Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 733: Doing business harms the country (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 733: Doing business harms the country (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
"Calculating the time, this is the third year since I took the throne. Guanzhong is gradually showing a stable scene, which is a good thing. But this year, I plan to start a new trend. I want to allow the people of Guan and Guanzhong to trade. Not only that. , I also want to encourage everyone in the world to learn crafts."

"Any invention or innovation in agricultural tools can be reported to the government, and you will be exempted from corvee and tax in the future; and those who do business must report to the government, and the government will issue a license before they can do business. All merchants must keep accounts , to facilitate the government’s inspection.”

When the second generation started talking, everyone looked gloomy.

As an anti-war faction, it is not surprising that the second generation would support domestic business and improve the status of craftsmen.

But at this time, there will still be objections.

An important rule of political civilization in the Central Plains is that doing business harms the country.

An old minister stood up.

"Your Majesty, the Qin State has always had the Qin Mo family, and it treats craftsmen with courtesy. Your Majesty is now showing mercy and encouraging people in the world to improve farm tools to facilitate the cultivation of food. This is a great good deed. However, the old minister thinks that this business matter may have to be reconsidered. "

This old minister is none other than Zhang Tang.

At the age of 80, sitting in the court of the State of Qin, in the eyes of outsiders, they all looked like immortals, but in Fusu's eyes, they looked like people who were about to die with their legs wide open.

When Fusu was still young, he went to Qi as an envoy and met the prime minister of Qi, Hou Sheng, and the king of Qi.He refuses to abdicate even though he is old, has difficulty moving, and is immersed in sensuality all day long.

This is why Fusu dislikes many ministers.They are old, but their desire for power has not subsided at all, but naturally they have no idea about whether the empire can be built.

But this person, sitting in the position of Shangqing, relied on his illustrious military exploits.When Zhang Tang was most proud, it was during the period of King Qin Zhao.He led troops to attack Wei and Zhao many times, seized large tracts of land, and beheaded many people. The people of Zhao hated him to the bone.

During the reign of King Qin, Lu Buwei was the prime minister, and he was ordered to go to Yan as an envoy to unite with Yan to attack Zhao.Zhang Tang was afraid of something unexpected and did not want to go.After Gan Luo's persuasion, Qin and Yan united and forced Zhao Xian to sue for peace.

Later, due to the rise of the Qin Wang family's military merit group, Zhang Tang's reputation gradually disappeared. However, due to his merits and caution, he was able to discuss politics in the court during the Qin Dynasty and was ranked as a high minister. .

But obviously, in the later period, Zhang Tang did not contribute as much to the empire as he did in his prime, and instead began a journey of decadence in his life.Because he is good at abandoning the dark side and turning to the light, he saw early that the military family would decline after the unification of the empire, so he became a civil servant. Because of his old age, he stayed away from political struggles.

The First Emperor hoped that he would be a good decoration in the Qin court, and he had always performed very well. But today, when he suddenly stood up and said this, something was wrong.

Because this kind of veteran minister is very old and has served your grandfather's grandfather. Needless to say, he has made great achievements. What is commendable is that they are always the smartest people.When the First Emperor worked hard to govern, they spared no effort to support him; when the First Emperor asked for the way to immortality, they wished they could follow the previous emperor to cultivate immortality; when the new emperor succeeded to the throne, they spared no effort to support the new deal.

Zhang Tang is such a person.

There are high and low abilities, and they are not positively correlated with quality.

If such a person suddenly stands up against you, that is a dangerous sign.They have always just wanted to eat and not care about other things. They have a deep understanding and appreciation of human nature. At the age of 80, the masters are basically calm and emotionless.

It was obviously not a coincidence that the old minister appeared at the small court meeting today. Now that he spoke on such a serious matter, Meng Tian felt even more pressured.

"Without military merit, it will be more difficult than usual for the common people to rise. However, not allowing business will cause the order in the country to collapse."

"Your Majesty—the old minister came here today for this purpose. A powerful empire must rely on wars from time to time to maintain its prosperity. To do business is the disaster of the emperor. It is to make the officials and the people The disaster of breaking away from the control of the empire. Your Majesty now wants to open promotion channels for the common people of the world. Instead of allowing business, it is better to continue attacking the barbarians."

This is the political wisdom accumulated by the old Qin people.

There is nothing that cannot be resolved through war.

"If your majesty sets this precedent today, it will lead to irreversible consequences in the future. Qi's demise lies in this. People in a country are allowed to do business, and the king wants to mobilize the common people to go to war, but he has to ask the rich merchants first. Jia means, where does this put the face of the three lords and nine officials in the court? As the king of a country, His Majesty cannot put the cart before the horse. Is Your Majesty practicing benevolence and righteousness for the sake of safeguarding the foundation of Qin, or protecting the foundation of Qin for the sake of exercising benevolence and justice? ?”

As soon as the old Shangqing spoke, he immediately frightened the officials.

Feng Jie was first of all happy. Since the death of the late emperor, the only remaining courtier in the court who could suppress His Majesty was his father, Prime Minister Feng.

Meng Tian is a powerful minister, but he is a loyal minister.Even if the emperor does something wrong, he will not give up supporting the second generation.

These words are usually coaxed by a group of ministers and barely reach the ears of the second generation, but now it's good, finally there is someone who tells the truth.

Zhou Qingchen was shocked when he heard this.

This thing of benevolence and righteousness is inherently hypocritical, but no smart person will tell you this.

Is this Zhang Tang confused? Today, the court told the second emperor about this, but it's okay to break it.You can't pretend to be confused in front of your own people.

"Our Qin State has always focused on practical interests, while Confucianism may seem glamorous, but in fact it is still about aristocracy. Because of Shang Yang's reforms, our Qin State has always been the country that pays the most attention to adapting to the times. If our country, Qin, had chosen to stick to the old ways, it would definitely not be our country, Qin, that would dominate the world now."

"Only in Qin State, there is the least resistance to promoting a top-down reform. This is precisely because the political foundation of the aristocrats in Qin State is not strong enough. There are many powerful people in the world, but in the end it was successfully implemented from top to bottom. There are a few more reformers.”

"The State of Qin should indeed seek change, but it should not change everything. In a country with such a vast territory, instead of letting people play some tricks and let the people of the world become arrogant in doing business, it is better to continue to expand the territory appropriately. The old minister said so much, in fact Just the same idea. In the Qin State, the military merit system can be abandoned, the Qin Law can be reorganized, the Guanzhong standard can be implemented, the New Deal can be implemented, and new coins can be issued. There is only one ancestral family law that cannot be changed, and that is mercantile. "

"Once the business is liberalized, it will definitely impact the empire's political system. With such a vast territory of the empire, instead of allowing business, it should continue to crack down on business."

(I feel like this chapter is going to be 404.)

(End of this chapter)

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