Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 722: Sooner or later you will get into trouble (please give me a monthly recommendation tick

Chapter 722: Sooner or later, you will get into trouble (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

The vigorous land-dividing movement first started in Qin's Hanoi and Shanxi provinces like a spark igniting a prairie fire, and then ended overnight.

Obviously, this top-down reform caters to the needs of the current era and the psychological expectations of the people.

In mid-May, the city of Xianyang was already blooming with flowers and willows, and the streets were bustling with cars and horses, smelling of wine, and bustling with activity.

In Shanglin Garden, there are also two rows of orioles singing in the green willows, and a row of egrets ascending to the blue sky, which is quiet and peaceful.

Just in an open space to the north of Shanglin Garden, I heard the sound of horse hooves, and the birds around were so startled that they all fluttered their wings and left the place.

Zhao Ziyi, the deputy captain of the Forbidden Army, chose an open space and summoned a thousand soldiers to practice horseback riding.

This is preparation for this year's Autumn Hunting Ceremony. Although there is no war, the training of the Empire's soldiers cannot be neglected.During the Autumn Hunting Ceremony, the Second Emperor will go to the northwest of Xianyang for a military parade, and the Forbidden Army will also be included in this competition.

When you win, you feel inspired, but when you lose, you go back and rectify yourself.

If you want to gain the emperor's trust, you have to keep working hard.

So Zhao Ziyi started specifically on horseback riding. They had the most sophisticated equipment, such as stirrups and saddles. The Forbidden Army was always the first army to receive trials.

"I am very satisfied with today's trial. I can see that all the knights have their own opinions and experiences on horseback riding. The longer you train to ride a horse, the more flexible you will be on the battlefield."

"Just today, I want to tell you in advance that next time I will ask you to bring your own food boxes and inform your family that next time you will be training here for three days and three nights. The content of the training is riding and shooting. I believe you have heard of it. , the champion Hou Lixin, who was not yet fifty years old, but was worshiped as Taiwei. His most outstanding thing is mounted archery. He is still on horseback, but he can still hit the target with perfect accuracy. If our army can practice to this point, it will definitely be rewarded by His Majesty. .”

Zhao Ziyi rode on his horse and gave orders to the soldiers who were resting on the ground to boost their morale. However, these Forbidden Army Lang Wei who came from the Huben Army were basically Xianyang indigenous people.In other words, these people's ancestors had been wealthy because of military merit and nobility.

Zhao Ziyi was younger than them, but he was awarded the title of deputy captain because he always flattered the emperor. Now he called people out for training on this hot day, which had long aroused the dissatisfaction of these soldiers.

"Lieutenant Zhao, we thought that it would be impossible to get promoted to a noble rank by relying on the ability to train cavalry and archery. You have never been on the battlefield, but you want to become a general and become a marquis. You are either a queen of the powerful, or you are crazy. We are just ordinary people. As Lang Wei, it is our duty to protect His Majesty, and we have no other ambitions."

"I thought that these trainings were just to deal with emergencies, but I didn't expect that they were to pursue fame. It's really a bit exaggerated."

As soon as this statement came out, others also agreed.

"Yes, the world is now a time of great governance and a world of scholars. We, brave warriors, are very lucky to be at the feet of the emperor. We don't ask for any generals or titles. Although it is the off-season, I don't need to go back to the fields. , but the young and old at home also need to rely on us. But the deputy captain transferred the whole day on duty and kept us here just to practice these."

In a procession of thousands of people, Zhao Ziyi naturally couldn't hold back his face even if one person spoke a word.

Before he could give the order to disperse, the people in the procession rode away on their own.

Zhao Ziyi had lived for 30 years, and this was the first time he encountered such a thing. Seeing that these people refused to listen to his orders, he was naturally discouraged and went home dejected.

However, during this period, Zhao Ying and other clan members had been pardoned by Fusu because of Meng Tian's repeated pleas, and Meng Tian sent people to bring them back.

Zhao Ziyi returned home very depressed. His grandfather Zhao Ying asked about the reason. When he learned the reason, he asked:
"While the Lang Guards are training, what are you doing, Lieutenant Commander?"

"I'm watching from the side! Grandpa, I want to choose the fastest horse rider among them, and then let everyone follow his example."

Zhao Ying chuckled after hearing this.

Zhao Ziyi, who came from a family of generals, naturally felt that it was because of the decline of his family when something like this happened.

But unexpectedly, his grandfather said slowly:

"As a deputy captain, you are supposed to follow the command. A captain has [-] soldiers and horses, and you can train a thousand soldiers alone. I think this is for my sake."

After Zhao Ziyi heard this, he lowered his head.

"My grandfather taught me how to make the common people listen to me."

Zhao Ying experienced being demoted and recalled again, and his morale was obviously depressed. Now he has no official or nobility. He is still interested in growing flowers and grass, but when he heard this question, his eyes suddenly flashed with daggers. Light.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyi's uncle Zhao Bi was also nearby. The two of them wore linen clothes and were cutting bamboo and whittling wooden swords in the yard.Zhao Ben had a dark face and chopped and chopped without saying a word. Zhao Ziyi always felt that it would be his turn next, and he would be pressed and chopped under the palm of his uncle's hand.

It's just that his grandfather Zhao Ying is more open-minded. Although the second son's manipulation has made him, the fifth official, now without a title or official position, if his grandson aspires to continue to be a general, then he, as a grandfather, will naturally support him.Not for anything else, just to let his grandson achieve his own success.The men of Da Qin are all strong-willed, and Zhao Ying is no exception. It is good to have such ambitions, much better than his stupid second son who sees through the world and wants to live in seclusion.

"Although you are a general, you can't treat your soldiers as tools. Humans are not grass and trees, so how can we be indifferent. You drag them under the sun to practice riding horses, and they are both sun-drenched and tired. Besides, you are not doing it for themselves. "

"But grandpa, my grandson has been promoted to a higher rank. Aren't they also promoted accordingly? When my grandson manages the army, he listens to his grandfather's teachings. I have told them all those principles. As long as they are in the Autumn Hunting Ceremony, Just please His Majesty.”

Zhao Ying naturally shook his head after hearing this.

"You haven't learned enough yet. We all said that you should treat them as human beings, not as tools. If you are a general now and make military orders, the victors can have titles, and the soldiers do not need to listen to your orders. , you will fight bravely to kill the enemy. But you are only a deputy captain now, and you were not promoted because of military merit. Most of the people in the army are of the same generation as you, and some even have better backgrounds than you, so naturally they will not obey you. "

"At this time, you can no longer rely on the past practices to make your soldiers obey your orders."

After hearing this, Zhao Ziyi said with emotion:

"The atmosphere in the army is already sluggish. I wanted to go into battle and kill the enemy to establish my prestige, but Your Majesty didn't give me a chance. I really don't know what to do now."

"Don't be anxious. Although you are young and have no military merit, you can win the morale of the military in other ways. That is to lead by example. When the soldiers train, you will also train. Not only that, you must do better than them and let them I am convinced by you."

Zhao Ben reluctantly listened. He thought, wasn't he just to be superior when he became a general? Why should he treat himself the same way he treated them.

Zhao Ying added:

"At your age, you have only scratched the surface of the art of war and don't know much about strategy. If you can be humble and lawful, you can gain the support of your colleagues. But if you want to gain the heartfelt support of the soldiers, you must advance and retreat with them. .”

Zhao Ziyi was naturally unhappy after hearing this, but Zhao Ying kept nagging him and told him not to worry.

Zhao Ziyi was thinking to himself, he had only a few years to live in this world, and he had to make achievements as early as possible. What his grandfather said always sounded wrong to him, and he had no intention of listening to it anymore.

The sun was setting in the west and the afterglow was setting in the bamboo forest. Zhao Ziyi couldn't bear to be nagging and ran away long ago, leaving Zhao Ben and his son to continue cutting bamboo in the yard.

"Father, I think this child Ziyi will cause trouble in the army in the future."

"He is ambitious and refuses to give in. If he doesn't suffer, someone else will. Let him go. Anyway, Mrs. Zhao has nothing to worry about."

"You are so ambitious and arrogant. I'm afraid it won't be a failure in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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