Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 716: The whole country is first, and the country is broken second (please give me a monthly

Chapter 716: The whole country is first, and the country is broken second (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
It was only February, and the cold spring breeze woke us up. The group ate roasted snakes, and then continued walking in the wilderness.

Everyone else was resting in place and taking turns, but the uncle and nephew walked to the river again. Feng Changan looked at the ice, listened to the sound of water, and mentioned one thing,

"In the past, when Duke Wen of Jin was a prince, he fled because of the chaos in the Jin Kingdom. He was homeless for 11 years. Maybe he passed through this mountain stream like us on the way."

Feng Jing put his hands on his hips, he had also heard the story of the young master Chong Er.

"My nephew is a little sentimental now, but success depends on people and decisions depend on heaven. Although our Feng family is not as prosperous as in the past, we can't lose our etiquette and grace. Like me, I should be fighting on the battlefield, but now I have no choice but to stay at home. After the unification of the empire, His Majesty advocated a truce to end the war. I don’t have any great ambitions. I just want fame and wealth. But now that I no longer have fame and fame, I just want to keep my wealth. I have no other thoughts. "

"The purpose of this trip is to kill time. I heard that my nephew was not taken seriously by His Majesty in the past. Now that he is out of the palace, there is not much loss. Why not let go of the past and travel around the mountains and rivers."

"I have listened to my fathers telling about wars since I was a child. All the men in my Qin State are heroes. How the battlefield is changing rapidly, how the admirals adapt to changes, and how good men fight in all directions. The iron hooves of Qin State have trampled every inch of the Central Plains. Land. It’s just that I regret that I was born too late in the season and didn’t go with the army to see the scenery everywhere. Now is a good opportunity.”

Feng Changan was still not happy after hearing this.

Putting aside the trivial matters of the Feng family fighting each other in their own backyard for power, he had a mission to go out on his own.

They say they are not doing it for fame and fortune, but actually they are doing it for fame and fortune.

Feng Changan came out on his father's order to find new talents for the Feng family and recommend them to the court.In other words, to re-grow the Feng family's power in the Qin Dynasty's court.

This person must be a great talent.

Feng Changan admired Feng Jing's bravery, and even more admired his broad-mindedness. He was so open-minded and did not stick to the past.Those words just now were exactly what Feng Changan, who had experienced the failure of his family's political struggle and was disheartened, but still endured the humiliation and carried on for the sake of his family, wanted to hear.

Feng Changan then told him everything Feng Jie had told him.

Feng Jing burst out laughing after hearing this.

"You nephew, you really don't understand your father's good intentions. With a mediocre talent like me and the vastness of the world, how can you find a great talent in three to five years who can assist His Majesty in reorganizing the economy? There are people like Zhang Cang and Wei Ji in the court. If your Majesty wants to formulate the country's economy, he will ask them first. Even if he can't find it, it won't be my uncle's turn to look for it."

Feng Changan was confused for a moment.

"Uncle Jing, what do you mean?"

"Nephew, the reason why my uncle asked you to go out to visit the mountains and rivers is indeed to let you make friends with famous people. But this meeting with famous people is just to increase your experience. There are some things that cannot be learned by reading scriptures. For example, marching and fighting, reading No matter how many military instructions there are, the command on the battlefield will still be in a hurry."

"My uncle's move is really intended to continue to cultivate his nephew. This move is not for the sake of returning the favor of the Feng family in the next two or three years, but for the grand plan of the Feng family in the future. The nephew stays in the palace, which is important to the family. The Feng family has no benefit at all, so my uncle settled for the next best thing and thought about letting the younger generations of the Feng family concentrate on their families."

"As for rectifying the economy, how can we rectify the economy when most people in the world don't have enough to eat?"

After hearing these words, Feng Changan realized belatedly. He turned around twice, and after struggling for a while, he said:

"Does father plan to let me take on Feng's burden in the future?"

Feng Jing saw Feng Changan's face turn green and quickly held his shoulders.

"It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Why should my nephew feel sorry about this matter?"

"Ever since my grandfather began to fall ill, I have been worried. Until my father came back, Feng was at the forefront of the storm. My grandfather died under mysterious circumstances. Although I wanted to investigate, I didn't dare, for fear of involving more. Until now, what are we doing? The Feng family is far below the Meng family."

"I still remember that before the death of the late Emperor, he still had great trust in the Feng family and entrusted his grandfather with all matters when going out to patrol the palace. However, since the bloodshed of Xianyang's military remonstrance, everyone in the Feng family has been living in fear. His Majesty has not issued any explicit orders to deal with any of the Feng family members. But now, fortunately, there are so many people in the Feng family, but none of them can speak up in front of His Majesty, I feel worried."

"I still remember that I was a co-student with His Majesty. Thanks to this relationship, I still can't win the respect of the Emperor. I am already unable to bring Feng back to life. It is obvious that in His Majesty's eyes, I am mentally retarded, incompetent and incompetent. As for Ren. But today Uncle Jing didn’t expose this matter, so I was still in the dark. But now that I have mentioned it, I feel that even if I spend my whole life, I will not be able to make Feng’s comeback."

As he spoke, Feng Changan felt as if a knife was strangling his chest and it hurt for a long time.

Feng Jing looked at Feng Changan. He was originally a 33-year-old young man with a strong body, but now he looked thin and sick. He felt that he was unlikely to be able to travel throughout the empire within two or three years.

What's more, what is popular in Qin today is horseback riding. A good horse with a good saddle is much more convenient than one person and one carriage.

Feng Jing naturally kept up with the fashion of the times and learned to ride horses very well. But he didn't expect that this time when he went out with Feng Changan, he would have to drive and control the horse. Not to mention walking slowly, seeing that he was uneasy all day long and his expression was Panic.

Several people worked together to drag Feng Changan to the carriage, and then began to take a detour to find someone's residence.

When he arrived at a village home, he met a group of Qin soldiers gathered under a tree.

Feng Jing showed his dignity and left the house. Everyone bowed to Feng Jing.

Feng Jing had someone help Feng Changan into the library to rest. He chatted with these people, but he didn't expect to get news about Xianyang City.

"Now His Majesty intends to re-divide the land of Shaanxi and Hanoi. From the date of His Majesty's edict, the land beside the river has been re-divided and is no longer convenient for the Zhao people."

Feng Jing naturally frowned after hearing this.He was confused. The kings of the Qin State tried their best to prevent their soldiers from grabbing land in order to maintain the image of the Qin State.

War must be effective. For a powerful empire like Qin, what is always pursued is to obtain a country for annexation. If you attack a country, it will only divide the country in the end. This is the worst outcome of the war. , not only has a bad reputation, but also has future consequences.

The Art of War says: In all military methods, the whole country is the best, and the destruction of the country is the second.Now that it has annexed a country, it has left the country in pieces.Could this make the empire's rule more stable?

(This is something in an ancient book. When I write it down, I find that it seems to contain something. There is a difference between ancient and modern times...)
(End of this chapter)

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