Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 712 Unlocking Liang Zi (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 712 Unlocking Liang Zi (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Zhao Tuo suddenly became solemn:
"Stop talking. You and I are both military strategists. Originally we were just fighting on the battlefield and didn't need to worry about these things. But now, we have to make these strategies, otherwise we would have become dead souls under the sword. Neither you nor me need anything to do today." Say a word to the outside world."


"In the past two years, there have been frequent riots in the DPRK and Guanzhong. There are serious differences within the empire. Today, His Majesty is eradicating dissidents for his own ambitions. Now the Guanzhong is already His Majesty's people. If we don't go back at this time, we will give up to others. I wish you the opportunity to become a marquis."

When these people heard this, they felt it was a pity.

"I have worked hard all my life and ended up in such a bad situation. This is not something I could have expected when I joined the army."

Zhao Tuo sneered a few times,
"If you become a king at this time, you will definitely be extinguished, but this does not mean that when you return to Guanzhong, you will not have the opportunity to become a general and a marquis. I thought that when you go back, you will receive courtesy from your majesty. A few people, let’s take a look.”

The three of them were skeptical after hearing this.

"What news does the general have?"

"A few days ago, I went back to Xianyang City, and I heard that His Majesty the Emperor wants to achieve great governance in the world, but he is afraid that the land of Zhao is vast and sparsely populated, and the fertile fields are barren. The people in Guanzhong have been working hard all year round, and their vitality has been greatly damaged. Now I am going back to Xianyang All of us are blessed. As for you, I’m afraid that our urgent recall is not only to reward you for your hard work over the years, but also to serve other purposes.”

"You don't need to be disappointed. I always feel that the future is bleak, which is not conducive to boosting the morale of the army. As generals, we can't block the swords for the soldiers in front of the battle, we can only cheer them up. If you can't do these things well, then what will happen? That’s why he pretends to be a general.”

Zhao Tuo moved with emotion and Xiao with reason, and these generals gradually calmed down.

Several people told them what they had heard about Guanzhong. They chatted all night. When they came out of the tent, the sky was already white.

A group of birds were perched on Jiangzhu. The group of people went out and drank wine all night. When they came out of the tent, they breathed out and turned into white mist.

By this time, other captains also came one after another.

They patrolled behind Zhao Tuo, and the sun gradually emerged, but the weather did not get warmer, but it was not as warm as at night.

Zhao Tuo saw everyone gathered around the fire, shivering and falling asleep from the cold. Some bonfires nearby were also extinguished, so he couldn't help but say:

"Although it is cold in Guanzhong, as long as you wear a jacket, you will not feel cold. However, this Jiangdong is a remote and remote place, and the cold is very strong. Many of the soldiers who come here have cold legs. I urge the cooks in the army to Burn firewood and put on clothes for the soldiers to prevent them from freezing."

The military order was passed down, and the cooks were very busy. They started busy at dawn.

The delicate face was so blackened by the black ash from the bottom of the pot that no outsider could tell that it was Han Xin.But he was Han Xin. After struggling for a long time, he returned to the starting point.

Collect firewood, boil water, simmer the fire, and live the same life as ordinary people.

But this time, he felt that he was closest to turning over, just because he saw the real generals of Qin. At this moment, they were not far from the tent.




Three days later, Xianyang City, Zhangtai.

Zhao Wan rested in the post house for half a month, but the emperor refused to let him go back, causing the officials in Handan County to send urgent letters one after another.

The second emperor summoned Zhao Wan in person, and the location was naturally in Zhangtai.

"Calculating the time, it's been half a month since I arrived in Xianyang."

Zhao Wan lived alone in the library for half a month, and even those who had confidence were almost worn away.When I came to see the emperor at this time, I naturally lost the confidence I had when I met the Second Emperor half a month ago.

"I have thought about what you reported a few days ago and there is indeed merit in it."

Zhao Wan's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this.

"It's just that it's extremely difficult to deal with this matter."

"I have already issued an order to summon Zhao Tuo to rush back to Xianyang at a high speed."

Zhao Wan was shocked, but he thought that this matter had nothing to do with Zhao Di's affairs.

"I will mobilize 30 families to come to Guanzhong, but at the same time, I will also return [-] soldiers to Shanxi for farming."

"Your Majesty wants it?"

"Instead of dismantling the military power and allowing the soldiers to disarm and return to their fields, it is better to openly use the army to garrison the Qin soldiers in Zhao."

After Zhao Wan heard this, he lowered his head and thought quietly.

"Is Your Majesty planning to do something that the late emperor was unwilling to do in the past, in order to save the Qin Empire?"

"The world has always belonged to the people of the world, but the empire must be the empire of Qin. The more I think about it, the more I feel that although the Zhou Dynasty was destroyed, the reputation of the Zhou Dynasty has always been there. Maybe the reason is here, not fighting with the soldiers The generals will divide the profits. As time goes by, naturally no one will be willing to vassal Qin."

After Zhao Wan heard this, he was filled with admiration in his heart. The second generation wanted to break the gap between the late emperor and the Qin soldiers.

In the past, the soldiers of the Qin State attacked the Six Kingdoms, but they did not have such noble feelings as the emperors, generals and ministers. What they pursued was not fame and fame, but just to have the land of the Six Kingdoms under their feet and to marry women from the Six Kingdoms and start a family.

However, the late emperor was afraid of hurting the hearts of the people of the six countries, so he refused to do it. He ordered the senior officials and generals, down to the soldiers in the army, not to rob the people of the six countries.

Although the second son said this lightly now, in fact it was a tacit consent that the soldiers led by Zhao Tuo could compete with the local people for fields after they returned.

Wouldn't this solve the current plight of the land? When 30 troops return, the emperor will issue an order to redistribute the land. Naturally, Lao Zhao and the soldiers will have conflicts of interest. In the end, they can only listen to the emperor's words, thus allowing the emperor to Your Majesty achieved the purpose of redistributing the land and completely solved the problem of population and land conflict in Guanzhong.

"Your Majesty knows right from wrong. If you do this, the counties in Shanxi will have nothing to worry about."

"I was able to come up with this once and for all solution only because of your advice. If you didn't come to Xianyang City in person to tell me this, I'm afraid I would have let these 30 soldiers go back to Guanzhong. I want to do that anyway. There is no other way."

Zhao Wan just bit the bullet and said:
"His Majesty is far-sighted. I cannot plan this far."

The second generation said happily:
"I am the lord of the world. Every plant, every tree, every city, every pond, every general and every soldier in the world is under my control. If what I am thinking can be guessed by you, the governor, then what will happen to this emperor? Anyone can do it, right?"

Zhao Wan puffed up his cheeks and felt ashamed after hearing these words.

"Your Majesty was joking."

"Zhao Wan, I came to you today because I wanted to hear you continue to talk about something high-minded. Why did you deliberately avoid mentioning it today?"

Only then did Zhao Wan raise his head to face the emperor:

"I do have many ideas in mind, but I dare not tell His Majesty for fear of offending His Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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