Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 709: I insulted my brother (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket)

Chapter 709: I insulted my brother (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket)

"The old Guanzhong is indeed peaceful and peaceful. But the new Guanzhong may not be as reported by various places."

"Why did your Majesty say this?"

Fusu calmed down and his face gradually turned rosy.

"It's nothing, it's just that I have been thinking too much about the "Clan Chronicle" these days, and I am too tired. Today is the morning of the morning. I will go back to the palace to rest."

After hearing this, Meng Tian comforted the emperor with a few words, and then withdrew.

When he returned to Meng Mansion, Meng Yi naturally asked Meng Tian:
"We went together to see His Majesty and wanted to inquire about His Majesty's physical condition. Your Majesty let your brother in alone. I don't know what happened to Your Majesty today."

Meng Tian strode into the room without taking off his boots and sat down on the couch. Then he frowned and said:

"His Majesty said he has a heart attack and won't get better for a while."

"Ah? Heart disease! Heart disease requires heart medicine. But what happened to embarrass Your Majesty?"

Meng Tian's eyes were filled with worry, he stroked his beard and said:
"Now I am also curious. What happened has made His Majesty the Emperor worried, but His Majesty knows that even asking me, Meng Tian, ​​for help will not help."

"Then why don't you ask me more carefully, brother?"

"Asking is in vain, His Majesty won't tell you." Meng Tian paused for a moment, and then talked about a question Fusu asked him today.

"Your Majesty asked me today if I have any hatred towards Your Majesty because of the Prime Minister's affairs?"

After hearing this, Meng Yi chopped off his feet and said:

"Then Your Majesty is really suspicious! How can my brother harbor hatred towards Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty is not suspicious of me, he is just telling me in a different way that this prime minister will not be me in the future. Please teach me not to be surprised in the future."

With that said, Meng Tian took off his shoes, sat on the mat, and started drinking.One title after another, I don’t know what I feel in my heart.

Meng Yi sat on the table and was stunned for a long time.

"Then your Majesty plans to appoint a minister? Who will he appoint?"

"I don't know, but His Majesty suddenly mentioned this matter, which shows that he has some plans."

"I don't really want to invite that Xiao He. It's not that I don't recognize his ability, but his status is rather special. If he comes to Xianyang as the prime minister, no one among the officials will be willing to accept him. I will establish the state of Qin. After a long time, the person who can be the prime minister is either a relative of the king or a powerful person who has made good plans that are beneficial to the empire."

"Xiao He is neither of them. If he were the prime minister, wouldn't it be an insult to my brother? In the eyes of your majesty, can a commoner be more far-sighted than my brother?"

Meng Tian didn't say anything after hearing this, but he didn't object.

"You are right about one thing. Xiao He is a small talent, not a great talent. If he wants to gain a foothold in the Qin court, it is not enough to rely solely on the skills of the officials. This is the Qin Empire, not that of Wu Yuechu. Small countries can be compared."

[The Han Dynasty was indeed established, but was it really more developed when it was first established than when the Qin Dynasty was at its end? Obviously not. 】

"I don't care who will be the prime minister now. What I care about is, what is His Majesty the Emperor worried about? What things will embarrass His Majesty?"

Meng Yi sat down and said:
"Your Majesty's situation today is indeed rare to see. Only when he was the prince, he was afraid of the aging late emperor and did not dare to make mistakes. Now that he is the emperor, he has always been high-spirited and used soldiers to cover up the water and the earth. Today The embarrassment indeed surprised many ministers.”

"Those who come to the court are all Imperial humerus. Today's incident really makes many people worry about His Majesty. It's just that His Majesty is unwilling to tell my brother what happened. My brother's worry is in vain."

After hearing this, Meng Tian stroked his beard and said with a smile:
"Then you really don't understand His Majesty."

"Brother, what do you mean by this?"

"His Majesty will never do anything that costs money. In his eyes, governing the country is sometimes more like a game, like a chess match. His Majesty is proud and arrogant. He not only wants to win, but also wants to win beautifully. Your Majesty has read a lot and has great self-discipline, but because he has not lived in the palace for a long time and has no experience, he is not willing to show weakness to his ministers easily."

"If it is just a minor illness, it will definitely be trivial. If something big happens, Your Majesty will definitely turn it into a trivial matter. Your Majesty, the Emperor, you and I have watched grow up. Now that you are not in good health, you would have just rested for a while. Originally, you and I have grown up together. There was nothing important about the small court meeting, but His Majesty summoned everyone. This is the first thing that surprised me."

"Secondly, His Majesty the Emperor has always treated us Mengshi as if he has nothing to do but welcomes spring in the summer. Now that he is sick, he asked me to come in and say these words to me. I am afraid that firstly, he will hint that someone else will take the position of prime minister. Secondly, You came here to tell me that something big is going to happen to the empire in the future, and I need to be prepared."

When Meng Yi heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched,
"According to brother's wishes, His Majesty did this on purpose. All he wants is for us to figure out his intentions."

"I have said that Your Majesty will not show shortcomings easily. Just look at it. I'm afraid there will be another bloody storm in the court in the future. I just don't know how His Majesty plans to calm it down. I'm afraid that His Majesty will do something earth-shattering if he holds it back for too long. It’s a big deal. In order to eradicate dissidents, we always take risks. I’m worried that His Majesty will do the purge again.”

Meng Yi Su Rong:

"I think it's because of the worries about state affairs, not because of the government. With our Meng brothers supporting your majesty, even if there will be turmoil in the government, your majesty's authority will not be lost. Since your majesty asked my brother about not becoming the prime minister, What you feel in your heart shows that you have great trust in your brother and feel guilty towards him. I think His Majesty is planning to do something else."

"If you say that, I'm even more afraid. The last time I bloody suppressed a hundred thousand military nobles, I already had my heart in my throat. Now I'm going to do something big again. Isn't it going to cost me my life? The Empire Can you stand this torment?"

Meng Yi doesn't care about this. He should do it first and then talk about it. Isn't it tiring to think about it so much?

"Brother, when did you become so sentimental? If the king wants his ministers to do what they want, they will do it. Why do you have so many worries?"

After Meng Tian heard this, he couldn't help but look at Meng Yi. Sometimes he really envied his younger brother. He had the advantages of being single-minded, less thinking and less worries.




Jiangdong, Chenjun.

An urgent silk letter was delivered to Chen County after seven days and six nights of traveling all night.

The land of Chenjun is mostly low-lying flat land, with houses gathered on all sides. Post envoys came, and the crowds in the city were dense. When they saw the edict coming, they all came out to stop and watch.

When this silk book was delivered to Jiujiang County, many people stopped to watch it. When it was delivered to General Chen County's mansion, the envoys even ran all the way to the mansion.

The emperor's urgent edict was sealed and locked in a brocade box with a silk book inside.

(End of this chapter)

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