Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 719 Calls himself a Qin person (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 719 Calls himself a Qin person (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"But how is this possible? Neither the late emperor nor the current His Majesty is willing to grant a king with a different surname." At this point, Feng Jing thought of something else. He looked at Feng Jie in disbelief, "Your Majesty and Zhao Tuo, although they have different surnames, , but in a sense, they are the same family."

"It wasn't just him, it was someone else."


"Chi Wu, the descendant of Gongzi Chi, is also listed on the genealogy."

"But it is a foregone conclusion that all the prefectures and states in the world will be parallel. Your Majesty will definitely not easily seal the land of the princes, and it is absolutely impossible for Guanzhong! Your Majesty regards Guanzhong as the second prince of Qin!"

"Don't forget, there is still a place to the south. I don't know who to bow to."

"The South Vietnam area is not suitable for Central Plains people to live."

"Is there any difference between Nanyue and Jiangdong? They are both barbarian settlements."

After hearing this, Feng Jing felt that there was something wrong.How could his uncle be so sure that what Zhao Tuo wanted was fame? What if Zhao Tuo only wanted to be a king?

And why is he speculating on the emperor's thoughts like this?I have only been a minister for a few days...

As expected, his uncle followed the former Prime Minister. After many twists and turns, he still couldn't stop the struggle for power.

It's just that it's not easy for Feng Jing to express his thoughts to Feng Jieming in person. If Zhao Tuo lives in Xianyang City by then and is not crowned king, wouldn't it be a slap in Feng Jie's face.

His lineage is now considered the weak branch of the Feng family.Feng Yong and Feng Jie were already older than him, and each of them had a title, a family, and an official position.Without his father's protection, it's better not to offend Feng Jie.

Feng Jie spoke with great interest, but he also noticed that Feng Jing was not very interested in what he said.

Feng Jie twirled his beard and opened another topic.

"Let's leave aside the matter of Yunyu for now. I got news here that His Majesty is going to train prisoners in the pass. Captain Zhang Han has always had an old relationship with me, the Feng family, and promoted your uncle in the early years. His Majesty the Emperor gave Zhang Han a sentence of [-] yuan Disciple, let him train, I want to recommend a disciple of the Feng family to join and become a captain of thousands."

Feng Jing's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"We, the Feng family, have many sons and daughters. Even those who are of a lower generation than you, because of their age, they all hold official positions in the imperial palace or in the local government. It's just that with the current situation of the Feng family, you also I know that if I recommend other members of my clan to join the camp, I’m afraid it will attract a lot of attention.”

"I have discussed with the elders of the same clan. In terms of age and bravery, you are the most suitable candidate. A few days ago, when you were away, I recommended other juniors of the same clan to join the army. Now that you are back, I think you are not willing to stay. at home."

Feng Jing stood up and bowed respectfully in front of Feng Jie:

"If my uncle can recommend the junior general to be a general under Zhang Duwei, I would be very grateful."

Feng Jie twirled his beard:

"You are all members of your own family. What you say is really foreign. Then I will write a silk letter today and hand it to Captain Zhang to let you enter the camp. However, when I recommend other juniors, I recommend them to be centurions. You are the only one who recommends you to be a captain of thousands."

Feng Jing was naturally moved after hearing this.

"What kind of respect is there for your uncle to value you so much?"

"Brother Yong, on my uncle's side, Brother Yong is already in trouble, and he will be dismissed sooner or later. Among the other descendants, I am the only one who likes you, just because you have the demeanor of my uncle when he was a boy. I remember back then. , The Feng family of Yemen was at the top of the military, court, and government back then. The younger members of the family have made great achievements in both civil and military affairs. I hope that with the help of you and me, the Feng family of Yemen can rise again."

"I will keep my uncle's teachings in mind."

"I heard that there is no family in the world that will never decline, but there is something that can be passed down even if the family dies, and that is the family motto. The Feng family has always been unwilling to be second to others. Although we have endured this I'm waiting for a blow, but I think it's actually a test from God to the Feng family. Now it's time for you and me to take control."

"Brother Jie can think so, which really makes Feng Jing admire him. What brother Jie has done is much better than those who have lost their merits and honors but only blame others."

Feng Jie smiled:

"So, brother, I want you to remember today that in life, when it comes to wealth and fame, you have to ask for it, and if you don't ask, you don't ask for it. So why not ask for it? If a man is born in heaven and earth, he should work hard for fame, wealth, and wealth. Otherwise, you will teach your family and children to suffer poverty. I think my uncle must have told you these principles."

Feng Jing also said:

"When I was young, my father told me that a man from the Feng family should be a prime minister when he comes in, and a general when he goes out."

"Okay. Then we, brothers, will work together in the future to make the Feng family rise again."

Feng Jing agreed wholeheartedly, and then the two brothers ate and drank together. After three rounds of drinking, Feng Jing returned home.After returning to his yard, he sat in the study and sighed.

As his uncle, he felt that he was unwilling to accept the reality. The era when Feng covered the sky with one hand had passed.How can there be such a person? What is the difference between this and trying to encourage others to grow?

Feng Jing didn't have much trust in Feng Jie, but he got the transfer order three days later.Either abandon Feng Jie's good intentions and find a way out, or follow Feng Jie.There was nothing to worry about. Feng Jing packed his bags and went to the Duwei Mansion to report to Zhang Han the next day.




"Historical Records" records:
Beginning in February of the third year of Qin II, the general Zhao Tuo commanded 30 troops. The 30 troops were stationed in Nanyang, Sanchuan, and Yingchuan, waiting for deployment.

Beginning in mid-February of the third year of Qin II, the people of the Old Liang Dynasty moved back to Hanoi and Shanxi.At this time, the Second Emperor issued an order to bring peace to the world, and sent more than [-] elderly people who were willing to return home to farm in Guanzhong to farm and plant mulberry trees.There were frequent conflicts between local powerful people in Shanxi and Hanoi and the army and immigrants. There were many conflicts in various counties and counties, with endless fighting and thousands of casualties.

In the middle of March of the third year of Qin II, the emperor gathered 50 troops and sent troops to Shanxi and Hanoi. The civil war ended.

In May, 20 troops retreated into the pass.

Three years after the Second World War, the great river basin has returned to its former prosperity, with crowds of people and great excitement.The sound of logging in the forest seemed to go on day and night, and torches held by people flashed everywhere in the wilderness.

However, this vigorous land division alarmed people all over the world, but what surprised the descendants and scholars of the world was that the common people in Shanxi and Hanoi united with the people of Qin and Liang to attack the local tycoons.The scattered riots triggered by the land redistribution ended quietly in mid-April.

In late April of the same year, the emperor felt the will of heaven and established the Qin Law: the land within the pass cannot be bought, sold or exchanged without the emperor's order.If the officials and people want to exchange land or buy or sell, they must report it to the public and report it to all levels.

When this order came out, the common people all over the world praised the second emperor and called themselves Qin people.After this incident, the Second Emperor actually won the support of all the people in Guanzhong. The effect was so remarkable that everyone in the court admired it.

(End of this chapter)

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