Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 718 The Temptation of Power (3 updates! Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 718 The Temptation of Power (3 updates! Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
"I heard on the road that His Majesty was going to redistribute the land in Hanoi and Shanxi. I have been to Zhao before. There are many generous and tragic people in Yan and Zhao. In the Battle of Changping, the Qin State killed 40 strong men of the Zhao State. Since then, From then on, the land of Zhao was filled with orphans.”

"I think your Majesty is planning to swallow up the Zhao Kingdom, and then break it into pieces and reshape it into Hanoi and Shanxi. When I arrived in Xianyang, I heard that the army and the people from Jiuliang were going to move here. I'm afraid something big is going to happen."

After hearing this, Feng Jie began to worry about Feng Changan.

"If I want to leave, naturally I won't leave Chang'an alone, but he insists on staying in Hanoi, and I can't. If I leave now, I'm afraid it's too late because of the many obstacles on the road."

"This traitor, although you are younger than him, you are his uncle. Why doesn't he listen to you? If there is a next time, take him back to Xianyang City."

"For the present plan, my uncle should send someone to bring Chang'an back as soon as possible. If he doesn't want to, just tell him that his uncle has been worshiped as the minister."

Feng Jie held his breath after hearing this.

"Why should I tell him that I have been promoted to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs? If I don't resume this position, will he be too embarrassed to return to Xianyang?"

"Disgraceful thing!"

"No one is allowed to look for him without my order. Since he is looking for someone and cannot find someone, he is not allowed to come back."

Feng Jie was so angry that he cursed and cursed, so Feng Jing naturally did not dare to mention it any more.

But at this time, Feng Jing still didn't understand Feng Jie's feelings for his son.Feng Jie asked Feng Chang'an to leave the house just to make him suffer. If he couldn't bear the hardship, he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything big.

If this continues, if the Feng family is handed over to him in the future, it will definitely decline.

Although Feng Jing had a pair of young sons at his knees at this time, he had not yet considered this, so he naturally did not understand Feng Jie's true intention.

But there was one thing that Feng Jing was right about. It was not Feng Jie's original intention when he sent Feng Chang'an to leave Xianyang to find a talented person who knew how to organize the economy.

In fact, Feng Jie asked Feng Changan to leave in order to avoid trouble.If the emperor hadn't been benevolent at that time, the entire Feng family might be gone now.He was the head of the Feng family to fight against the second generation and compete for power.

When parents love their children, they have far-reaching plans.

Feng Jie completed the transformation from the beneficiary of Feng's interest group to the helmsman in a matter of days.It is obvious that Feng Wuze's choice was right.Although Feng Jing was surprised by Feng Jie's actions, he was still very grateful to Feng Jie.

But what Feng Jing didn't expect was that after Feng Jie's civil service stabilized, his ambition began to trouble him again, so he made other plans.

"My dear brother, what are you planning to do when you come back this time?"

Feng Jing thought about it.

"I'm going to travel to the north of Chang'an, along the river. Then I'll go and walk along the river. Maybe I can meet some masters."

Feng Jie looked slightly unhappy after hearing this.

At this time, someone suddenly came to report from outside:

"Reporting to the Lord, the three Wang brothers have returned from Sichuan and Shu, and they have brought the governor of Shu County with them. Now everyone in the east of the city is welcoming the governor of Shu County."

"Okay, I understand, stand down."

The person in charge of the house sealed the visitor's money and then took him down to eat.

Feng Jing couldn't help but be curious when he saw it.

"Why is my uncle inquiring about these four people?"

"Li Erlang, who has always had great prestige among the people, has managed Shu County in an orderly manner. He came here today to ask for his resignation from His Majesty the Emperor. He is not important. What is important is Wang Wu's three concubine brothers. They were all in Longxi. , Yueyang area as chief official. Wang Wu was demoted to Jiangdong, and your Majesty quickly called back his three concubine brothers, and the official positions they granted were not big. "

"Perhaps His Majesty did it on purpose, in order to deceive others. When His Majesty has difficult matters, he leaves them to deal with them. They rushed back at this time, and I think the timing is a coincidence. Hanoi and Shanxi are already about to start their journey to Daita. We are in need of manpower. This time, the civil and military officials of the entire court were surprised that His Majesty the Emperor did not let anyone from the court get involved in this matter, and all he sent were foreign officials."

"Our country of Qin has always emphasized clear rewards and punishments. If the three Wang brothers have made great achievements this time, Your Majesty can justifiably promote them. What I originally wanted to fight for the Feng family was actually the position of minister. I no longer care about real power, but only I want to save face for the Feng family. But His Majesty gave me the only vacant position of Minister of Civil Affairs, which is really incredible."

"But this position, I originally expected, was reserved for the exiled Wang family."

After hearing this, Feng Jing only said:
"The Wang family exchanged their reputation for His Majesty's trust. However, His Majesty's credibility has been preserved, but it will be difficult for the Wang family to make a comeback."

Feng Jie shook his head:
"Your Majesty likes to play the game of virtuality and reality. Some official positions may seem insignificant, but in fact they have great power. Some official positions may seem second only to the three princes, but they are just a waste of salary. It's just that those old men saw my father's death. Everyone retreats behind the scenes and basically doesn’t care about court affairs.”

"So what I'm worried about now is that even if His Majesty the Emperor gives me this position, in order to balance the government and make one person dominant, he will secretly give the four Wang brothers more real power. A few days ago, I invited myself to Jiangdong to appease , His Majesty did not agree. Your Majesty will not care about Jiangdong. The only possibility is that Wang Wu has real power in Jiangdong."

"But he is a demoted person, and when he arrives in Jiangdong, he is not familiar with the place. Who will support him!?"

Feng Jing knew very little about the affairs in the palace, and he had not yet understood the power struggle. However, after being a centurion for a few days, Feng Jing knew a lot about the affairs in the army.

"General Zhao Tuo, he is supporting Wang Wu."

Feng Jie nodded:
"This is the only possibility. It seems that Wang Wu went to Jiangdong on behalf of the Second Emperor and made a deal with the local dignitaries, so he married the princess. Not only that, Wang Wu must have made a three-part agreement with Zhao Tuo. Exchange of interests. Brother Jing is a smart man, you might as well guess what your Majesty promised Zhao Tuo?"

Feng Jing pondered:

"Zhao Tuogui is a general with an army of 30. That army used to be one of the elite of the empire, although it is not as elite as Meng Tian's men. For a general who has three armies, for him, there is no need to worship a general. , only the title of marquis. Zhao Tuo does not have the title of marquis, maybe your Majesty wants to grant him the title of marquis."

Feng Jie stood up and smiled:

"When the late Emperor was still alive, if a general wanted to be granted a title of marquis, he would have to listen to the edict of Tongquan. Now that Your Majesty is alive, if a general wants to be granted a title of marquis, he does not necessarily have to listen to the emperor's orders."

Feng Jing was immediately shocked when he heard this.

"If this happens, the world will be in chaos."

"But this Zhao Tuo obediently rushed back to Xianyang from Jiangdong."

"This shows that His Majesty has agreed to a position higher than that of a prince. Isn't that..."

"Seal the king——"

(Updated, third update, please give me a monthly recommendation!)
(End of this chapter)

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