Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 72 How does King Qin deserve the title of emperor?

Chapter 72 How does King Qin deserve the title of emperor?

The generals of Chu State were immersed in encouragement.


The white-robed scout suddenly ran into the main hall, shouting again.

"Report to the king, envoys from the State of Qin have come to see you. This is a silk letter sent by the State of Qin."

It broke the arrangements that the nobles of Chu State had just made.


He frowned and frowned. This action made the lifeless face become more wrinkled and aged.

It was so unusual for the Qin envoy to visit at this time, and a pimple appeared between Xiang Yan's eyebrows.

However, he looked at Negative Chu with extreme vigilance.

He had had conflicts with Fu Chuduo before.

Because their King of Chu actually wanted to ask King Qin for peace by ceding territory.

The eunuch took the silk book and handed it to the King of Chu to carry the cud.

Zhichu took it, and suddenly his hands began to tremble as he looked at it.

Many of the people present in the palace are clan leaders who own a piece of Chu Kingdom territory. Now that they have no land, they can only retreat with their men, horses and treasures.

Now some of them could not help but tremble in their hearts when they saw King Chu like this.

Someone asked, "My lord, but the Qin army has sent troops?"

He didn't say anything, just threw the silk book on the ground, and then lost his mind, he sat on his seat like a walking corpse, and began to hold his head and think hard again.

Seeing this, Xiang Yan couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed.

He could tell that their determination to fight to the death between Chu King Fu Chu and Qin King Ying Zheng began to waver again after reading the silk book.

Just now, the atmosphere where everyone was united and working together to discuss sending troops suddenly disappeared, and now the King of Chu has the intention of retreating again...

Not only Xiang Yan, but also the generals who had their fiefdoms taken away by Qin, all felt angry when they saw King Chu's appearance, but they just held back.

Hesitating and hesitating, should we fight or not?
Xiang Yan picked up the silk book and raised her eyebrows when she read the end.

"The Qin State revealed a treacherous plot and broke the agreement of alliance, causing the current six kingdoms to be destroyed and disabled. But now, the King of Qin Yingzheng actually proposed peace to our Chu State!"

Xiang Yan suspected that he had read the contents of the silk book wrongly, so he flipped through it carefully. Every time he saw the word "Qiu He", Xiang Yan was shocked.

"It's simply unbelievable!"

"Begging for peace?"

For a time, all the generals became restless.

Fan Zeng heard something beyond the words.

"This is clearly Qin's trick again! Qin has taken half of our land in Chu, and now they are still sending someone to make peace?"

Xiang Yan's eyes are full of anger!
"King Qin, I want to proclaim myself emperor!"

"proclaim oneself emperor?"

Everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why.

"Emperor? That is the title of our ancestors! How can Ying Zheng bear the title of emperor?"

Fan Zeng was born in Confucianism and read poetry and books. When he heard the news that Ying Zheng was going to proclaim himself emperor, he was trembling with anger.

"How does King Qin compare to the likes of Xuanyuan Huangdi? How arrogant is he to dare to proclaim himself emperor? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the people of Qi and Chu?"

After hearing Xiang Yan's words, Xiang Liang, who was already angry with Ying Zheng but could not get rid of him, was naturally aggrieved.

"Proclaiming yourself emperor will only make the world's scholars laugh at you!"

Xiang Yan pointed at the key point.

"This is not the most important thing. It doesn't matter if the King of Qin proclaims himself the emperor or the emperor, it would be futile for the people of the world not to recognize him."

Xiang Liang was furious.

"What General Xiang said is true. The Qin army was brutal and inhumane on the battlefield. In the past, Han, Zhao, Wei and Chu suffered massacres by them, and the people resented the Qin army."

Some people saw that the matter of regaining lost territory suddenly stopped talking, so naturally they had to be reminded.

"The people of the world will naturally be dissatisfied when King Qin proclaims himself emperor, but what does this have to do with us? Besides, have you forgotten that Qin has a total of 20 troops stationed in Chengfu. And Chengfu is in the north of Shouchun. Everyone. How can I sit still!"

Xiang Yan frowned.

"The implication of Li Si's words is that we, the State of Chu, must surrender to the State of Qin."

The generals are still discussing.The King of Chu suddenly shouted loudly from his seat!

All the generals set their sights on negative cud.

I saw a look of pain on Nian Chu's face.

Right now, it's extremely painful to bear the cud.

He had just regained his confidence under the persuasion of these descendants of the Chu monarchs, and was determined to devote all his strength to a life-and-death battle with Ying Zheng.

But then Ying Zheng suddenly came to ask for peace again.

Why does Fu Chu not know what it means to be reconciled with Qin? Isn't it just to let him lead the country to surrender?

However, this is a great humiliation to the king of a country.

But, fight?
Compared with today's Qiang Qin, the state of Chu is only as big as a palm.

As for Qin, just in Shouchun, which it had just captured, it deployed 20 troops!
To be honest, Fu Chu did not have full confidence in resisting Qin.

As the king of a country, leading the people of the country to submit, what kind of reputation can he leave for the Jiangdong elders!
Fan Zengben was Xiang Yan's adviser. Seeing that the king was wavering again, he immediately stepped forward to speak.

"Your Majesty, this is clearly a trick of the Qin State. King Qin Yingzheng has a wolfish heart and wants to annex the seven countries to satisfy his selfish desires. Now the King of Qin also knows that it is not easy to attack my country of Chu, so he resorted to such a delaying strategy."

Negative Chu let out a long sigh.

"How can I not know the heart of the King of Qin without Gu? But how can our country of Chu fight against Qin now? The father of the city is an important place of our country of Chu,"

Fan Zeng stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, for this plan, you should take it one step at a time."

Zhe Chu looked at this person. Although he was short in stature, his eyes were bright and he was short and capable, giving him a sense of reliability.

"what do you mean?"

"Since the envoy from the State of Qin has arrived, I, the State of Chu, have no reason to ignore him."

After hearing this, Zhe Chu's eyes suddenly became slightly brighter.

Xiang Yan already had an idea.

"Xiang Yan also wants to hear what Li Si of Qin State has to say to us when he returns to his hometown. And if we can stabilize this Li Si, it can buy us a lot of time to assemble and deploy our troops."

When Xiu Chu heard the words, he understood immediately.

"In three days, go and invite the Qin envoy."

The scout was saved and hurriedly replied.

"Xiang Yan, don't worry about the Qin envoy, Bu Gu will buy time for you."

"Xiang Yan understands that as long as the king is determined to fight Qin to the end, how can we, the Chu State, be defeated by Qin if we are united and united?"


The night was deep and huge waves were crashing against the stone shore.

No matter how luxurious and comfortable the furnishings of this post house were, Fusu felt his heart surge as he listened to the vast expanse of waves and rolling snow waves.

It's a pity that he can't go out and can only stay in the post house.

Linzi, a huge city in Qi State.

Unlike Xianyang City, which is dark and solemn at the moment, Linzi City is brightly lit at night, bustling with people coming and going.

However, what excited some Qin officials who came to Qi for the first time most was not the King of Qi’s warm hospitality, but Qi’s brothels——

The night was dark.

(End of this chapter)

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