Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 725: Falling in love (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 725: Falling in love (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Meng Tian naturally didn't feel that he had done anything wrong today, and was slightly angry at Yang Mucong's "kind words".

"His Majesty once said that loyal words are harsh to the ears. I am saying these things today for the sake of the empire."

Yang Mucong said:
"As a minister, you have your own way. An Neng can hold your majesty accountable in public, but he thinks too highly of himself. Your majesty should be the one making the decision in this Qin country, not Dazhu country."

How could Meng Tian have such thoughts, but there were always people criticizing him behind his back.Precisely because he was afraid that others would think of him in this way, he was careful and cautious, but he didn't expect that someone would say it to his face.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was naturally surprised.

The title of Dazhu Kingdom is very interesting in itself. He is not a prime minister, but as the name suggests, he is also a pillar figure of the Qin Empire.

The late emperor's trust in Meng Tian was already enviable, and Fusu even raised Meng Tian to the highest level.

In front of everyone, Meng Tian was angry and annoyed. He snorted,
"I, Meng Tian, ​​have been loyal to the empire all my life, and I have never had any second thoughts. This is obvious to all the civil and military officials in the court. But the position of Marquis of Changping came so easily, I am extremely envious."

Receiving a title without merit is not a glorious thing for those officials in the court who value honor and integrity.

When Yang Mucong heard this, his expression changed in court.

"Okay, you two, we have returned home in triumph after dividing the land equally. There is nothing to quarrel about. The upright character of Dazhu Kingdom is obvious to all in the court, and there is no need to doubt his loyalty. I am the Marquis of Changping in honor of Changping. In the battle between Qin and Zhao, the heroic souls of the generals and soldiers of the two armies comforted the people of Hanoi and Shanxi, and I was given this position."

"The empire has been unified for 15 years, a period of great rule. There has been no war, so the standards for rewards and titles should naturally be changed. General Yang has always been stationed in the army, patrolling and guarding Shanxi and Shandong. It is right for me to reward him."

After hearing this, the two of them calmed down the anger in their hearts and started fighting each other. No one wanted to pay attention to the other.

Yang Miao couldn't figure out why he had a quarrel with Meng Tian in front of the emperor.There was no enmity between the two of them.

But for Zhao Tuo, what he felt was the fierce atmosphere of party struggle in the DPRK. If he wanted to avoid trouble, he should become a civil servant.

After the second son finished speaking, Zhang Han gritted his teeth and took the initiative in front of the court:
"Meng Yushi, in fact, I, Zhang Han, made a mistake today. I tampered with the imperial mausoleum project and diverted it for military expenses. Zhang Han is willing to be punished. Please judge by the censor."

Meng Tian naturally became confused after hearing this.

Zhao Tuo was surprised at first. This time Shanxi and Hanoi were divided, the whole world knew that the emperor should have summoned him alone, but his majesty deliberately let them hear this.

Could it be...

Meng Tian naturally frowned. This Zhang Han had never dealt with their family when the late emperor was still alive.

As a rule, the young master at that time was in charge of allocating salaries. When his father was alive, the three brothers held positions in the court and received [-] shi of grain.But his father passed away, and the two brothers had not yet been promoted. Together, they only had one thousand shi of grain.But Zhang Han allocated two thousand shi of grain to their family.

Meng Yi naturally rejected the matter and reported the matter to the First Emperor. As a result, Zhang Han's image in front of the First Emperor was tarnished.

But the First Emperor did many things that were based on personal interests and perverted the law.This is one of them.

As a nobleman who has been passed down for thousands of years, the First Emperor didn't care what it meant to give Mengshi an extra thousand shi of food.What the First Emperor saw was the sincerity of the Meng brothers, so he paid more and more attention to the Meng brothers.As for Zhang Han, the First Emperor himself didn't care, but he was the one who was accused of violating the law, so how could he not care.

Unexpectedly, he made another mistake, and this time he was caught by the second generation. In front of everyone, if he didn't plead guilty in public today and let Meng Tian handle it behind his back, he was afraid that the Meng brothers would bring old grudges to him. I took the opportunity to get rid of him.

Feng just stood up in the court, and now the two of them are even exchanging benefits with the clan members secretly. Feng Jie will never agree to ask Feng for help at this time, and will also expose more of his corruption and perversion of the law. Things.As for Li, he has long been forgotten.

Zhang Han had just finished speaking, and before Meng Tian could make a decision, the Second Emperor said:
"Zhang Han held many positions in the past and made great contributions. I decided to let him make meritorious deeds. If I want to open up the Western Regions, I need someone who can represent the Great Qin Empire to go to the Western Regions. I want Zhang Han to lead the team."

Meng Tian heard this and said:
"Your Majesty, I recommended Xu Youbing to your Majesty before, he can be the envoy to the Western Regions. As for the captain Zhang Han, I see that your majesty loves talents and refuses to give up the captain. Today, I am willing to pretend to be confused. Quan pretends that this matter has not happened, and I think that Zhang Han can continue to serve as the captain."

Zhang Han was naturally puzzled after hearing this.

This Meng Tian, ​​he actually said good things to himself today.

"The captain of the guard army, unlike the Taiwei, is the leader of the generals in the world. Within three years, three people were replaced one after another, and the morale of the military in the world was unstable."

Zhang Han reacted after hearing what Meng Tian said again.It turns out that Meng Tian is still the type of person who will put aside his personal grudges for the sake of the overall situation.

But Zhang Han was not grateful to Meng Tian. Instead, after hearing this, he felt that he would be inferior to others because of this matter in the future.

Yang Mucong said:
"It would be understandable to make a fuss about other things to supplement the military expenditure. The empire's military expenditure has always been tight. Nowadays, the military expenditure is borne by the national treasury. But making a fuss about the late emperor's mausoleum, if such things are not done He should be severely punished and allowed to serve as the captain of the army. Doing so will weaken the morale of the army. The captain of the army must be someone like Dazhuguo."

Meng Tian listened and couldn't argue.

The accompanying deputy captain Liu Kai, formerly a captain of Handan County, stood up at this time and put forward a unique point of view.

"The general thought that the guard captain only wanted military expenses. The soldiers in the army would be moved when they heard that the guard captain took the risk to obtain military rations for them. I heard that the person who is now supervising the construction of the imperial mausoleum is the imperial court. Zhongjiuqing, and the person in charge of the fortifications is Zhang Ping, the younger brother of the captain."

"If you want to hold people accountable for such a major matter, you should first hold the Ministry of Works accountable. The Ministry of Works is in charge of the Imperial Tomb Project. Now that such a mess has occurred, Your Majesty should first hold the Ministry of Works accountable."

Liu Kai didn't know much about the situation in the DPRK, and Yang Mucong and Zhao Tuo naturally didn't know much either.

After Liu Kai said this, the second generation frowned, and everyone else remained silent. Only Zhao Tuo took the initiative:

"Your Majesty, I think Deputy Commander Liu's words are the most fair."

But this does not mean that other people do not understand the situation in the DPRK. When Zhang Han heard this, his neck turned red first. The fifth school was his biological brother.The Ministry of Works order to be held accountable was Ji Hao, who was promoted by the Second Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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