Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 734: 3 Things (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 734 Three Things (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
None of the ministers dared to speak out on this matter. The emperor wanted to open up the Western Region for the purpose of doing business.

And after arguing for so long, the DPRK and China have now reached a consensus.

With Qin's current territory, capturing other places is asking for trouble.

But the old minister of the empire came here deliberately today, obviously not allowing the emperor to step down.

The second generation asked:
"Shangqing Zhang Tang, I asked you to summon the strongest men from all over the country to send troops to Beihu. Can you solve the empire's worries?"

Zhang Tang naturally shook his head:

"The power of the whole country is to attack Beihu, mobilize the army and mobilize the crowd, which is not good for the country."

"Then I ask you to summon half of the strong men in the country and send troops to Beihu together. Can you solve the empire's difficulties?"

"I am already over ninety years old. Half of the country's strong men can be said to be an army of millions, which I cannot command. Furthermore, the empire has just ceased operations. It is a good time to rest with the people."

The second generation asked again:

"How about I give you a hundred thousand troops and solve the problems of those who want to be promoted?"

When Zhang Tang heard this, he realized that the emperor was angry, and the weight was increasing layer upon layer.

Zhang Tang didn't dare agree, but he also didn't dare not say anything.

"There are more than tens of millions of people in the world who want to be promoted and rule the roost?"

"Then I will give you a team of one hundred people, and let them solve the plight of the empire's internal and external troubles, and solve the plight of the poor and oppressed people in the world."

After everyone heard this, they all kept their mouths shut.

Zhou Qingchen shrank his head, fearing that the emperor would see him, and remembered that he had also spoken today.

The hall suddenly fell into silence.

"Today I will make it clear to you that as an official in my court, no matter how high or low your official position is or how many achievements you have made, if you encounter something and can only think of using war to solve it, then you can resign and return to your old age."

After hearing this, all the ministers naturally expressed their opinions.

The atmosphere in the hall was tense, and Zhang Tang was even more embarrassed.

When he came to the court with such an identity, he was naturally invited by others, but after His Majesty the Emperor said this, the person who invited him out behind him naturally blushed.

Meng Tian was sitting in the hall, although the matter had nothing to do with him on the surface, but he really didn't dare to raise his head to face the Second King.

"When I was not the crown prince, I once went on a mission to the State of Qi. When I met the king and the prime minister of the State of Qi, I knew why the State of Qi declined. If the empire wanted to prosper, I thought it would also perish from the State of Qi. I learned a lesson from middle school. Let’s stop here today and retire.”




At the end of the morning, everyone was trembling with fear.

The sudden appearance of the Second Emperor made everyone speak cautiously, fearing that he might accidentally make His Majesty angry.

Zhang Tang withdrew from the court, naturally feeling that his face was dull.

The Meng brothers sent Zhang Tang back in person, but Zhang Tang burst into tears when he returned home.

"Your Majesty wants me to resign early and go home to farm."

Zhang Tang burst into tears and cried to his relatives around him. He handed over the official seal the next day.

From then on, no one objected to doing business.




In Handan County, the hall was shining with copper light and candles were held high. Sitting inside were twelve newly reported Qin officials. These people were all selected from the Imperial College. They had been interned in the local area for a year. After the internship period was over, they are now here. Zhao Wan came forward to report.

At this time, Zhao Wan just got the memorial of the emperor's approval.There are a total of two places in Handan County that they want to set up separate counties on their own, but the second emperor refuted them because the number of people in the county is not enough.

Zhao Wan told these subordinates about the incident and asked them what they thought.

This confused all the officials, so much so that Liu Ji himself was even more puzzled.

Obviously when he was clamoring to accomplish this, almost everyone agreed.But once they were asked to write their names on it, many people became cowardly again, making everyone involved in the matter feel that they could not hold their heads high.

When these new Qin officials asked about the reason, Zhao Wan stroked his long beard and said:
"That's the first thing I'm going to teach you today. Don't trust people."

"You are all still young and have never tasted the feeling of being stabbed in the back. Now I tell you, all of you will encounter this situation in the future. When you have to ask for advice from above on something, the people around you will help you They swear in front of you that they will live and die with you, but once it comes time to really need each other, they will hide."

"So uprisings are often unsuccessful, because there are many villains standing behind them. The darkness of people's hearts is unimaginable to many of you. In front of people's hearts, only interests are the absolute criterion for weighing. If there are no benefits, they are I will definitely not follow you. Why Zhao Xie, the well-known patriarch of the Zhao clan in the Zhao country, is defeated despite his support for the army, it is because His Majesty's reputation is far better than his, and His Majesty's position is in line with the law of propriety."

"So although there are many people under him who are as dissatisfied with the rule of the empire as he is, they will not sincerely help Zhao Xie to resist Qin. Instead, they will stand by and watch when Zhao Xie's house is ransacked. When Zhao Xie's family is all Even though they were beheaded, they still looked calm and calm, as if these things had never happened. But if Zhao Xie succeeds in his restoration, they will drink with Zhao Xie again today."

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect the Handan County Sheriff to be so bold and tell them these things.

Zhao Wan said, then walked unsteadily and sat on the bamboo mat. In front of the short table, he said to a group of Qin officials who were about to be promoted:

"Look at this table. All the wisdom of the ancients is on it."

Everyone looked at it carefully and saw that it was just a chessboard.

"The gains and losses of chess pieces are nothing at all. What matters is the number of powers. Whoever has more powers will win the game. This division of land can be regarded as a major event that has been passed down through the ages in the future. You people are all authentic. Daoist Qin people, just like me, were born late, and did not catch up with Qin's first major event, Duke Wei's reform."

"But don't be complacent, thinking that you have caught up with Qin's second major event and annexed the world. You haven't experienced decades of wars, and you haven't seen the beacon smoke of the seven heroes coexisting. You just stand and enjoy the honor after the unification."

"If you indulge in the sense of superiority of defeating all the countries in the world and do not treat the original officials and people of the six countries well, the war will definitely resume. This is the second thing I want to teach you. Now that you have left the pass, When you come to Handan in Guanzhong, treat the people of Handan County as the people of the old Qin State and treat them well with the same standards."

Everyone listened patiently, and then bowed together and said:
"We will remember the Duke's teaching today."

But when these newly selected young officials sat down, they couldn't help but ask:
"When I came here, I heard a discussion in the court that the division of Hanoi and Shanxi depends on the situation of this year's autumn harvest. I don't know if the county magistrate thinks that we should prepare in advance."

"Dividing land is what people want, and it has gained momentum. During this period, the struggle between forces will definitely lead to a fight between the two parties. But the situation in the world is becoming stable, and don't be surprised even if the fight is bloody. They The more fierce the fight, the better it will be for the empire."

"This is the third thing I want to teach you. As long as the common people are not against the empire, then no matter how they fight among themselves, don't stop them. This is an expedient measure for the empire in its special period."

(End of this chapter)

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