Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 727: Pay homage to your Majesty, Level 2 (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 727: Pay homage to your Majesty, second in level (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Chutian is thousands of miles away and autumn is clear, and the water goes with the sky and the autumn is endless.

Fire flows in July, and clothes are granted in September.

It is now July, and the scorching summer has gone forever with the river flowing eastward, although the days are still long and the nights are short.

The visitor in a black robe ordered the light boat to pass through the waterway and arrive at the bank of the weeping willow, then changed to ride a horse, and ran all the way to the gate of Chenjun County Mansion.

The man came up to Xiao He with a smile as soon as he got off his horse, and bowed to Xiao He who came up. Xiao He did not dare to neglect.

The visitor smiled and said first:
"Congratulations to the Sheriff on his promotion."

"Please also ask the envoys to declare the edict."

The visitor who came back this time was a newcomer. Jiangdong was far away. In the summer, you could travel by water, take a boat, or ride a horse, which was a new experience.

When I saw Xiao He, I couldn't help but secretly admire him. He looked really pure and upright. No wonder His Majesty was pleased with him.

The visitor unfolded the edict and read out:

"In this era of great governance, everyone in Guanzhong relies on my spirit. However, all local affairs require the assistance of senior officials. I have entrusted the protection of the gods above and the assistance of the officials below. I have governed the world for more than two years. I am aware of the hardships faced by my subordinates, so I specially I promoted the governors of all the counties in the world to be ministers, with the second highest rank. Xiao He, the governor of Chen County, had been the governor of Chen County for more than two years. I have heard that he was a virtuous man for a long time. Now I, Xiao He, am the minister of the Great Qin Empire, with the second highest rank, and awarded the purple gold. Sui."

Xiao He's family were naturally happy after hearing this, especially Xiao Yan. If it weren't for the unsmiling visitor in front of him, he would almost jump to his feet.

Although Xiao He was ecstatic in his heart at this time, he tried hard to calm down his mood, so on the surface, Xiao He was indeed as calm as usual.

Xiao He took the silk book and then arranged for the visitor to have a meal and let him rest at the table.

Dr. Xiao heard about this and waited in the backyard until dark when she saw her husband coming home, then stepped forward to congratulate him.

At this time, all the respectable people in Chen County and Huai'an County were already overjoyed with Xiao He's arrival.Xiao He could withstand the praise of a few people, but when more than ten people praised him at the same time, he naturally felt a little overwhelmed.

Xiao He was happy for several days, and gradually woke up from the joy. He suddenly put away his smile and returned to the study to burn incense and sit quietly.

Xiao Lu was puzzled, so he asked why.

"Why did Father suddenly become so perverted? Could it be that something bad happened?"

Xiao He flicked his sleeves and said to Xiao Lu:
"It's not that I encountered something sad as a father. I just discovered that there is another mystery in the edict issued by His Majesty a few days ago. I'm afraid that after this year, I will go to Xianyang City to take up my post."

Xiao Lu was naturally happy after hearing this.

"Father is really blessed by the gods. If what father said comes true, the Xiao family will be completely prosperous."

Xiao He looked at Xiao Lu, but frowned abnormally.

"To be a human being is to cultivate one's self-discipline. The more proud you are, the less you are allowed to go crazy. Throughout the ages, people who failed have done so because of arrogance. Only those who know how to be humble and temperate can have the last laugh. Laughing for a while is not a skill, but It’s all glitz, it’s just fleeting, only the one who laughs to the end is the winner.”

"It's like playing chess. No matter how many pieces you capture, if you lose momentum, you will still lose in the end."

Xiao He's unprecedented seriousness made Xiao Lu feel frightened.

"Children should remember their father's teachings. On the contrary, his father never speaks big words or speculates. How come he suddenly says such words now and makes his children excited?"

"Your Majesty's imperial edict clearly stated that all the county guards in the world will be named Shangqing, with a rank of second rank. What do you think this means?"

"Every county governor in the world has a title and can enjoy a generous salary."

"You only saw one, not the other."

"Then father, what is the second one?"

"Go and sort out the books. Don't tell anyone what happened today."

Xiao He saw Xiao Lu leaving with a puzzled look on his face, and thought to himself: This matter is too important, it is related to the future structure of the empire, how can I tell you.When you can understand these things, you will be able to succeed me.





There were strong winds and heavy rain, and white arrows poured down from the sky. The whole Xianyang was shut in the rain curtain, motionless, and the voices of the people were drowned.

In Wangyi Palace, Zhao Tuo, the captain of the military guard, was sitting in front of the emperor. In front of him was the jade chessboard used by the late emperor.

Playing chess with the emperor is a sign of favor, but ministers rarely expose their backs to the emperor unless the emperor exposes his own first.

Zhao Tuo made his next move and took a look at the emperor's face. The two of them played in the rain for an hour before they began to rest.

"I have read the memorial you submitted. If this matter is serious, it is indeed related to the safety of the empire. I am quite curious. You have become a captain, and the soldiers have also returned home. Just like the chess game has ended, but Zhao Tuo, you care about the life and death of the chess pieces."

Zhao Tuo replied respectfully:

"Life in this world is like morning dew, and the passing days are more bitter. Your Majesty also said it in "Homecoming Song". The veteran minister has been guarding the border for many years, and he also feels the same way. Your Majesty the Emperor is very worried, and the veteran ministers are also willing to follow your Majesty and follow the ancient rule. "

"The Biography says: 'The major events of a country are related to sacrifices to the Rong'. The major events of a country are related to wars and sacrifices. Etiquette is to maintain social order. Our country of Qin has Qin Legalists, which emphasizes clear rewards and punishments, and maintains social order with laws. "War, behind every war, there are countless casualties."

"Wars often affect the lifeblood of a country, because those who go to the battlefield must be the country's able-bodied adult men. Even if it succeeds, the empire will be greatly weakened, and it is not appropriate to continue to mobilize troops; if it fails, there is a danger of the country's demise."

"I have heard that your Majesty is rectifying the population, but the method of rectifying the people is not in the doctrines of Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism and Legalism. It is in the theory of military strategists. Just because military strategists have always emphasized the principle of employing people. A huge empire requires thousands of vehicles. The strength of the military is used as protection, but the interests of many people are involved behind this."

"Your Majesty has abolished the military merit system, but the matter of appeasing retired soldiers, I think it is very inappropriate. Soldiers are different from ordinary people, especially retired soldiers. These people often return home tired and sleepy. Once upon a time, They are unstable elements in society."

"This group of people don't like a stable life by nature. For them, the life-and-death struggle between beasts is the ideal pursuit. Your Majesty, letting such a group of people go home, is not letting the tiger return to the mountain."

The second generation said calmly:
"Raising soldiers in the army is feeding tigers with blood; releasing soldiers in the fields is letting tigers return to the mountains. Choose the lesser of two evils. If you want to completely solve these problems, you must use other things to attract the attention of these people. As early as 300 years ago, Guan Zhong encountered such a difficult problem."

(End of this chapter)

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