Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 729: Being played with (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 729: Being played with (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Fusu was stunned for a while, but Zhao Tuo's attitude was extremely firm.

The monarch and his ministers had a silent confrontation for a long time, and Zhao Tuo still refused to bow his head and obey. It should be noted that the second generation is no longer the second generation of the past.

Ideals will be buried in the dust of reality. As for what is left, it depends on the heart of the deity.

As the emperor with the power of life and death, Zhao Tuo was so strong that he naturally aroused the murderous intention in Fusu's heart.

"The guard's words were so fierce today, don't you want to change your words?"

Zhao Tuo said:

"Your Majesty, the general is saying this today just to make your majesty understand. The great cause that your majesty wants to achieve is against the people's hearts. The general will ask your majesty today, in your eyes, is the responsibility of maintaining the imperial ancestral temple more important, or the responsibility of maintaining the imperial ancestral temple? Is it important to create an unprecedented world? The reality is so harsh, His Majesty can only choose one between the two."

To maintain the imperial ancestral temple is to protect one's throne; to create an unprecedented world is to protect the interests of the common people.

"The emperor is unkind and cannot protect the world."

"But if the emperor is benevolent to the people, will the people protect the world for the emperor? Your Majesty is now 33 years old. It is time to be ruthless and do something in line with human nature. The old minister implores your majesty to continue the Guanzhong policy that was originally proposed by your majesty. The standard system completely divides the boundaries between the inside and outside of the pass, rectifies the inside of the pass, and squeezes and suppresses those outside the pass."

"Use the political system to attract most of the people in the world to stay in Guanzhong, so that your majesty can protect both the ancestral temple and the country."

The second generation felt that these words seemed familiar, so he asked:

"Did you take Zhang Han's suggestion and send troops to attack the rebellious Ren Xiao?"

The Second Emperor wanted to wait longer and let the civil servants take real power. Frequent changes in the army would have only one result. The people of the world would only recognize the emperor but not the generals. This soft-knife way of exploiting military power cannot be accepted by any general.

Zhao Tuo couldn't deny it.

"The last general thinks that what General Zhang said is indeed very reasonable. If we want to boost the morale of the army, we need a victory."

After hearing this, the second generation naturally understood.Zhao Tuo and Zhang Han formed an alliance, and they had only one purpose, to keep the military power in their hands.

Zhao Tuo was afraid that the emperor would discover their true purpose, so he had an idea.

"His Majesty the Emperor is benevolent in his heart and refuses to start another war. However, His Majesty allows the rebellious generals to cause trouble in the south of the empire. They gradually become stronger but do not destroy them. Isn't this the destruction of His Majesty's power?"

At this time, there was no smile on Fusu's face, and his eyes showed caution.

Fusu summoned Zhao Tuo with only one intention, asking him to appease these generals. He wanted to create other promotion channels for the people of Qin.

But Zhao Tuo now told him bluntly that the empire needed to fight now.

This general who has 30 troops and many tiger generals under his command, who can be both a sharp weapon and a deadly weapon for the empire, does not even know that he is threatening me from all sides.

The second generation was stunned, scattered the chess pieces in his hand on the chessboard, and said meaningfully:

"The guard has been away from Xianyang for a long time and knows very little about the affairs of the imperial capital."

Zhao Tuo looked at the young emperor and saw that he didn't believe his words at all. Zhao Tuo felt slightly panicked.

"It has not been a month since I came to the Imperial Capital at the end of the year. I really don't know much about the affairs of the Imperial Capital."

"The Champion Marquis is staying at home. If there is anything you don't understand about the guards, you can go and ask for advice. He is a Taiwei. Although you are the captain of the guards and are in charge of major military and political affairs in the world, you might as well ask first for such a big matter as a battle. Ask Lieutenant Li Xin."

Li Xin?I heard that he is now finally a grandfather.

Under the emperor's pressure, Zhao Tuo couldn't help but said:

"The reason why I called you to play chess today is for nothing else. It is because I want to allow business in the country and encourage the people to learn craftsmanship. I have made up my mind. It's just the military affairs. I'm afraid I don't have time to take care of them, so I have full authority. Leave it to the guards."

When Zhao Tuo heard this, he became alert.
"Don't worry, your majesty. As the captain of the army, I will strictly control my subordinates and report every detail to my superiors."

"The guard captain has been changed twice in three years. I don't know what the current situation in the army is. Write me a memorial to report."

Zhao Tuo's advice to go to war failed, but he was asked by the emperor to write a memorial. When he came, he was majestic, but when he left, he was as timid as a cat, and his majesty was completely destroyed.

After returning to the mansion, I was still restless.

He felt that he had been tricked by Zhang Han, and he was very angry, but he could not get angry at Zhang Han.

Who knows what tricks Zhang Han will use on him next.

The emperor actually retained command of his army of [-] prisoners and allowed him to continue training this army.

Zhao Tuo returned home very reluctantly and sulked for a while. He felt that he was being bullied by everyone, especially the second son who said that he was not familiar with the environment in Xianyang City.

Zhao Tuo thought for a while. Although he returned to Guanzhong and touched the elms and big white poplars that he thought about day and night, when he returned to Guanzhong now, the elms and poplars were all there, but the people were no longer the same as they were more than ten years ago. Same.

Thinking like this, Zhao Tuo only felt that he was very passive.He summoned his old troops and wanted to drink with them, but in the end only three of the thirty captains came.These three are things he usually doesn't attach much importance to.

On the second day, Zhao Tuo began to write a memorial and wrote a bamboo slip. He mainly said that the morale of the people in Guan Nei was low and all of them were listless. He also said that many soldiers had returned home but had nowhere to stay. Now they are living in Xianyang City after returning home. forward.

Unexpectedly, this memorial was sent back by the emperor.

This single move shocked the entire Xianyang City.

When the memorial was returned, Zhao Tuo was changing into his regular clothes and preparing to meet some old comrades.But the visitor handed the memorial back to him and said:
"Your Majesty said that the Commander-in-Chief is in charge of the three armies, and there are so many military matters in the world. Now the Commander-in-Chief has only told His Majesty two things, which is a sign of neglect. Your Majesty thought that the Commander-in-Chief had taken office for the first time, so he refused. Investigate and give the guards a chance to report again."

This memorial was rarely beaten back.This slap back was not a memorial, it was clearly a slap in the face.

Zhao Tuo's memorial was sent back, and everyone immediately became aware of the commotion. The children and clan members at home were alarmed and came over to ask him for details.

The Imperial Academy was full of people who praised the emperor. As soon as they heard about this, the news spread that Zhao Tuo was arrogant and disrespectful to His Majesty. Zhao Tuo didn't do anything, but the incident inexplicably caused a disturbance, so he had to stay at home.

Zhao Tuo felt deeply that he had been played, and was encouraged to mention the war to His Majesty. He did not expect that Your Majesty would punish him like this.

It was not easy for Zhao Tuo to come back, and he also cleaned up a big mess for the second generation.

But he didn't expect that the people who came back to Guanzhong would treat him like this.

(End of this chapter)

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