Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 710: In his old age, a martyr’s character remains intact (please give me a monthly recommend

Chapter 710: In his old age, a martyr’s character remains intact (please give me a monthly recommendation!)
How many years have it been? Zhao Tuo counted it. It has been 15 years. He has not received such an emergency military order for 15 years.

Although he was extremely excited, Zhao Tuo was a little confused.

"Why is there an emergency military order? It should be noted that His Majesty's call for me to return to the imperial capital is a definite matter. Originally, the army should withdraw in batches and in an orderly manner. Now that such a military order suddenly came, I am surprised."

"Why is the general so hesitant? Just open it and take a look."

Zhao Tuo waved his big hand and drove away the left and right, leaving only two confidants who opened the copper box in the tent and looked at the edict. They saw that it read:

"Guanzhong is in an emergency. Send 30 troops as soon as possible and return them all to the west."

When Zhao Tuo saw it, he put the silk book under the light and read it carefully. He also compared the handwriting of the imperial edict sent by the emperor in the past. It was indeed handwritten by the emperor.

Zhao Tuo sat in his seat, feeling uneasy for a moment.The two cronies were also impatient, and the two circled around on the ground.

"It's not a good thing that such an emergency military order comes suddenly. What happened in Guanzhong?"

After hesitation, the tiger talisman was delivered, and the emperor's order was by his side. Zhao Tuo could not allow himself to think too much. He suddenly calmed down, then left the palace, summoned the generals, and ordered him to assemble the army.

The 30-strong army has been 'cultivated' for 14 years, which also means it has been decadent for 14 years. Now it is indeed not as easy to summon as it was in the past.

Half a day later, armies of troops arrived at an open space.

This is an open sloping land, with a hillside not far away. The general's camp is set up on the hillside. The black military flag and the red bronze drum as big as five people hugging each other are placed on the stage, which is very eye-catching.

There are shoals below. In winter, the water level of the river bed drops, and the edges of these shoals are exposed. They are mostly small stones and soft sand.

This open space is surrounded by green and white. The cold wind from the sea is constantly blowing, and it penetrates into the seams of clothes.The soldiers put on their old armors and each wrapped their knees with linen cloth. Then they trembled as they picked up their swords and sharpened their daggers. The scene was a bit chaotic for a while.

A fire was set up behind the military camp, with flames reaching into the sky, and a large pot was set up, the soup was boiling, and the steam was filling the sky.

Zhao Tuo stood in front of the military tent. There was a bronze tripod with cigarettes on it.Zhao Tuo has a long sword on his waist and a crown on his head. How heroic!The cloak was billowing and flying in the wind, but he stood motionless on the platform like a stake nailed to a high platform.

In the old age of the martyrs, the strength of character is still there.

As men, everyone was watching in the audience, naturally full of admiration for the general.

Although no official order has been issued yet, it has already been spread among the army that the Second Emperor will let them go home and grow old in their hometown.

All the generals gathered together and recuperated for 14 years. The generals all had strong bellies and round waists. They came to the general's tent to offer incense to the sky and pray for a smooth march.

The soldiers in the military camp all gathered together and talked about it. Some said they were going home, while others said that the war drums had been brought out and they must be going to war.

After a while, someone from the ranks came over to report.

"General, only 5 people have been assembled today, and it may take two days to complete the assembly."

Zhao Tuo frowned and stuck his sword on the ground. The lieutenants trembled in their hearts after seeing this.The other captains also dared not speak.

"Keep my integrity and hurry up. The troops must be gathered before noon the day after tomorrow. Tell them that if they are reluctant to go back, then never go back again."


Zhao Tuo ordered again:

"Everyone will camp here today."

At night, Zhao Tuo sat in the tent and read the military books. He had a vague premonition, but he didn't know what happened, so he could only cope with the changes by staying the same.

Only halfway through, Zhao Tuo suddenly remembered that he could go home, but he was ecstatic in his heart. He swayed back and forth between anxiety and joy, so he came out to look at the moon.

Several captains were patrolling the military camp. Seeing that Zhao Tuo had calmed down, they came over.

These people all had black hair and strong waists when they arrived, but when they left, their hair was white at the temples and wrinkles appeared on their foreheads. When they encountered a place, they all had mixed feelings in their hearts.

"It's already late at night, why isn't the general sleeping? We have to order troops tomorrow, which will take a lot of energy."

"I can't sleep. Counting the time, I have been here in Jiangdong for about 30 years. I was not used to eating rice and fish, but now I am used to it."

"It's not the case for us. Fortunately, His Majesty the Emperor has not forgotten us, and has made all the troops want to return home."

When Zhao Tuo heard this, he naturally took it seriously.These three people looked like they came to him deliberately, presumably for secret edicts.They may worry that returning home will be in vain.

"Don't worry, we can stay in our hometown in Xianyang this autumn."

All three of you said:

"That's very good, that's very good. I just want to go home now. I should have retreated slowly. Now that His Majesty has issued an order, all the 30 troops have withdrawn. Is there another change in Xianyang?"

Zhao Tuo was a very shrewd person. He immediately glared and scolded:

"You can figure out His Majesty's intentions. Now that the Tiger Talisman has arrived, we must return to Guanzhong. It's just that the soldiers have entered middle age from their prime. After more than ten years of dormancy, the soldiers have long suffered. No, going back now is just in line with everyone’s wishes. You guys, there’s nothing to speculate about.”

The soldiers on all sides had ears and eyes. Zhao Tuo was so loud that everyone could hear him, so all the soldiers on duty tonight had a good night's sleep.

These three people are also people who have experienced big scenes. Although Zhao Tuo has a high position, he is also a human being and has seven emotions and six desires. Although he is categorical and does not dare to disobey the emperor's orders at the moment, he also has his weaknesses.

"General, it's cold outside, can you go in and talk?"


The three people gathered around Zhao Tuo and returned to the military tent. They sat down according to their seats, and Zhao Tuo sent his servants out.The four of them exchanged cups, drank hot wine to warm themselves up, and exchanged polite words for a while before they began to talk heart-to-heart.

"General, we have an army of 30 people left here in Jiangdong, and now there are only 20 that can be called elite soldiers. Over the years, thanks to the general who has been in charge, he has always rewarded beauties and wine to appease the soldiers, and he has been able to calm down the resentment in the army. Only then can they train diligently to prepare for the unexpected needs of the empire."

At this point, the three of them raised the title together and all said:
"We have admired the general for a long time, and today we honor him with a title."

Zhao Tuo naturally responded.

"Today is different from the past! I don't know what will happen if I go back this time!"

"You don't need to worry. You have all seen His Majesty today. Your Majesty ordered hundreds of thousands of soldiers to disarm and return to their fields. Now it is our turn. This is what we should do."

"A few days ago, His Majesty granted marriage to Yu Junji of the Yu family. The person marrying Yu Junji is the late Emperor Yao's princess. Her status is extremely noble."


(The answer from a person in a high position to a person in a low position is, well, this is what it means.)
"That's not the case. How can he match the princess if he has the Yu family but no merits? The general has made outstanding achievements and has been guarding the border for more than ten years. He is loyal and loyal. But now His Majesty the Emperor has such a good thing. He didn't expect that the general would give this good thing to A kid who doesn’t know shit.”

After hearing this, Zhao Tuo knew what these people wanted to say.

They don't want to go back, they want to dominate the mountain and become the king here.

(End of this chapter)

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