Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 711 will be out (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 711 will be out (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
After Zhao Tuo heard this, he just raised the wine baron high.
"Everyone, let's drink to warm up. If we discuss this matter, it will be disrespectful to His Majesty."

"The General has always taken good care of us. None of us have received the favor of the General. Now we don't want to see the General just emerge from the quagmire and fall into the pit of fire again. Please consider it carefully, General."

Zhao Tuo put down Jiu Jue.

The old general sat in the upper seat in the tent without saying a word. The silver thread on his temples shone brightly under the candlelight. His figure hit the screen behind him, huge but lonely.

"As you all know, I have a huge burden on my shoulders now. The future of the 30 soldiers in Guanzhong and the hard work of the First Emperor and his ministers in the past 30 years are now in my hands. You may think that I have the power, but in fact I There is no right to choose at all.”

"What you are thinking was also what Zhao Tuo was thinking. But look at the old general Ren Xiao who has imprisoned himself in South Vietnam with the savages. Don't you think how can you go back and get something? A good death?"

"If nothing else, look at the [-] old Qin people who were forced to leave the country. In today's world, it is obvious who is in charge. What's more, now that the Meng family is the dominant one and is fully supporting the emperor, there is still Feng Before the arrival of the Sima family, His Majesty reused the Sima family. I think the situation in Guanzhong will be much better than before after the second generation succeeds to the throne."

A captain heard this and said:

"The general is indeed a loyal minister, and I will finally surrender. There is just one thing. I personally think that the general has made a mistake. When I return to Guanzhong now, I will definitely go back to farming. Although I am willing to do so, when I think about my half-life Since then, we have been on the battlefield and have been left in Jiangdong for 14 years. Don’t you have any hatred in your hearts!?"

When these words were spoken, everyone's hearts were beating like drums.

"I heard that General Zhao's mother died of illness in Xianyang three years ago. But even though the general rushed back, all he saw was a solitary grave."

Mentioning this matter, Zhao Tuo couldn't help but grip the Jiujue tightly, and the veins on the back of his hand bulged.

"The general's heart is our heart. Of the people who came here today, which of them personally provided for their parents in their old age and died? What qualifications do we have for people like us who can't even fulfill the most basic filial piety?" What righteousness are you pursuing?"

"Now that I'm going back, I'm just being driven by others. But I've already done such unworthy things as not being able to support my family, so what's the use of going back."

Zhao Tuo listened with tears in his eyes.

This man still refused to give up and continued:

"What I miss is the loess land in Guanzhong, the thousands of miles of fertile fields on the ridges, and the Qinfeng in Longxi!"

It doesn't matter if you don't mention it, but now that it is mentioned, the tears of the four veterans in the entire barracks are like water jets, flowing endlessly.

Zhao Tuo whimpered, then wiped away his tears, his eyes were already flushed red after the tears stopped.

It was cold and windy outside. It was originally the first month of the year, which was the time for reunions. Now that the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, the atmosphere in the tent was even more depressed.

"I only want to be buried by the Wei River, at the foot of Mount Li, nestled against my parents' graves. I don't want my soul to have nowhere to go in the future."

When everyone heard this, they felt desolate in their hearts.

But the captain didn't give up.

"That was the general's plan, but today we are more worried about the general. It's just that, general, we originally asked for our resignation today, but we don't want to go back to Xianyang City."

After hearing this, the other two captains also said:
"Yes, we have lost our parents a long time ago. If we go back, we will have to get involved in major affairs in the DPRK. It is better not to go back."

"The same is true for me. My parents are both dead, so what's the use of going back? Besides, I've already settled down here and established a career."

Zhao Tuo was not surprised when he heard what the three of them said, but he gently let go of Jiu Jue.

These three people came here today to threaten Zhao Tuo.

Now it's time for Zhao Tuo to declare himself king.

"I am very sad about the princess's marriage. His Majesty the Emperor has granted many titles to the late emperor's sons, but he has never given us loyal ministers and good generals a second glance. Now he has granted the Yu family thousands of hectares of land and given the princess as his wife. It's just that On the other hand, for us border guards, nothing was given.”

"This really makes me sad! Although I eat the emperor's salary and worry about the emperor, but I am waiting to guard in this remote and barren land in the poor mountains and rivers, while those princes, princes and ministers are enjoying the high salary there. On the other hand, what do you think? Not counting the military career, but just talking about how the soldiers lived in these 14 years, did the general turn a blind eye?"

"Now that His Majesty the Emperor has issued an order, we have to go back. How does this make sense?"

The other two echoed this person from time to time, and Zhao Tuo froze in place for a while.

He suddenly smiled, pointed at the three captains and reprimanded:
"I thought you were ambitious, but in the end I found out that it was just wishful thinking, so I quickly accepted the words and kept them to myself. I just pretended to be drunk and made a mistake today. I don't care. After this incident, no one will allow what happened today. Ti, go back to your tent quickly and continue ordering troops tomorrow."

After hearing this, the captain turned from grief to rage:
"What do you mean by these words, General? What are you saying out of wishful thinking!"

"You all just want to persuade me to support my own troops and become the king in Jiangdong. Looking at Jiangdong, I, Zhao Tuo, am the only one with a heavy army. But in my opinion, you are still short-sighted! Today's Jiangdong, where the prince has just established his position, has no place. We need to rely on Guanzhong for stability. These princes are extremely respectful to Your Majesty and are afraid of offending Your Majesty. Now our army is in the area between this county and Guanzhong. Once we raise our troops, the Jiangdong rebellion will definitely take advantage of the chaos and start an uprising. The county guards will definitely stand by and watch, the Guanzhong will definitely send troops to quell the chaos, and the princes and princes from all over the country will definitely help."

"Let me tell you the truth. Nowadays, there are grasshoppers on a rope outside the customs. Whoever jumps first will harm the entire grasshopper on the rope. Unfortunately, the first one to jump is definitely the last. The first to be extinguished.”

"And now is the 15th year since the Kingdom of Chu was destroyed. If it were 15 years ago, although I had the strength to establish myself as king, I did not have the courage. I did not expect that the king of the county would be unsympathetic; 15 years later, the army will be exhausted. Again, this place in the east of the Yangtze River is a place where undercurrents are surging. If we make any move now, we will definitely be in vain. Perhaps the one who put it on your neck first is not the guillotine of Xianyang City, but the descendants of the old Chu. The sharp sword."

After hearing this, several people did not dare to speak for a while.

"In the past, I only thought that His Majesty the First Emperor asked the general to lead us. I just thought that the late emperor valued the general as having little courage and would not have the intention to rebel. But now I know that the general is a man with great plans. But we people are short-sighted. "

(End of this chapter)

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