Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 720 Zhongshan Kingdom (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 720 Zhongshan Kingdom (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Shanxi was originally a valley area sandwiched between two mountain ranges. The land along the river is naturally fertile, but because it is surrounded by mountains on both sides, the terrain is blocked, and the mountains and forests overlap, once the villages are concentrated in the mountains and forests, it will be difficult for outsiders to find them, and because There is a big river in the middle, making it difficult to travel between the two sides. The entire Shanxi area seems to have become a good place to hide.

That day, Zhao Wan stared at the chariot, looking down from the mountain.You can see that there is a city below here.

"Which city is this? Why doesn't it appear on the map?"

Yang Miao laughed and said:
"Zhaojun didn't know that this is not a city, but an ancient country called Zhongshan Kingdom. When the late emperor attacked the six countries and patrolled the world for the third time, he passed by this place and saw this city. He wanted to destroy it, but at that time Shangqing is still weak, and he pleaded for mercy for this country, and the late emperor showed kindness to this Zhongshan country, so this country has survived to this day."

"There is another thing, but I, Zhao, am ignorant."

"It is worth mentioning that the late emperor originally did not want to keep this country, but thinking that he had conquered the six countries and achieved hegemony, he was actually a murderer. To show his majesty's benevolence, he kept this country. But until Nowadays, there are only a few people who know about this incident. Since there are only a few people in the world who know about this incident, how many people will be grateful for the kindness in the heart of the late emperor."

Yang Mucong, who is sixty years old, still has the spirit of a soldier. The robe behind him is blown by the mountain wind. He holds a sword in both hands and stands here, as if he is a god guarding this place.

Zhao Tuo was also wearing a robe, with a long scarf floating on his chest, and his eyes were bright, but he was riding a horse and standing behind Yang Mucong.

Zhao Tuo is no longer the young man he was 15 years ago. Now he is nearly fifty and full of energy.Although standing under the vast blue sky, their figures are extremely small, standing on the top of the mountain, they are no bigger than a bean, but these people gather together, but there is an air of pride, which complements the steep mountains here.

Seeing Zhao Tuo staying aside without saying a word, Yang Moucong naturally wanted to ask:

"I wonder what the general plans to do with this Zhongshan Kingdom."

"Of course I will report to His Majesty."

Yang Miao immediately said:
"If His Majesty learns of this, he will definitely keep this Zhongshan Kingdom, and we can pay it back!"

With that said, Yang Moucong was about to lead everyone back.

Zhao Tuo stopped him and said:

"What are you doing, Lord?"

"Since the Zhongshan Kingdom cannot be moved, I will naturally take the soldiers to the next place. The redistribution of land from Hanoi to Shanxi is finally coming to an end. If we can deal with these matters earlier, we can also report to Your Majesty earlier. Return to life."

"I heard that the Dazhu Kingdom will soon bring the officials from the Yushitai to supervise and inspect, and then the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Personnel will determine the number of people and places, I don't dare to neglect it for a moment!"

Zhao Tuo Surong:

"In my opinion, Your Majesty may not keep the Zhongshan Kingdom. Keeping the Zhongshan Kingdom in the name of the late emperor is a drop in the bucket; but if your Majesty today abolishes the title of the Zhongshan Kingdom and changes it to a county, the world will not notice it. What's wrong? If the name of the late emperor's killings is passed down to the world, doing a few benevolent deeds is not enough to clear the name; with the name of your majesty's benevolence passed down to the world, it was a virtue to keep the Zhongshan Kingdom in the past. Now, except for the Zhongshan Kingdom, in For Your Majesty, it is also a virtue."

Zhao Tuo said this, and Zhao Wan nodded happily.

"I think it's better to do what the general wants. It's already April. If we delay it any longer, the people won't be able to plow in the spring. I'll tell the Lord of Zhongshan today and order him to abolish the country's title as soon as possible and call himself Sir, I will send you a silk letter to Your Majesty. I just need the General to attach another memorial to Your Majesty to explain the reason. Tomorrow we will lead the people from Jiuliang to this place. The trees can be cut down to build houses. The land with shrubs and grass is mostly flat land. Burn out the fire and let them plow faster.”

None of the people responsible for presiding over major events disagreed with Zhao Wan's solution, so the matter was decided.

The leader of the Zhongshan Kingdom had long heard the name of the First Emperor, and was retained in the country that day. In fact, he had always bowed to Qin.

Now that a visitor from the Qin State made such a request, several powerful generals stood in front of him, and the outside of the city was filled with armored soldiers. Naturally, the Lord of Zhongshan sent his two sons to drive to Xianyang City overnight.

However, due to the secluded environment, there were no good horses in the Zhongshan Kingdom, and the best horses were shorter than the Qin people's horses, so they borrowed the Qin people's tall horses. However, the two sons of the king did not know how to use saddles and stirrups. So the Qin people hitched a carriage; and then seeing that this small country encountered such a big thing, it didn't even send a guard, so the Qin people sent ten armored soldiers to escort them, which amused the group.

As May approaches, most of the soldiers who have been disarmed and returned to their fields, as well as the people of Jiuliang, have settled down.

The laws of the Qin State stipulate that people who have delayed their farming season due to migration and land division, and who have not harvested grains for half a year, can apply for rice grains from the county government through the three elders in the township.

Because of the redistribution of land this time, fierce conflicts broke out between the old landlords, soldiers and officials of the Qin State, and the landlords and villagers of the old Liang people, but the old Zhao people gained new benefits because of this. Delineate your own interests before registering on the register.

The laws of the Qin State stipulate that private fights with weapons are not allowed. These common people were brought over in batches. The soldiers were compared with the people. There were also white-paper edicts issued by Qin II flying in the sky. Everyone was able to come and live by the river. There are also many people who are grateful for the kindness of Qin II.

As for the groups that were originally exploited as tenant farmers, they are also happy to have the opportunity to redistribute their land.It's just that the original old landlord was unwilling to let the people go and wanted to lock them in a room. These people usually had no one to support them, but now that someone else was the emperor, they naturally started to make trouble.

The large and physically powerful Lao Zhao people actually became the first group to rebel against the old landlords.ah
Immediately afterwards, the general of Qin led the soldiers who were unarmed and unarmed to divide the land for the second time, and then came the Liang people. The four groups almost came to blows, but the last three were all landless people. In order to avoid conflicts but still get no benefits, these people negotiated and coordinated among themselves and divided their interests.

Some people were assigned land that had been abandoned for decades or even centuries, and they began to build houses, build wooden sheds, and hoe the land.

But there are some people, mainly Liang people with a large family population, and Qin people who return to their fields with swords. Their goal is mainly the fertile land of the old Zhao people.

During the day, military commanders and civil servants were all around, so it was not easy to start conflicts openly. Once they started to cause trouble, they would be arrested.

Nowadays, the Qin State has abolished many severe punishments and laws, but this does not mean that Qin officials have no way to punish these rebellious people.Once a fight starts, no matter what the reason, they will be taken to an empty room and starved for two days.

(End of this chapter)

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