Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 724 Setting up a trap (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 724 Setting up a trap (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Zhang Han has his own considerations.In order to improve the strength of the prisoner army, the total force of 30 was divided into three armies, which was naturally convenient for him to control alone.

Zhang Han is naturally very concerned about the army directly under him. If this army is not well trained, there will be no way to restrict the training methods of other generals in the future.

The emperor finally showed mercy to him and allowed him to do this, and Zhang Han was naturally delighted.

Second's voice suddenly turned cold and sounded above his head.

"But where does the cost of raising soldiers with big fish and meat come from?"

Zhang Han suddenly froze after hearing this.

"I heard that the imperial mausoleum was completed ahead of schedule because part of the funds originally allocated were used for other purposes."

Zhang Han's face turned pale with fear.

Upon seeing this, Qin II calmly ordered other palace residents to retreat.

Under the gaze of the second generation, Zhang Han said:

"Your Majesty forgive me."

The Second Emperor put the sword back into its scabbard. The sound of the scabbard was very harsh, and the light from the sword was cold and dazzling.

"Before I hand you over to the Yushitai for trial, I will give you a chance. But the premise is that you must report to me truthfully."

Zhang Han stared at the ground, thinking that since the emperor knew about the matter to this extent, he should not worry about finding out other details.If he shirks it, His Majesty will give up on him.Just now, His Majesty told him, the captain, a lot of things about the Western Regions, and it was obvious that he had other plans for him.

After careful consideration, Zhang Han had no choice but to say truthfully:

"Your Majesty, I am prepared to die. I deducted all the gold, silver and jade articles that should have been placed in the tomb as military expenses. Please punish me, Your Majesty."

"You must know that this is a capital crime."

Fusu himself did not expect that Zhang Han would actually do something that he did not dare to do.

Withholding the cost of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum project was a shortcoming in the last step of the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum project. If this matter was brought out, it would definitely cause a big disturbance in the court.

Poor handling of the imperial mausoleum means that the second generation is unfilial to the late emperor.

Of course, there are many emperors in the past dynasties who were very filial to their late emperors.It's just whatever you think in your heart. As a role model for the people of the world, the second generation should not make mistakes on this matter.

In particular, the Imperial Tomb Project is different from other projects. The Great Wall was built to resist the Xiongnu, Chidao was built to facilitate transportation, and the Zhengguo Canal was built to irrigate farmland.However, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin has no art at all for the common people, and even the First Emperor has a bad reputation because of this imperial mausoleum.

Originally, the official letter from the imperial mausoleum would gradually be forgotten by the people of the world.

However, Fusu learned about Zhang Han's misappropriation of public funds at this time.

Whether to deal with him or not can only be decided by Fusu.

Kill him, and the empire will lose another important minister; if you keep him, there is no guarantee that he will not become worse in the future.It would be too unscientific for 50-year-old Zhang Han to change his mind.

Seeing that the second generation was silent, Zhang Han became more and more frightened.

He thought he did it without anyone noticing.

"When you were the young master in the past, the late emperor turned a blind eye to the handling of those accounts. After I succeeded to the throne, I transferred you to the position of captain, and replaced you with Wei Ji to take charge of the treasury. I also paid attention to your past. Turn a blind eye to everything."

"You used to be a young man, and you often went in and out of the palace. Especially when you were renovating the imperial city and palace, you got to know many palace guards and ministers. You should know the rumors in the palace faster than anyone else. Then you should know it. , I have been more tolerant to you than I have been to other ministers for several generations. But this time, Zhang Han, you have disappointed me so much."

Zhang Han always struggled with whether the emperor would give him real military power, and how to compete with his soldiers for the authority of a general.

But he forgot that the second generation helped him carry a basket.

Now, as the old basket was just closed, he stabbed another one.

Zhang Han was like a black snake held seven inches by his second son. He was nervous and anxious, not knowing what to do.

"Your Majesty, I didn't do this intentionally. This happened after I received your Majesty's order to reorganize the army. I went to Lishan one day during my free time and found that there was only one thing left unfinished. I thought about it a few times. , the military needs this expense even more."

At this time, the audience suddenly broke in.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for disturbing you. Dazhu Kingdom, General Zhao Tuo, Lord Zhao Tuo and others have already arrived at the palace."

But at this time, Zhang Han already knew the outcome of this matter.When a third party heard about this, it was no longer good.Unless the person sitting here today is the late emperor, taking the lead in bending the law to protect himself.But the second generation, he needs to establish his prestige now, and he might become a tool for him to show his fairness.

The second regained his composure, rolled up his sleeves, sat on the table, and drank tea by himself.Seeing that Zhang Han was still kneeling, Fusu asked him to get up first.

"Send them in."

There was no one in the hall, so the Second Emperor said:

"I will send important officials from the court to the Western Regions to make diplomatic relations with the vassal states. Zhang Han, who do you think is suitable for this post?"

Zhang Han naturally bowed:

"Your Majesty, I am willing to make meritorious deeds."

"You are my captain."

Zhang Han bowed,

"Your Majesty, I am not qualified for this position, please Your Majesty find someone else."

The three of them were entering the palace. When they heard these words, they had different thoughts for a moment.

When Meng Tian heard about this, he was very unhappy at first, and then changed to the captain?The entire army has been thrown into a panic.

After the three people bowed, Zhang Han saw everyone. Zhao Tuo returned to pay homage to Zhang Han, feeling very timid in his heart.

Before the second generation could express his condolences, Meng Tian took the lead and asked:

"Your Majesty, when I just entered the palace, I heard that His Majesty and the Captain seemed to be discussing something. Could it be that Your Majesty is planning to change the Captain again?"

Meng Tian returned after a long journey. Although he was wearing dark clothes, his military aura was never seen. When he asked this question in the hall, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense and tense.

The Second Emperor had long expected this, so he said in court:
"The captain committed a serious crime, and I have no choice but to bear the pain and bring him to justice."

"I don't know what serious crime the captain has committed, and he must resign. Your Majesty, I have something to say, and please listen to it. This army cannot be leaderless for a long time, let alone change generals frequently."

Zhang Han was naturally embarrassed. Meng Tian, ​​an old man, why are you so serious at this time?

When Yang Mucong saw Meng Tian talking to the emperor like this alone, he no longer looked like a courtier, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and said:

"Censor, this is in the palace. How can the Censor be angry at His Majesty?"

Yang Moucong was much older than Meng Tian.When he attacked Yan State, Meng Tian was still the captain of the captain under Yang Mucong.

Meng Tian was really angry for a while, but as an outsider, Yang Moucong naturally felt unfair for the second generation.The king has his majesty, and his ministers have their ministers. Meng Tian was too arrogant today.

(It's final week for the author. I have to review books and write final papers recently. I'm quite busy. I hope you can understand. I try to keep it to a minimum of one update every day. With luck, I can end the final week next Friday. Then I will be a senior. , no more classes.)
(End of this chapter)

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