Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 731 Can he be called a hero? (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 731 Can he be called a hero? (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"His Majesty the Emperor said that the people in the world are all Qin people, and they are all one family. The local prefects and county magistrates are the parents of the common people. The daughter here made a mistake, and parental education is a matter of course, but now, what is wrong with us?" None of them committed any crime, but they arrested a few of my brothers and spreading the news would probably damage the prestige of the county governor here."

After hearing this, the general looked at the attendant on the left, and then whispered in a low voice:

"I don't know if what this man said is trustworthy. There are many discrepancies in what the county magistrate said. Go out and find out what happened?"

The attendant took the order and led a group of people out.

Wei Tong didn't say much, and as he listened, his chest was full of anger.

To set up one's own business is to rebel, isn't it?

But according to what he meant, it was his brothers who were caught, and he stood up now to rescue them all.

This man is interesting.

There are not many people who value loyalty in this world.

"You just said your name is Liu Ji."


"Your Majesty, with great kindness, allows the people of Jiuliang to move back to Hanoi and Shanxi, so that you can have fertile land to farm and don't have to be trapped in the water towns. Your Majesty made this decision under huge pressure, for the sake of To prevent you rebellious thieves from rebelling, send troops back to Guanzhong."

"What did I think it was? It's been four months, and everything that should be divided has been divided. Now that you are making noises about such things, aren't you just causing trouble! Why didn't you report these things at the time, and then started fighting? . Now if you commit rebellion, you will not be punished!"

"We were new here and were not familiar with this place, so we all followed the arrangements of the county governor. Later we found out that this place is far from the river, so we could only dig rivers for watering, but the county magistrate never dealt with it. As for today's matters, it is up to me to discipline my subordinates. Not thoughtful."

"I look at the brothers around me. Originally, we were all officials in Peixian County, and our names were written in the register of the Qin State. But now all the people in Peixian County have been pulled out and merged into other counties. We were originally officials of the State of Qin, but when we arrived at the home His Majesty arranged for us, we could not make the decision ourselves, but had to listen to others."

Liu Ji was very angry after hearing this. He said angrily:
"General, this is a huge misunderstanding. I thought the general came to me to give me a higher rank, but he came to treat me as a thief. Although I, Liu Ji, have never been famous in my life, I have always been aboveboard. , One person does the work and the other takes responsibility. Please general, please let go of my brothers. Most of them are only sons of their parents. If they die, there will be no one to support my mother at home. "

Because they had talked about horses before, Wei Tong still had a good impression of Liu Ji, which shows that he is a knowledgeable person.But when he saw that he actually said that he was willing to do things alone, he was even more curious about this person, so he patiently continued to ask:
"What's the meaning of this?"

"I'm afraid the general doesn't know that there were fights here, but there was no riot. And although the two parties fought over digging a well, I quickly calmed down the matter here. On the other hand, the county magistrate did nothing. That’s why the villagers made this suggestion.”

Wei Tong laughed after hearing this.

"You are such a big talker and you are not ambiguous at all. I heard that there are already 3 people in Li County today, and you are going to be an octogenarian. Why do these people listen to you? Besides, I Looking at the household registration booklet here, it is written that there are nearly 5000 of my soldiers in the pass assigned here. Could it be that they are all willing to obey your words?"

"The general brought thousands of elite soldiers here, how dare Liu Ji speak big words at this time, and offend the general, then the whole village will be buried with Liu Ji."

After hearing this, Wei Tong almost laughed so hard that his stomach ached.

"You are quite interesting. I don't know what kind of official position you used to be, but you actually think that you caused such a big mess. It's just that there are so many Qin people in Li County, how could I punish so many people just because of you alone?" Woolen cloth."

The whole time, Liu Ji was still thinking about getting ahead, and he ignored Wei Tong's ridicule.

"He was the pavilion chief of Peixian County and visited Xianyang City several times."

Wei Tong couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Because of this matter, you think you can be called a hero?"

Liu Ji seemed to be awakened by this clear ridicule. He saw the majestic person in front of him, with murderous intent in his eyes. Then he thought about himself. He was over fifty, but his only pride was that he had entered In Xianyang City, I saw the palace of Qin.

"Stop talking. I'll call you again after I've finished the investigation."

With that said, several people took Liu Ji down.

What surprised Weitong was that after investigation, it turned out that these things were true as Liu Ji said. It was just that this incident made them deeply hostile to Qin.

After Zhao Wan heard about this incident, he became very interested in Liu Ji.

They want to separate a county and self-government.

You know, the people of Qin have never thought of this method, but it is absolutely impossible to separate a county and let them take care of themselves.And now that they are merged and the Qin officials are added to govern, there is also a price to pay, and the price is that the people in power can only be people from Guanzhong.

Under the peace, undercurrents are surging, and dissatisfied forces from all sides are ready to move.

When Zhao Wan learned about this, he thought about it carefully and said:
"Who is the person who caused the trouble? I think it is necessary to meet him for a while."

"Reporting to the Duke, the leader is called Liu Ji, and those who make trouble with him are all his friends. But this man is really capable. Not only the people of Lao Liang are willing to listen to him, but the key is that the soldiers who have returned from the army are also willing to listen to him. . The county official was also frightened when he saw that this person had such a high prestige."

"The report of His Majesty's rebellion that day was not detailed. Now it seems that this is just a small person who wants to ask us for an official position."

"The county magistrate sees things thoroughly."

"I'm afraid that this Liu Ji is not an exception. Send a few people to check quietly and ask questions clearly. I'm worried that other counties and counties also have this problem. If it is kept secret, it will definitely lead to catastrophe in the future. Today, in Hanoi and Shanxi, there are 20 strong men, old and weak, women and men alone. Although we are happy to see them fighting over land issues, they will react sooner or later."

"The Duke has made great plans for Your Majesty."

Zhao Wan smiled and didn't take it to heart.Although he was born as a soldier, he also had the ambition to govern the world.It was his lifelong wish to deal with these things, but the late emperor did not give him the opportunity or power.

(End of this chapter)

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