfaction.

There is no wasted road in life. I have been a Qin official for the past 40 years, and now I have gradually reached the position of county governor. If I work a little harder, I will be a very popular minister!
Today, no one in the viewing hall showed any intention of complimenting him, which was exactly what he wanted.If you don't fight for the position, I will fight for it!I will take the seat where you dare not sit!



In the evening of that day, Fusu had a bad appetite. He felt something burning in his chest and ate a few hastily.

But the memorial could not be approved, so the second generation locked himself in Wangyi Palace, sitting under the huge tree, looking at the jade-carved chessboard shining silver under the cold moonlight.

For several days, the emperor was in a bad mood and was in low spirits during the imperial court.

When going to court, the emperor does not need to wear a crown. Without the bow, the emperor's expression is clearly imprinted in every pair of eyes.

This was the first time Meng Tian saw Fusu's expression.

The second generation seemed to have a thousand-jin stone hanging on his heart, and the thing holding the thousand-jin stone was just a thin thread.

After the court, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi, and the heads of the four tribes came over to greet each other. In the end, only Meng Tian was let in by the emperor, and the others went back on their own.

On the other side, as the county guard, Zhao Wan spent a lot of time coming to Xianyang, and he also got involved in the princess's affairs. Now the emperor has not given him an accurate letter, and there are even rumors that the emperor is not in a good mood these days. Well, he couldn't eat himself.

The purpose of fighting is to destroy other people's cities, but the matter of fighting local tyrants to divide their fields is still to destroy other people's jobs. The two things are almost the same.

So Zhao Wan also seemed to be suffering from a heart disease. He was overjoyed to leave the palace at first, but after living in the inn for a few days, he began to be worried again, unable to eat, and meditating and sighing all day long.

Let's say that Meng Tian entered Zhangtai Palace. As soon as he entered, he saw the emperor changed into white and gold dark clothes and sat by the fireside waiting for him.

The Second Emperor asked Meng Tian to come closer and sit next to him, and Meng Tian naturally sat over. However, when he got closer and saw the bags under the Second Emperor's eyes, Meng Tian actually felt distressed.

"I understand that Your Majesty is not in good health today, but he is too tired due to the busy schedule of government affairs. Although Your Majesty is in the prime of his life, you should always pay attention to rest."

"I feel sorry for Dazhuguo's wishes. But there is something that I can't bear right now. When this matter is resolved, I think all my illnesses will be cured."

"Is Your Majesty sick?"

"Heart disease."

Meng Tian looked at Fusu's pale face and was speechless for a while, then asked:
"Did your Majesty encounter something difficult? Is it because of Minister Feng Jie? Or is it because of Princess Nanyang?"


"The reason why I asked Dazhu Kingdom to come over today is not because of this incident. There is just one thing. I have always felt sorry for Dazhu Kingdom. Dazhu Kingdom is here today, so I called Dazhu Kingdom to come in."

"Your Majesty is the king, what can I do to you?"

"Although he is a king, but he has no ministers, how can he be a king?"

Two grown men were sitting in the room, surrounded by eunuchs and maids. When it came to this, they all withdrew with a look.

"What does your Majesty want to say to you?"

"You are the prime minister appointed by the late emperor. I did not appoint Dazhuguo as prime minister. Does Dazhuguo have any resentment towards me in its heart?"

This second generation, how could you ask such a question to your face?The position that originally belonged to him was suppressed by the second generation. Naturally, Meng Tian felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't even speak of resentment.

"The late emperor asked your majesty to appoint me as prime minister, but it was actually for your majesty and the empire. Although I am not the prime minister now, your majesty has managed the Qin country very well, even better than when the late emperor was alive. Although he took many risks, the empire is now The situation is looking good, I think the late emperor can smile."

(End of this chapter)

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