Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 728 Qi Wan Lu Jin (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 728 Qi Wan Lu Jin (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"What is the meaning of this, Your Majesty?"

"Have you heard the story of Qi Wan and Lu Jin?"

"Your Majesty, I followed Tongwu Hou to attack Qi State and occupied Qi State. I have heard this story before. At that time, Duke Huan of Qi appointed Guan Zhong as prime minister. With high political pressure and military threats, Song, Chen, Cai, Wei, Zheng and other countries all recognized Qi's hegemony and elected Duke Huan of Qi as the leader of the alliance. However, the relatively powerful Lu State, which was close to Qi, refused to give in. Together with Tan, Sui and other small countries, they firmly opposed Qi's hegemony."

"Qi didn't care about the small countries around it, but was more afraid of Lu. Then the Battle of Changshao broke out between Qi and Lu, which ended in Qi's defeat. Although Qi defeated Lu several times later, it couldn't win. What a benefit.”

"Qi Huan Gong was very depressed. He couldn't defeat him after being beaten, and he couldn't be persuaded. He simply refused to accept hard or soft advice. So Qi Prime Minister Guan Zhong found another shortcut and proposed to launch an economic war around "Qi Wan and Lu Jin" to let Lu The country surrendered.”

"Wan is the white silk that is a specialty of Qi State. It is fine and smooth, so it is also called Qi Wan. People in Qi use this white silk to make clothes; while Lu State uses onyx for clothes. Onyx is also a kind of fine white raw silk. It is mainly made of white silk. It was produced in the State of Lu, so it is also called Lu Gu. The State of Qi and the State of Lu are close to each other, and there are trade exchanges all year round between princes, nobles and common people."

"Guan Zhong asked Duke Huan of Qi to take the lead in wearing silk clothes, and ordered all officials to also wear silk clothes. Soon after, the people of Qi followed suit, and for a while, silk clothes spread all over Qi. And Guan Zhong also issued an order prohibiting it. The people of Qi produce silk, and all the silk must be imported from outside."

"As a result, the supply of Lu silk was in short supply and the price soared. Seeing the huge profits, the people of Lu gave up farming and came to weave silk. Not only that, Guan Zhong also sent people to post notices: Every merchant will sell a thousand pieces to Qi. A reward of three hundred gold for a piece of silk, and a reward of three thousand for selling ten thousand horses. In this way, the enthusiasm of the people of Lu became even higher. Duke Zhuang of Lu was also greedy for taxes and did not stop him. So every household in the country of Lu was full of weaving, and The fields are laid waste.”

"A year later, Guan Zhong suddenly ordered the gates to be closed and Lu Zhen was not allowed to enter the state of Qi. At the same time, Duke Huan of Qi and his ministers began to wear clothes made by Qi Wan, and Qi Wan became popular again. However, this move caused great harm to the people. The people of the State of Lu not only had mountains of Lu silk that could not be sold, but their crops were also wasted."

"Gong Zhuang of Lu found out that he had fallen into the trap, but it was too late. He had to send people to buy grain from Qi, but Guan Zhong took the opportunity to raise the price. In the face of internal and external troubles, Duke Zhuang of Lu bowed his head to Duke Huan of Qi and elected him as the leader of the alliance. Recognize the hegemony of Qi. This is the historical allusion of "Qi Wan and Lu Zhen". Guan Zhong used economic means to start a trade war and achieved the goal of subduing others without fighting."

After hearing this, the second generation couldn't help but said:

"Everyone in the world loves fabricated legends, but they don't know that the wisdom and strategies of the wise men passed down in the history books are many times higher than those fabricated by weird people. And every time I read ancient books, I hate why I don't have talents like Guan Zhong around me."

Zhao Tuo listened and thought about it carefully.

"I have heard that your Majesty intends to allow the people of Qin to engage in business."

"Exactly. Although there was no reincarnated Guan Zhong at that time, Guan Zhong had already given a solution to the problem."

"Is Your Majesty planning to use Qi Wan and Lu Jin's methods to distract the people's attention through business?"

"This is exactly the reason. As you just said, the empire today has a large number of refugees. The empire retains a powerful army precisely to deter these refugees. But this can only be of temporary use. Do you remember Ren Xiao's rebellion? A single county governor raised 30 rebel troops in just a few months, which just shows that there are so many refugees in the empire."

"Today, I want to tell you another thing. As early as when the late emperor was still alive, he once patrolled the Lanchi Palace at night and encountered thieves."

Zhao Tuo was naturally shocked after hearing this.

"Lanchi Palace, isn't it just on the outskirts of Xianyang?"

"Yes, there are thieves and thieves under the feet of the late emperor, which shows how chaotic the grassroots level is. So as soon as I succeeded to the throne, I promoted light corvee and small taxes, encouraged farmers to cultivate mulberry trees, and reclaimed wasteland. As long as you are willing to farm, I will let Qin officials The purpose of registering these people with household registration and doing all these things is to appease these refugees."

"But these methods are not enough at all. After much thought, I can only use new things such as industry and commerce to attract the attention of these refugees. As long as they don't think about war, the empire will be peaceful."

"I'm afraid this matter needs long-term consideration. With the current situation of the empire, the food and clothing of the soldiers returning home has not yet been solved. And as far as I know, the land annexation within the pass is more serious than anywhere else. The situation inside the pass is probably more serious than outside the pass. . Every time the veteran minister returned to the court after an imperial edict, he would return to his hometown. The land annexation situation in a township became more and more serious. A large number of farmers went bankrupt. They either farmed with servants or went bankrupt and wandered around. At that time, a large number of people in Guanzhong were still there. They contribute to heavy corvee work and major projects, but they really don’t care about farmland.”

"Another treacherous villain is disturbing the audience in front of the late emperor. These problems have been accumulated for a long time and have caused irreparable consequences. For example, illness, which is a minor illness at first, can be cured with acupuncture, but as time goes by, the illness becomes terminal and there is no way to recover. Light corvee and light tax are only used to cure minor illnesses."

"In today's current situation, light corvee and low taxes can only be regarded as auxiliary medicine. To truly solve this scourge, there is only one way, and that is to continue to strengthen the Guanzhong standard system. While attracting refugees to stay in Guanzhong, we should also strengthen the internal system of Guanzhong. status."

"The general believes that the key to governing a country is to govern the people, rather than blindly focusing on the vast territory. The country exists for the people. But now the empire has a strange mentality and is not busy governing. The people, however, focused their energy on the territory. In his early years, the general was a general, followed many generals through life and death, and conquered countless cities. At that time, the general had a doubt in his heart. "

"It is said that the purpose of expanding territory and annexing six countries is to unify the world, but what are we unifying? Are we unifying the people of the world, or are we unifying the territory of the world? If it is just to unify the territory, then every ten steps on the territory of the world, Setting up the flag of our Qin country is considered to have achieved the goal. But if it is to end the civil war forever, then we should unify the hearts of the people."

"But does Your Majesty think that people's hearts can be unified? If Your Majesty thinks that people's hearts can be unified, then I think that the Great Qin Empire can only last for two generations at most."

Fusu suddenly felt a chill running down his spine after hearing this.

You know, there is only one year left until the end of Qin's national destiny in history.If the Qin State survives safely, it means that his position as emperor is secure. If not, the Qin State will be in trouble in the future.Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were driven to Zhao. Without Xiang Yu, there would be Song Yi.

After three years as emperor, no one dared to say this to Fusu.

(End of this chapter)

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