Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 713: Recruiting civil servants (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 713: Recruiting civil servants (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

After hearing this, the second generation suddenly became interested, laughed loudly, and stroked his short beard.

"Zhao Wan, Zhao Wan, do you know that the last time you gave advice, you helped the empire solve a major crisis."

Zhao Wan was already very worried, but now he didn't dare to be happy after hearing what the emperor said.

Zhao Wan's face was full of timidity.

"This matter is extremely dangerous. Has Your Majesty decided to do this?"

"As an emperor, nothing is more dangerous to me than not being able to defend the empire. Now that everyone in the world is looking up to me, my majesty must solve the most critical issues. Population, food, and taxation. , fields, these seemingly trivial things are actually the fundamental constraints on the development of the empire."

"The ancients founded the country in order to make people live and work in peace and contentment. Now that the world is unified and all belongs to our Qin State, what we need to manage is naturally the people's livelihood. This redistribution of land is actually consistent with the policy purpose of my order to implement light corvee and low taxes. , since light corvee and low taxes are recommended, it is imperative to redistribute the land."

Seeing that the second generation had made up his mind, Zhao Wan stopped talking nonsense.

"Your Majesty, the light corvee and the redistribution of land are like opening canals for water. If you want the water to come, you only need to open the canals; but for the latter, it means that your majesty has to put a sword on people's necks and let the water flow. People cut off a piece of flesh from their bodies, His Majesty has a sword in his hand, and Shanxi's wealthy families also have swords in their hands, but compared with other regions, Shanxi is now the largest in area and the weakest in strength."

"That's good. So this matter can only be carried out in the counties of Shanxi and cannot spread to the whole country. Not only that, this matter is related to the future construction of the river basin. I also plan to develop the river. If things along the river fail to go smoothly If it is resolved, things elsewhere will not be able to proceed smoothly.”

This was the first time that Zhao Wan heard that an emperor regarded the river basin as one. Listening to it like this, he felt that the second emperor was indeed a bit particular.People in places like Longxi and Hanoi in Shanxi have lived by the river for generations, and their emotions towards the river are different.

"The State of Wei was originally the State of Liang. The State of Liang originally lived in Hanoi and later moved south. Now that your Majesty has moved these Liang people back, the people of Liang must be very happy. But your Majesty, one hundred thousand strong men moved to Shanxi and Hanoi, and they were supplemented by a large army. , Your Majesty will let these people fight if the situation gets out of control."

"When the late emperor was still alive, he once said that in the Dazhu Kingdom, those who go out will be generals and those who enter will be prime ministers. However, the late emperor not only said this to Meng Tian alone, but also the great general Zhao Tuo. The late emperor also thought that his strength was not outstanding. . How can all the 30 troops be placed in Hanoi and Shanxi? If they are willing to return to the pass and become old Qin people, I will also be happy."

"Although there are generals assisting, the land distribution this time affects every household. Not only that, but also a large number of civil servants must be mobilized to measure the land and register the land. The original people and the Lao Liang people moved back. When the army arrives, if there is a conflict between the two, it will only be over in ten days, but what the civil servants have to do will take several months."

"The project is huge, and it requires a large number of civil servants. Now your Majesty has to compile the Clan Chronicle, re-register it, and divide the territory. I'm afraid your Majesty will have to postpone it."

Qin II then asked:
"Once these disasters are resolved, the empire will be peaceful for a hundred years. This is my long-cherished wish in life. How long do you think it will take for these things to be resolved?"

"It can be as short as six months and as long as nine months. No matter what, if it is handled properly, there will be peace in the pass by the end of this year."

"Then I will use all the strength of the court to handle these matters within this year."

"Your Majesty still has many good generals at your disposal. It is not a problem to mobilize an army of 50 people. But regarding the matter of commanding civil servants, who does your Majesty intend to send to deal with this matter?"

The central government has just stabilized, and sending some people out will not be conducive to the stability of the four ministries. Moreover, the overall situation of the world needs these people to maintain it, and Shanxi and Hanoi are only partially dealt with.

"I summoned you here today for this very matter."

The second generation looked at Zhao Wan.

The monarch and his ministers were sitting opposite each other. Zhao Wan met the emperor's gaze and looked at him with surprise on his face.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid that I am not capable of this."

"This redistribution of land is no small matter. If it goes well, the empire can be preserved for a hundred years. If it doesn't go well, the Empire State Building will collapse. I chose you, which is a decision made after careful consideration. First, this matter was brought up by you. You know the urgency of this matter for the empire better than anyone else; secondly, you have been an official in Handan County for more than [-] years, and you know the situation in the river basin better than anyone in the court. If you go , I think it won’t be long before this matter can be resolved smoothly.”

After Zhao Wan heard this, he suddenly felt that the pressure he was bearing was extremely heavy.


"Zhao Wan, don't worry, I will send General Zhao Tuo and Yang Mucong to help you complete this matter."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will do my best."

"This year is already the end of the first lunar month. The end of March and the beginning of April is the time for spring plowing. I will give you two months."

"Your Majesty, two months is too hasty."

"If we want to redistribute the land of the world, we will definitely make the country full of soldiers and panic, and the return of 30 exhausted veterans will inevitably be accompanied by resentment. The situation forces me to deal with these things in the shortest possible time. "

"In time for spring plowing, if the land allocation is delayed, the gains will outweigh the losses. I want you to finish allocating the land first, and then deal with the registration matters. The matter is complicated and complicated, and it will not be easy to solve. I will give it to you. One year is more than enough time to deal with these matters.”

"Zhao Wan, don't throw away the good and the bad. Although it is important to be registered, you have to think clearly that every name in this book represents a person, and every number represents an acre of land, which is the survival of a family. Source. If registration is regarded as such an important thing, but the lives of the people are ignored, will such an empire still be supported by all people?"

"When you go, you must not put the cart before the horse. What I want is to solve people's livelihood problems and resolve people's grievances, so that every household can live a peaceful life. If you focus all your energy on registration, I'm afraid there will be another trend of fraud in the customs."

Zhao Wan thought, what Fusu said made sense. It seemed that the emperor did not intend to force the officials over the matter of registration.

"I personally think that we can use three months to settle the people on the land first, and then divide the land. Wait until May and June, the slack season, to recruit civil servants to register each household."

(Sorry, something has been delayed these days. The author, I am also very tired. I don’t want to, there are too many things. I hope the epidemic will pass soon and everyone’s life can return to normal.)
(End of this chapter)

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