Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 730: Establishing one’s own business (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 730: Establishing one’s own business (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 259: The power of the local county governor is increased (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
When the Second Emperor issued the edict to promote county governors from various places, there was naturally another uproar in Guanzhong.

Zhao Wan, the governor of Handan County, was sorting out the books at that time. Thinking of the news, he started stroking his beard and smiling meaningfully.

At this time, he had already imagined himself sitting in the prime minister's position and being worshiped by hundreds of officials.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wan couldn't help but feel even more proud, shaking his head three times, his mouth from ear to ear.

Suddenly, a small official came in from outside, looking panicked.

"Sheriff, something happened."

Zhao Wan suddenly woke up from his sweet dream. The clerk hadn't spoken yet, but Zhao Wan had already guessed it.

Dividing land means forcing vested interests to cut off their own flesh with swords and feed it to others.

Sure enough, something happened as soon as the army withdrew.

Zhao Wan had known this for a long time, so he was not panicked.

"What's the fuss? It's not appropriate. Although you are a Qin official and don't go to the battlefield, you are also a Qin man. Howling like a ghost or a wolf."

"Chief, what happened suddenly! Now the people from Hanoi are threatening to set up their own business, establish their own counties, and govern themselves. Then the old Zhao people started fighting with the new gangsters."

[Meng means outsider in the pre-Qin period. 】

After Zhao Wan heard this, his eyes shone with a cold light.

"It's not surprising that the two parties are fighting. I've expected it. It would be strange if they didn't fight. It's just that they are threatening to establish their own country and establish their own counties. This is an urgent matter."

"Yes, Sheriff, who can say otherwise? This kind of thing must not be allowed, and the news cannot be spread. If it spreads to other people's ears, the matter will be even more troublesome."

"You're right."

"Chief, the top priority is to suppress the rioters first, and then ask His Majesty to make a decision."

Zhao Wan listened, but sat where he was and said nothing.

This made the clerk anxious.

"Don't forget that we, the county guards, are no longer what they used to be. Please ask for the Holy Judgment. It will take ten days at the earliest before we can know His Majesty's ruling. If we wait, in ten days, Hanoi I’m afraid there will be a swarm of thieves.”

"You have been with me for a long time. The power of the county governor here is too small, and everything must be done by the superiors. Because the inconvenience of the system is just to facilitate those rampant thieves. You don't know how to do these things. Not sure."

The junior official said:

"Having said that, the emperor's system has been established, and all matters in the world, no matter how big or small, must be decided by the superior. Although the county governor is now responsible for re-dividing the land of Hanoi and Shanxi, he can command the county guards on the matter of dividing the land, but If I decide this matter on my own, I’m afraid it will cause His Majesty’s displeasure.”

"Furthermore, I think His Majesty's desire for power is not that high. Your Majesty's promotion of the title to the Duke is not just a matter of suffering for the governors of the world, so the next time you make a decision, it will bring rain. But His Majesty has just shown favor, and the Duke has shown that The act of crossing the line without authorization may become an example for county guards around the world to abide by their duties. If the county governor handles this matter on his own and waits to retaliate later, I am afraid it will offend His Majesty."

Zhao Wan had no choice but to listen to what this young official said.What he said is indeed correct. Now that he has crossed the line, he will stand out.

Zhao Wan was also afraid of the emperor in his heart. If he made his majesty angry because of this matter, then all the hard work in the past six months would be in vain.

"Hurry and report to the General of Guard. I will write him a letter and ask him to send two thousand troops to suppress it first. You first draft a memorial so that I can report to Your Majesty."

After the two of them finished writing memorials and letters, they sent them out separately. They were all urgent letters and they traveled all day and night to deliver them.

When something like this happened, Zhao Wan knew how to solve it, but he couldn't overstep it. He had talents but couldn't use them, and Zhao Wan was anxious.

That night, everyone in Guanzhong who knew about this incident was so anxious that they couldn't sleep.Everyone is afraid that the news will spread and others will follow suit.

By the third day, Wei Tong's army arrived at the scene. The riot had already subsided. At this time, there was no way to arrest anyone. They could only arrest a few honest people and lock them up, and then release them after the incident was over.

Wei Tong missed it and was naturally angry.However, Zhao Wan clearly wrote in the book that the matter must be handled secretly, otherwise, if this matter spreads, there will be big trouble.

"Go and find the people who are leading the charge and are threatening to set up their own businesses and counties."

Not long after, an old man with a Chu country accent was brought to Wei Tong.

Wei Tong had a tough look on his face, he was tall, in his prime, and majestic. He was surrounded by strict and solemn guards, watching him motionlessly.

Before the other party could speak, Liu Ji's momentum had already overwhelmed Liu Ji.

"Are you the one who threatened to establish an independent county?"

"It's the villain."

Wei Tong couldn't help but shake his head when he saw it.This person looks like a slippery man, very unruly. He can instigate two parties to fight and alarm Zhao Wan. He should be a brave and strategic big shot, but in front of him, he calls himself a villain, but on his face he looks like a villain. Showing an inexplicable arrogance.

Wei Tong sat in the upper seat, holding a short whip in his hand, and smiled with the corner of his mouth raised.

This is a short whip that is popular among the Qin people recently. Just because horse riding is popular, Qin people compete with each other to see who has better horse riding skills. Carrying an exquisite short whip with you shows that you are a horseman and you have already abandoned the backwardness of horse-drawn carriages. of transportation.

Sure enough, when Liu Ji saw Wei Tong, his eyes were all on the riding whip.

"It seems that the general likes to ride horses. When dealing with criminals like me, he always carries a short whip with him."

Wei Tong originally wanted to scold him, but when he heard his question, he couldn't help but reply:
"I got a good horse recently. If it weren't for the trouble you provoked, I would have been riding a horse at the school grounds today."

Liu Ji apologized and smiled:

"It's all the villain's fault for disturbing the general's elegance. Something like this happened today, which alerted the general to come over in person, but the villain didn't want to. It's just that things happened for a reason, and I, Liu Ji, didn't want to see things get serious, so I came out to do it. Got a master."

"Just because we have lived by the water for generations, and now that we have come to Hanoi, although we have been given territory, we have been scattered in different counties. This is just a division. We have been neighbors for many years. It's not that we can't see it. But after the land was divided, we were ignored. We originally said that we would divert water to irrigate the canals, but one thing delayed it for a month. We wanted to do it ourselves, but the county magistrate refused. "

"We proposed to move to a place farther south in Handan County, where there are mountains and rivers, fertile land and a large area. The county magistrate was not willing. The villagers thought that I could make the decision, so they recommended me to lead us to establish a separate A county. But as soon as these words were given to the county magistrate, the county magistrate kicked us out. Several of my brothers interfered with them and are now locked up. "

(End of this chapter)

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