Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 73 is really an eye-opener for the people of Qin (please recommend and give rewards and mont

Chapter 73 is really an eye-opener for the people of Qin! (Please recommend and give me a monthly ticket!)

In the same year, Guan Zhong, the Prime Minister of Qi State, established the law and set up a pavilion in Qi State to serve as a place for women who were good at singing and dancing. They were named Nulu.

In each female village, there are three or five beauties living there to lure businessmen and travelers to enjoy them.

The city of Linzi in the State of Qi was extremely large and could accommodate [-] female residences.

Up to now, the city of Linzi in Qi State has expanded hundreds of miles, and there are no less than five hundred women's homes.

Therefore, all the wealthy businessmen from all over the world gather here.

In addition, because the tiger and wolf Qin Dynasty successively provoked wars in the west, many wealthy merchants from Han, Zhao and Wei fled into Qi State in order to continue doing business in peace, so Linzi of Qi State now absorbed more people who fled.

The moon is sparse and its stars are shrouded like wavy gauze, casting silver light on the rows of tall buildings.

The glazed tiles, moonlight, and lights complement each other, and the human body is buzzing with excitement.

While the people in Xianyang have already closed their doors to rest, the nightlife of people in Linzi City has just begun.

In the streets and alleys, there are people selling firewood, rice, oil and salt everywhere, as well as people selling pearls, jade utensils and precious medicinal materials.

It was already Haishi, and every shop showed no sign of closing. The doors and windows were wide open, the treasure vases and jade items inside the shop were shining brightly, and the lanterns outside the shop were tall.

On the long street, lanterns are high and low, densely packed and undulating, like a long snake.

On the streets, in addition to shops and hawkers, there are also all kinds of vehicles, including carriages, light carriages, carriages...

What is "rich"? If these Qin people had not entered Qi, they would probably only know how to write and pronounce this word, but not what kind of scene this word "rich" describes.

Now, what surprised these Qin people who had changed their clothes was that these men and women were dragging their long skirts with wide sleeves with different edges and walking quickly, naturally creating a breeze.

However, this group of people were obviously wearing tops and bottoms, but they still dared to flirt with each other in the street and walked forward together hand in hand.

But everyone in the world knows that under this skirt, both men and women are naked.

But right now, these grown men are wearing various crowns, holding graceful young girls in their hands, their faces glowing red, running around in the streets and alleys of Linzi City.

These scenes are absolutely impossible to happen in Xianyang, Qin State.

I have long heard that promiscuity in Qi State continues, and private intercourse between men and women occurs from time to time.

The country of Qi is in chaos and is gradually declining. Today is really an eye-opener for them.

It's night, in the capital of Qi State, the heat wave and lust are mixed with the smell of rouge powder and clear wine, and the air is filled with the smell of decay and erosion.

A man dressed in black and wearing a wooden crown lowered his head and drank alone by the window in a high pavilion of a three-story restaurant.

The man had a sword on the case and was dressed in black. Although he was alone, anyone who saw him would think that he was from the Mo sect.

But the owner of the restaurant didn't care about this. He only saw his bulging pockets and let him in.

Moreover, although this guest has a strong physique, she looks like a good girl. When a man sees her, his heart will be moved...

Right now, the handsome man in black was silently observing the five strong men surrounding the table in front of him.

These five sons have a burly physique, a face like loess, and a fierce look in their eyes.

Although they all wore tops and lower skirts, no different from the Qi people, this handsome man was as careful as his hair. When he lowered his head to pick up chopsticks, he saw that their legs were tied with black cloth.

Sure enough, they are from Qin.

Seeing this scene, the man couldn't help but glance towards the Wutai to the northwest of him.

Wutai is the place where Qi State receives foreign dignitaries.

What surprised him most was that the highest point of the Wutai Pavilion, which was undoubtedly the resting place of the Qin prince, was lost in the darkness at this moment.

"He fell asleep right now?"

The man whispered to himself, obviously annoyed by the sight.

These five people went out together in secret. Although they changed their clothes, they all spoke with a Qin accent. Therefore, even though they were together, they only communicated with each other through their eyes and drawing words on the table. They were very cautious.

The handsome man may look soft and frail, but in fact he has eyes for all directions and ears for all directions.

It seemed that these five people were not ordinary Qin people. They had obviously received some strict training, but they obviously did not meet each other in detail. They could only have come to Qi State for the first time with the Qin State's Mr. Fusu.

Judging from the way they hold their swords and the way they communicate with each other, they seem to be from the ranks, obviously guards.

The people of Qin are known all over the world for their prowess in martial arts, but it is said that the guard Hu Ben army from the Xianyang Palace of Qin State are all nearly eight feet tall, with extraordinary physiques and agility.

As for these people, although they were sitting hunched over their desks and just eating wine, it was not difficult to see that their heights were all over eight feet.

(Eight feet is approximately equal to 1.9 meters)

Thinking about it, they are the bodyguards of Mr. Fusu.

And speaking of fine work.

Careful work! ! !

Among the Six Kingdoms of Guandong, how many countries' destruction and decline could not be related to Qin's spies?

After thinking about it, the beautiful man thought of South Korea again and couldn't help but feel sad.When the wine enters the throat, not only does it not taste sweet, but it also feels that it does not have enough flavor.

Suddenly, as if they had received some signal, they all stood up at the same time. Their stature was so tall that the eyes of everyone present could not help but shine.

Suddenly, these five people became the most eye-catching people on the second floor of the tavern.

Yes, they are all very tall.

But when he noticed that their eyes were resting on him, the handsome man's eyes darkened, and then, his right hand with knuckles as sharp as bamboos tightly pressed the hilt of the sword.

The burly man at the head was none other than Chi Wu.

Not only Chi Wu, who is the leader of the guard, but also the close guards of several Qin princes present, all actually understand Yayan.

Just to avoid exposing their identities and attracting the attention of others, they chose to speak less or not at all.

Moreover, they did not dare to be arrogant in an enemy country.What's more, the five of them were ordered to go out, and the young master asked them to remain calm.

However, the person in front of me is really rare in the world.

Chi Wu couldn't help but sigh to the left and right behind him.

"The women of Qi are as beautiful as clouds, and the men are also handsome."

Hearing this, the handsome man turned pale.

He remembered the humiliation that the Qin people had done to him today!

Afterwards, Chi Wu led his people downstairs.

The handsome man was ashamed and angry, but he quickly calmed down. He saw that the five people were really walking towards Wutai.They walked hurriedly through the crowd. The erotic events seemed like a shameful farce to them, and they didn't want to take a second look.

The handsome man held the agate lamp in his hand fiercely, and the small ears on the lamp pricked his hand so much!
(Okay, next, in Qi and Chu, many very famous figures from the Qin and Han Dynasties will appear one after another. There are a few Momen gangsters, novelists, and famous debaters missing here. You can read them later in this chapter. Post chapter comments, contributor names and people with their own identities and backgrounds.

The good news is that I recommend a smooth promotion, and next week the classification will be pushed.Thank you for your rewards and support. )
(End of this chapter)

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