Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 721: The Mouthpiece of the Second Qin Dynasty (please give me a monthly recommendation ticke

Chapter 721 Qin II’s mouthpiece (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
After the Qin State abolished the severe punishment laws, this practice quietly became popular among Qin officials. It did not hurt the emperor's face, did not violate Qin laws, and had the effect of making the people obedient.

These people have suffered from the Qin people, and they are all very well-behaved.

As a result, during the day, the counties, counties and villages were all very quiet, but at night, the officials returned to their homes and the soldiers returned to their camps.

It's just that these conflicting interest groups, old and new, will raise torches at night, with both sides carrying hoes and swords. Their purpose is not to fight, but to dig cellars and wells. That is to determine the homestead; to dig a well is to determine the boundaries between fields.

If there is a conflict between the two parties, they can only use fists and feet, not weapons.

These people beat me back and forth, and even though my nose and face were still bruised and swollen, it was still better than missing an arm or a leg. If someone asked me about it the next day, they would just say it was a bump.

At the turn of March and April, until the end of May, people from both sides of the river basin came here like this every night.

The officers and soldiers of Qin State were not ignorant of this. Not only were they aware of it, but they also secretly allowed themselves to solve it in this way.

Although the old gentry in Zhao were angry, there was nothing they could do as new orders were posted everywhere.Nowadays, anyone who can read can understand every order issued by the emperor.If they resist desperately, there is no need for Qin II to send troops. The first person to kill them will be the former tenant farmers.

The development of many things often goes to two extremes. When the winning group smiles, the losing group will feel sad and cry silently.

The river surged eastward and never returned, leaving the mountains, forests, fields, and people on both sides behind.

The people living on the river bank slept particularly soundly listening to the sound of the stream flowing by.

The entire north of the Great Qin Empire was in a state of extreme turmoil after the third month of the third year of the Second Emperor.

The sound of felling trees, the sound of fire burning bushes, the sound of digging water wells and building houses.

The sound of horse hooves can be heard all the time, the chariots rumble and their wheels roll.

The war was over, and many abandoned tanks were turned into means of transportation for building houses.

What surprised these Qin people was that these ordinary people looked listless on weekdays, but now they are willing to work tirelessly in order to tidy up their land.

In June, the weather was hot and the soldiers retreated one after another.

These people are old Qin people who voluntarily returned to the pass.Different from the Xinqin people, they are sons and daughters who have been away from home for decades. Now that they can return home, it is natural for them to reunite with their families.

Another meaning is that the family wealth in the pass has been almost emptied by the construction of imperial tombs, the construction of Chidao, and many major fortifications.Qin also lost a lot of labor within the country.

A family has to deal with heavy taxes and levies externally, but internally there is not enough young and middle-aged labor force. The fields in Guanzhong are deserted, and the situation inside Guanzhong is even more serious.

And this information cannot be released yet.

But by the time the garrison army returned to the old Qin Kingdom, it was already June and July. Although they could not catch up with the spring planting, they could catch up with the autumn harvest.

While a large number of people from Zhao were pouring in, Qin II sent the three Wang brothers to take charge of a project.

The roads between Qin and Zhao will continue to be built, and transfer stations will also be added to facilitate resting back and forth.

The whole Guanzhong Pass was busy up and down, but the people had few complaints. This year of the Qin State was known as the "Year of the First Rule" in the history after Qin unified the world.

In the Qin State during this period, various modes of transportation were allowed to circulate, and waterway transportation developed greatly.

After roads were built, new modes of transportation naturally emerged.

At the same time that new-style carriages appeared on the roads of Qin, horse riding became popular in Guanzhong. With stirrups and saddles, horse riding did not seem to be a difficult task.On the contrary, because of the convenience and speed of one person and one horse, riding a horse is more popular than a cumbersome chariot.So raising horses became a hobby for powerful people.

The most rare thing is that a kind of wooden rail car began to spread all over the world.

This kind of wooden rail car is most suitable to be placed in a granary for transporting grain.

Although some clans are legally separated, their granaries need to be stored on ramps for easy storage and ventilation. They need this kind of rail car.

Although the length and precision of the construction are far inferior to those built by the royal craftsmen in Guan Nei, it can already meet daily needs.

At this time, the state of Qin introduced the overturned cart, that is, the waterwheel, which was used to irrigate farmland.This type of water wheel is a specialized technical tool for watering from low places.

Once it appeared, it began to spread rapidly along the river.

At the end of the backward Warring States Period, productivity technology should not have been promoted and developed so rapidly. However, people living in this era knew very well what thing had brought such a huge change to their lives - paper.

Originally, the contents of a book had to be carved into bamboo slips for a carriage to be transported from one place to another.But now, the content of a book can be written on a thin piece of paper and carried away in your arms.

The appearance of an artifact originally had to be copied by word of mouth, stone carving, or silk painting. But now, with paper, you only need to draw it on the paper, fold it, put it in a bag and pass it on to others.

In the past, it was unimaginable for a peasant family to have a roll of bamboo slips, but now, at least every household can have paper at home.

This relies on the developed technology of the Qin State. A large group of craftsmen are gathered in Xianyang City. The Qin State will engrave their names on the register of the Ministry of Industry. Every technology will be recorded, and every exquisite technology will be recorded. The items will also be drawn.

In the Qin State, scholars had the highest status, followed by craftsmen, then merchants, and finally farmers.

No matter how much the emperor declared clearly that the social class status of scholars, peasants, industry and merchants was still under the law, merchants were already wealthy. Since they were wealthy, how could they be looked down upon by others?

Although this phenomenon exists, it has been like this for thousands of years. The more forceful the regulations are, the more scholars, businessmen, and craftsmen will buy and sell land one after another. What's more, it is only the first year of the great rule, and the second generation does not want to touch the Qin people. Ranking in mind, the second generation is now looking for another feasible path for the Qin Empire.

Was the Qin Dynasty the beginning of the feudal era?Or is it just the beginning of the emperor system?
What kind of life will the people of the Great Qin Empire live in the future? At present, Fusu is the only one who can make the right choice.

(End of this chapter)

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