Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 723: Fatten the prisoner first (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 723: Fatten the prisoner first (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

From the beginning to the middle of this year, everyone in the court was very busy.Many officials from the DPRK were dispatched to re-census the population, land, and household registration in Guannei, Sichuan, Nanyang, Chenjun and other places.As for Shanxi and Hanoi, local officials and special envoys have just returned.

Meng Tian followed Zhao Tuo and supervised the distribution of land.

It was mid-June and the weather was hot. According to the progress, Yushitai's inspection speed was much faster than the speed at which Zhao Tuo and others divided the land.

Zhao Tuo and others completed the deployment of dividing the fields, and then the counties and counties began to register and draw pictures. The villagers even set up boundary markers and erected tree branches to mark the field boundaries. It takes longer.

At that time, Meng Tian had just followed Zhao Tuo and others on their journey back to Xianyang in early June.

This time, the former emperor Qin Shihuang's old generals met, and Zhao Tuo, Yang Mucong, and Meng Tian returned to Xianyang City together.As for the old generals under his command, they have been separated for ten or twenty years. Now that they have met, they naturally have endless things to say.

Yang Miao was already old, but he was still willing to work so hard for the second generation, mostly because of Ying Zheng's face.

For the Great Qin Empire, Ying Zheng was not only the supreme emperor, but also the belief of an entire generation of Qin people.Ying Zheng's act of unifying the six countries was seen by the people of the world as merging the divided world.At that time, people's concept of the world was similar to today's concept of the earth.

After Yingzheng died, the chosen heir would continue to complete the unfinished things on his behalf, so Yang Moucong chose to follow Fusu.

People like Yang Mucong, who had been with Ying Zheng in the past, paid homage to the best emperors of an era. Looking down, except for the successors, there really was no one else worthy of following him.

He walked with all the soldiers, and the journey was extremely peaceful.

Every time he returned from a battle, set foot on the land within the pass, and heard the familiar local accent, Yang Mucong had different feelings.

However, the journey back was uneventful, but Meng Tian became a little uneasy.

Because Zhao Tuo was respectful to Meng Tian along the way, he seemed to want to rely on him.

Nowadays, the civil servants group in Qin State is arrogant, and there are only a few famous generals.But Zhao Tuo, for his 14 years of guarding the border, will definitely be rewarded when he returns. As a general, he is too humble to himself, the censor.

Yang Mucong watched from the sidelines. As an outsider, he saw Meng Tian's troubles and at the same time discovered Zhao Tuo's intentions.

Zhao Tuo wanted to change his position from general to civilian.

This move was very clever.

When we arrived in Xianyang, it was raining in Xianyang.Visitors shuttled between the palace corridors and entered the inner hall of Zhangtai to report.At that time, Zhang Han was playing chess with Fusu in the palace.

"Zhang Han, I see that your chess skills have improved a lot these days."

"Thanks to your Majesty's spirit, the world is peaceful and worry-free. There is no need to use troops, so I can have time to study the art of chess."

After Fusu heard this, he took back the chess pieces that had fallen out.

"As a captain guarding the army, you should be aware of the domestic situation at all times. The empire is only at war for a while. The captain is in charge of the world's military and should be prepared for danger in times of peace."

"I ask your Majesty to make it clear."

The Second King got up and brought Zhang Han to a map.The Second Emperor pointed his sword at Jiuyuan County.

"I heard that after crossing Yinshan Mountain and continuing to the west, you will see a vast and vast desert for thousands of miles, and then you will see oases. In those oases, there is the famous horse - Sweat Blood, and other inexhaustible treasures. I want to open it. The Western Regions, mutual business and trade.”

"But to do this, we must cross the corridor west of the river. I call it the 'Hexi Corridor'. I believe that if we want our country's caravans to pass through this Hexi Corridor safely, we can interact with other countries. To trade with each other, the empire must have an invincible army.”

After hearing this, Zhang Han couldn't help asking:
"Does Your Majesty intend to continue the Northern Expedition? If you think about this route, you will definitely alarm the Huns."

"I'm afraid it's not just the Huns. I have received news that the Huns and the Huns are already uniting. Looking north along the Great Wall connected by the empire is all grassland. Although the Xiongnu suffered a defeat in front of the champion, there are many grasslands on the grassland. The plunderers and the people of the Central Plains are old enemies. Either they starve to death on the grasslands, or they cross the Great Wall and attack southward."

(The Great Wall built by Qin Lian is the [-] mm isoprecipitation line.)
"Within a hundred years, there will be hundreds of battles between the two nations. But how can we ensure that we, the Central Plains people, will always win? Only by letting the strength of the empire not only crush the Huns in this world, but also let the Central Plains lead the Huns .To achieve this, the only way is to make continuous reforms within the empire, continuously develop technology, and use technology to make the country strong."

"But between the Northern Hu and the Central Plains, it is actually a life-and-death struggle. Just having technological leadership and a prosperous life for the people will not make the Huns retreat on their own. In a sense, it is not just the land of the empire that they are jealous of. Dahe, women, and the obsession to defeat the Central Plains people."

"When Qin and Zhao were at their peak, the Huns did not dare to cross the city walls built by Qin and Zhao respectively. Now that all the world is Qin's territory, the Huns are frightened by the power of Qin, so they naturally do not dare to come. But now I want to open up the Western Region. This is the path we must take.”

"Your Majesty is worried that the Huns will take the opportunity to make trouble and disrupt His Majesty's plan?"

"They will definitely do this. I heard that there is a severe drought in the north this year, and the river has long been evaporated. The Huns have no food, and now they have no pasture. I am afraid they will not survive this year. Even if they survive this year, in the past After that."

"I hope that the soldiers of the empire will not soften their bones because of the world's peace. Over time, they will no longer be able to ride a horse or shoot an arrow. But to achieve this, we must rely on the captain."

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry for the offence. Since Your Majesty placed great emphasis on scribes and punished generals, and the generals in the army were replaced one after another, the morale has long been gone. As for those prisoners, although they were incorporated into the army, the general will eventually find out that because of The previous construction of the imperial mausoleum has already exhausted us, if we want them to become elite teachers, we must first support them properly, which will take a lot of time."

Everyone is so hungry that they are all skin and bones. Now if they are asked to practice archery, none of them can lift it, and many of them cannot stand up straight.

Overwork does a lot of damage to the body.

"So this is the reason why you let one hundred thousand prisoners rest where they are, eating, drinking and having fun every day?"

Zhang Han believes that since the emperor handed over the soldiers to him, he should trust him instead of being so worried.

"Your Majesty, I think that if this were not the case, the prisoners would be looking forward to His Majesty letting them go home. With the prisoners who have been pardoned and returned home as their guide, these people are looking forward to being pardoned by Your Majesty day and night. "

(End of this chapter)

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