Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 732: Waiting for the Autumn Harvest (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 732: Waiting for the Autumn Harvest (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
"In the past, the Qin State had a territory of thousands of miles, and the nobles from the top to the officials ruled together; now the Qin State has an area of ​​thousands of miles, but everything in the world depends on one person. How can this be done?"

Zhao Wan muttered in his heart.

But these words should never be spoken to a subordinate.

"Today, I want to take the initiative and ask His Majesty the Emperor for permission to set up a separate county for these people. Not just this Liu Ji, if anyone else wants to set up a separate county, move it to another place. Yes, you can do that too.”

"By doing this, doesn't the county magistrate give face to those people? By doing this, doesn't those people become even more arrogant?"

"People who are arrogant on the outside can still be appeased with some small profits; what I fear most is that some people are dissatisfied in their hearts and respectful on the outside, just waiting for the time to come and suddenly rebel. The late emperor started his business and unified the world. With today's situation, it is not without difficulty, I don't want the great cause of the empire to be destroyed in the hands of some villains."

Zhao Wan said, stroking his beard and thinking quietly.

"For the great cause of peace in the empire, if you sacrifice a little profit, you can get more people's support for the empire, why not do it. Bring me the memorial slips and pen, I will personally present the letter to your majesty, please your majesty Consider the matter at your discretion.”

"The Duke is discussing politics today. Wouldn't Your Majesty be angry after receiving the memorial? Although you are a county guard, in the Qin State, the county guard is just a Qin official with a relatively high official position."

"But now, I am a minister promoted by His Majesty himself. I am higher than the officials in the court and second only to the Sangong and Jiuqing. Last time I went to Xianyang City, although I didn't dare to mention some things, but now I have received this edict. , I feel a great comfort in my heart. The scene of a prosperous age is gradually appearing before my eyes."

As Zhao Wan talked, he naturally laughed and walked around the hall, stroking his beard.




The next month, the emperor granted a general pardon to all those who had been implicated in the crime, and their crimes were expunged.

In the same month, the emperor issued an order to all county magistrates and village elders in the world. Anyone who wanted to establish their own county or county should submit a joint memorial. Anyone who wanted to follow him into the new county must write his or her name.

With this edict, all the problems caused by past immigrants came to light, and people from all over the country submitted letters. What is outrageous is that at this time, some place names that had never been known before appeared on the letters.

It's not enough for the people in these places to just submit letters. What's even more outrageous is that some of the names are made up.

Fusu looked at the ten joint lists published in the newspaper and asked the minister to count the names, but he couldn't even collect 2 people. This was not in compliance with the regulations for establishing counties.

In this case, Fusu would naturally not allow these people to establish this county on their own.

But what is emerging now is that there is dissatisfaction with the distribution of benefits caused by this forced immigration everywhere within the empire.

Especially, in Guanzhong, the Lao Qin people always have to satisfy their own interests first.This caused many contradictions within the entire Qin State.

In order to solve this problem, the second generation discussed with the three ministers, nine ministers and four ministers at the small court meeting.

"I believe that now is the time to properly give power to those who have lost their country. I will establish an inspection and promotion system. Anyone who is talented and virtuous can be recommended to Xianyang City as an official. This can even be implemented in the military. system.”

"In the past, the empire would not give opportunities to those who had lost their country. Now I think the time has come. For those who are left behind after their country has been destroyed, if they intend to be loyal to the empire, I can make an exception and allow them to enter Xianyang City."

Meng Tian heard this, but objected to it.

"His Majesty the Emperor had only set a period of five years before, and now it has not been even a year. The people of the world are now watching His Majesty's every move, but the late emperor first established the emperor system, and the people of the world are not yet convinced of this system, so let them come so soon When I come to His Majesty, I am worried about His Majesty's safety. The emperor's system makes the whole world tied to Your Majesty. I sincerely ask Your Majesty to be cautious about this matter."

After hearing this, Fusu thought that it was indeed too early to do so.

"If not, it would be harboring evil intentions within the empire."

Si Kou Mengyi stepped forward:
"Your Majesty, this matter all arises from the division of land. I think this matter can be decided after autumn. July is approaching, and as of mid-September, grains have been harvested all over the world. By then the grains will be harvested. Close the warehouse. This is the first year that His Majesty divided the land in Hanoi, Shanxi. At the beginning of the land division, there was a large army to control it. However, once the army withdraws, it is inevitable that the old and new local forces will fight. Only in this way can it be beneficial to Your Majesty. Maintain the unity of the world."

Meng Yi always solves problems from the perspective of interests.

The essence of this loyal minister is actually a cruel official.

The second generation will naturally be moved by these words. The snipe and the clam will fight, and the fisherman will benefit. This is the fundamental reason why Shanxi and Hanoi can divide the land without causing chaos in the world.

And after experiencing this incident, Fusu saw the beauty of checks and balances of interests.

"I wonder how much tribute Hanoi and Shanxi can pay this year? I have asked the people of the world to weave cloth and linen on their own. I believe that the people of the world will no longer feel the cold this winter."

The ministers listened, but no one came forward to reply.

The more Chunyu thought about it, at this time, it's better to wait for the people from the fourth department to speak up first.Although there was no official Ministry of Civil Affairs at that time, these people were responsible for matters related to people's livelihood in the world.

But no one from the four departments took the initiative to respond.

At this time, Zhou Qingchen took the initiative to stand up and said:
"Your Majesty has a very benevolent heart. In the hot summer, you can worry about the hunger and cold of the people all over the world in the winter. The people of the world are blessed."

After hearing this, the second generation was naturally filled with anger, but he didn't show it on his face.

It's useless at all.It is said that the disciples in Imperial College can only praise benevolence and righteousness in front of me, but can do anything in private such as buying women from the countryside and seizing farmland.

The demise of the Qin Dynasty lay in the decay of the nobility.But aristocrats are not born aristocrats. They have not all climbed out of common people to reach this position. The so-called corruption of aristocrats is not that those aristocratic children are indolent, unwilling to make progress, and ignorant of political principles.

Don't underestimate these people who only care about leisure and pleasure. They always occupy positions of power. Once they come to power and find that the real threats to them are the common people who usually exploit them, they will intensify their persecution of the common people.

People in Taixue were willing to support him because Fusu himself was a supporter of the civil servants group.But the civil servants group and the military merit group are both powerful and powerful people.How many real disciples of Han scholars are there in Taixue?

At this time, Zhang Cang took the initiative to stand up.

"Your Majesty, although your Majesty allows the people of the world to grow mulberry and hemp by themselves, in the countryside, if you want to keep the winter cold, you must wear three layers of linen clothes. In each household, one person must wear three layers of linen clothes. It’s almost impossible.”

(End of this chapter)

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