Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 715 is divided into 8 sections, roasted and eaten (Feng Jing, the general of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 715 is divided into eight sections, roasted and eaten (Feng Jing, the general of the Han Dynasty, appears, please give me a reward!)
Everything Zhao Wan said to the second generation was extremely threatening.

However, the second generation seemed unmoved and remained calm. When Zhao Wan finished speaking, the second generation said coldly:
"Go back."

Zhao Wan felt a little timid now and regretted that he had spoken too much alone just now.Too many words lead to mistakes!


It was already evening when he returned home angrily.

The second wanted to keep him for dinner, but he didn't expect that Zhao Wan, who seemed to be honest and loyal, actually had such a side in his heart, a desire for power.

Just now, he was like a greedy wolf in front of Fusu's eyes, making Fusu seem to see the shadow of Feng Quji.

It's just that after Fusu saw Zhao Wan's ambition, he strengthened his choice.

"In this case, the prime minister of the Great Qin Empire asked Zhao Wan to do a good job. A scheming old wolf left, and now a greedy old wolf came. The wolf can't be sent away, why not feed it with meat... "

This night was really a sleepless night for Ying Fusu.

The situation in the empire is not affected by him alone, but by various forces.As the saying goes, when soldiers come, the water will be covered by the earth. Although it means to deal with things calmly, as an emperor, if such things happen more often, Fusu will feel very passive.

For the first time, Fusu felt that if this continued, the empire's initiative would no longer be in his hands.

Decentralization of power meant the beginning of a stable political situation in the empire, but it also meant that the emperor's power was gradually weakened.

The emperor's system has not yet been perfected, but the county governors are already busy fighting for the right to local autonomy.

In the dead of night, there are still many lights on in the Palace of Prayer for Good Harvests.It had been two years since the death of the late emperor, but Fusu came to the Palace of Prayer for Good Harvests on this day, which surprised some of the old palace residents.

The second generation sat in the palace where Ying Zheng once sat, lowering his head and thinking.

Perhaps every step Ying Zheng took was a last resort.

When the empire was extremely powerful, there were already many political forces. If Yingzheng began to decentralize power, if the princes benefited, the generals would also ask for titles, and the generals would ask for titles, and the counselors would also ask for titles.

It's not that Ying Zheng didn't want to enfeoff, it was actually that the Qin Empire at that time simply didn't have the conditions to enfeoff.

Either none or both are ways to maintain fairness in interests.

It's just that Ying Zheng chose the former and maintained the unification of the empire for 14 years, while Fusu chose the latter.Perhaps the moment Fusu began to implement the parallel system of prefectures and states in the world, it itself meant that the situation of unification of the world was over, the emperor system was also negated, and was replaced by the backlash of aristocratic politics.

In this sense, Ying Zheng is indeed unprecedented and unprecedented. He alone has established an eternal legacy.

As for Fusu, there were people like him in the past history, and there will be people like him in the future history.

He spent two years and only accomplished one thing, preserving the rule of the Ying royal family and the political system of Qin.

After understanding this, Fusu no longer dealt with world affairs as leisurely as in the past. More than one of his opponents, the ancients from 2000 years ago, used their strength to prove to themselves that they were not inferior to today's people at all.

Military power must be in your hands. Only by becoming the master of ten thousand chariots can your subordinates bow to you.




In February of the third year of the Second World, the river began to thaw, but the ice layer was still covering it. The water flowed under the ice layer, flowing in the closed space, colliding left and right, making a gurgling sound.

These sounds are particularly clear in the mountain stream.

At this time, a young man in black clothes got off the horse.

The sun's rays shine on the mountain stream and blend into the air, and you can actually smell the warmth.

Feng Changan dismounted and stood alone by the river looking at the mountains and valleys. There was no one on all sides, and there were apes and wild animals everywhere.

Feng Changan felt a little timid. He looked back and saw his cousin walking over, tall and proud, with a lot of backbone, and he calmed down.

Just as he was about to walk forward, he felt that he had stepped on something under his feet. When he took a closer look, he saw that it was a black snake. After being stepped on, the snake naturally grew a mouth and spat out a long message, like an arrow. He bit Feng Changan's calf from the other side of the ground.

It was just that Feng Jing was blind, so he cut the rising snake into two pieces with one sword. The snake immediately fell down, but the front and back parts were still moving.

Feng Changan was naturally panicked and frightened to death.

Feng Jing saw that this thing was still so tenacious even after death, but it still couldn't bite people's hearts, so he divided it into eight sections three times.

Feng Jing was not afraid in the face of danger, and there was no trace of panic on his face. On the contrary, Feng Changan was scared to death.

Feng Changan originally thought that bringing Feng Jing, his brother-in-law, here would be a burden, but now he couldn't help but admire him so much that he just wanted to be with him.

"Thank you, Uncle Jing."

Feng Jing, that is Feng Wuze's youngest son, the same generation as Feng Yong and Feng Jie. But because of the drastic changes in the Feng family, Feng Jing's family has no resources. In the past, at his age, he would have been a general in the army. , leading hundreds of people; or they are already able to work for officials in the government.

If the old prime minister were here, Feng Jing would be able to meet the emperor at a young age to please him.

But now, he can only stay at home. None of his brothers and uncles have the ability to help him enter the court. Moreover, the army has withdrawn, so he can only stay at home.There was no war, not even a title.

Kong had all the strength and anger because he had nowhere to go. Hearing that his nephew was going to travel the mountains and rivers on his father's orders, he immediately returned to his hometown and told Feng Jie about it.

Feng Jing has been studying the art of war since he was a child, and he has also acquired martial arts. When he stood in the hall, without helmet or armor, he was already a fierce general.

And because of his young age, he had always been inconspicuous among the many important figures in his family, but when he faced Feng Jie for a fight that day, Feng Jie naturally beamed with joy.

"My dear brother, if you wish to go, it would be nice to have a companion on the road to Chang'an. Although you are senior to Chang'an, you are the same age as him. We won't have to worry about being without a companion when we go to Chang'an together!"

That's how Feng Jing came, and he prepared some food and clothing himself, and the rest was mostly funded by Feng Jie.

Feng Jing chopped the snake with quick eyes and hands in front of everyone, which naturally attracted the admiration of these fellow servants. After several compliments, Feng Jing was not arrogant and made everyone respect him.

"If my grandfather were still alive, a talented man like Uncle Jing could serve as a captain with 1 troops!"

"No talent, no talent. At my age, I can lead up to 500 or 1 people. I must be a general."

After Feng Jing said this, he saw that Feng Changan's legs were still shaking and said:
"Spring has not yet arrived. The snake should have been hibernating, but it came to the river. It must have heard the sound of water and came to drink. When we come to these barren mountains and wild mountains, we will waste our energy doing other things, so we might as well catch snakes and eat them. , one is to relieve hunger, and the other is to relieve fear. What do you think?"

Feng Changan was originally frightened half to death and was in shock for a long time. Now that he heard this proposal, the seven-foot man naturally wanted to save face.What's more, his little uncle really wanted to appease him. Seeing that he was younger than himself, but braver than him, Feng Changan agreed.

Feng Jing also immediately called the two strong men and two swordsmen who were accompanying him to pick up and catch the snakes.

Just in response to Feng Jing's words, the snakes came with the whole family, and they actually picked up seven or eight more snakes of different sizes.After cutting into several sections, they were skewered on sticks and roasted over a fire.

(End of this chapter)

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