Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 717: Learned from His Majesty (2 updates! Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 717: Learned from His Majesty (2 updates! Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
But now, His Majesty the Emperor is obviously going against the strategy of successive kings of the Qin State to appease the ruled people.

But in the flash of lightning, Feng Jing realized that Zhao Di was probably not peaceful in the past two or three months.

So Feng Jing told Feng Changan his worries that night.

This is a rural place. Feng Changan looked around and saw that there was only one oil lamp, which could not be compared with the palace.

The cold winter has just come out and the spring breeze is blowing. This oil lamp has really little power.

In such a dark place, Feng Changan felt even more uncomfortable in his chest and short of breath, as if something was pressing on him.

Feng Jing lowered his speaking speed and his voice was very low. It sounded like a mosquito buzzing to his ears.

"Your Majesty wants to redistribute the land in Zhao. We cannot stay in this land in Shanxi and Hanoi for a long time. It is not suitable to visit this place this year. Why don't we go south quickly? Go to the south first."

Feng Changan rested for half a day, but still felt that he was powerless, his eyes were sunken, and his mind was wandering.

When I heard what Feng Jing said, I didn't think about it carefully and savored it carefully, but said:

"Uncle Yao, you can't disobey your father's orders. I am the legitimate son and I was ordered to go out to look for someone. Even if I can't find him, I have to look for him. I will go all the way west, passing through Hanoi, and then to Shanxi. I will go north to the four counties of Yanyun and south to Qilu in Shandong. Three counties, then go south, go to the county, and then go all the way south..."

Feng Jing listened and felt that Chang'an was already a little stunned.

It is said that finding people is a small matter, and it is true to know more talents.

Feng Jie kicked away his retainers and servants, for what reason? To show his current weakness in front of the emperor.

But Feng Changan felt a little stubborn.

"You can keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood. If my nephew wants to win back the city in the future, he should listen to my uncle."

How could Feng Chang'an be willing to do this? Feng Jing's words revealed his inner feelings, and now he only feels that he is inferior to others in every way.

It was originally the end of the Qin aristocracy, and no one of them had an iron title weighing heavily on their hearts.It's just that some people can bear it and some can't.

The uncle and nephew are just two representatives of the changing times. Those who follow the trend will naturally be able to continue their lives. Those who want to maintain the old system will naturally be unable to twist their thighs with their arms and suffer in vain.

There are countless nobles like Feng Changan who committed suicide and fled after their family declined.

Feng Jie tried to persuade him with good words, but unfortunately Feng Changan was already immersed in the shackles of shame imposed on the Feng family in the past two generations and could not get out.

Since the day he was born, he has been a young man with bright clothes and angry horses, and his life has been smooth. Now that he has experienced so many blows, he knows that he is powerless and can never get up again, so the oil lamp in his heart has been extinguished.

All that was left was a breath left.

Feng Jing understands these principles.Also because he understood, Feng Jing began to look down on Feng Changan.

You are a person who can only enjoy glory and wealth in his life, and cannot bear any grievance. If this is the case, many nobles in the world will commit suicide.

Feng Jing did not say what was in his heart, but just comforted Feng Changan with a few words and asked him to have a good rest first.

After another two or three days, Feng Changan could not get up on his own.

Strange things!

Feng Jing proposed to take Feng Changan back to Xianyang until he recovered.Moreover, after leaving Xianyang City, they didn’t know the news about the imperial capital.

But where is Feng Chang'an's knot in his heart, it's about dismissing the boy servant.

In a family of thousands, after the prime minister, the father lives in a noble position, but he cannot enjoy the treatment he deserves.Not only that, my father also became a little doctor.

The emperor is still there, but the Great Qin Empire is no longer his beloved Great Qin Empire.Feng Changan felt depressed thinking about returning to Qin II.

Since I can neither change the reality nor adjust my mentality, I naturally have to torment myself and waste my energy.

He didn't want to go back to Xianyang, and he didn't want to find someone for Qin II from the bottom of his heart. However, he had no clue whether he could solve the problem, so he stayed in Hanoi for several days.

But Feng Jing saw that he was trying to persuade Feng Changan, so he thought he should leave quickly, so he took only one of his confidants with him, and went south along the mountain road overnight, taking a detour, and then returned to Xianyang City.

When I first arrived in Xianyang City, I asked casually and heard that my uncle had become the leader of the four tribes.It's not an official reinstatement, but it's of great significance to be on an equal footing with Zhang Cang.

Feng Jing was very curious about how Feng Jie reversed the situation of the Feng family.

The Feng family knew what Feng Quji did. He was rebelling, but the emperor didn't explicitly target him. He had already done his best to be benevolent and righteous.

When he returned home and asked Feng Jie carefully, he found out that Feng Jie planned to show weakness first to see the emperor's reaction, and then show the importance of the Feng family to the emperor.

After hearing this, Feng Jing felt that Feng Jie's situation in the court that day was very dangerous.Nowadays, the Feng family is no longer as it used to be. They have no party members and have to bear the responsibility of ten sentences for every word they say.

Feng Jing couldn't help but said:
"The last step is a risky move. If we lose, then the Feng family will..."

Feng Jie returned to the center of power and naturally no longer had the same worries as before.I had met with the emperor a few days ago and discussed the matter of official ranks within the empire. I insisted that the internal divisions could be subdivided, but the idea of ​​Jiu Qing could not be withdrawn, which satisfied all parties.

"The building is about to collapse, so why not give it a try. This is what I learned from Your Majesty."

Feng Jingyou admired Feng Jie very much. A real man must be able to bend and stretch like this.

"Feng's brother is here, so he won't have to worry about anything in the future."

Feng Jie chatted some more with Feng Jing. When he heard that his son was sick, he didn't care at first. Instead, he frowned and said:

"When this son was born, his grandfather had already deeply trusted the late emperor and was the eldest son of the Feng family. Now his grandfather has passed away and I am living in the mansion again. Although he doesn't say it, he often can't sleep at night. He went out just to let him see things.”

"I think Ajing, you should have noticed when you went out with him this time. He has a narrow vision, cannot see the overall situation, and does not know how to adapt. I am afraid that what I said will make your younger uncle, who is younger than him, laugh."

Feng Jing shook his head.

"No one would be able to accept this reality."

As Feng Jing spoke, he talked a few more words, talking about the emperor's new policy and insulting many nobles.

"But Your Majesty, he has won. The days of fighting for power within the empire are over. I have already won back a victory for the Feng family at the most critical moment. I won't do what he wants in the short term, and I don't want to ask about other things. These things, 豼Also watch less and listen less.”

"It's natural. My uncle has told me personally. Don't dare to disobey. I want to wait until Chang'an returns to Xianyang and hear this good news. The disease will be cured without medicine."

Feng Jie shook his head after hearing this.

"I won't mention him today. But why didn't you travel with him and come back by yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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