Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 735: Apology (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 735: Apology (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chutian is thousands of miles away in the clear autumn, when the west wind blows wildly from the Central Plains to the coast. The northern part of the Central Plains is mostly golden wheat waves, and the southern part of the Central Plains is mostly straight rice. Rice ears are blooming on both sides of the bank, and the farmland is full of people.

The weather was fine that day, Xiao He drove the carriage out of the mansion gate, and personally watched the people on the left and right banks farming.

"Since His Majesty came to the throne, he has encouraged people all over the world to open up wasteland and cultivate land. Now three years have passed, and the results have been very obvious. I remember the first year I came here, there were not so many acres of land at that time, and the people who lived here were not Not many. I didn’t expect to see three people in one acre of land today.”

The government official Chen Pi accompanied Xiao He, and said to him:
"Guanzhong's position is really a good strategy. These people were originally hiding in the mountains, and some of them came from the county. Some were unwilling to leave Daliang City, so they came to Chen County. Thanks to the county government, We vigorously appease these people and resettle them here. Most Chu people cannot leave this land of plenty. They were born here and will be buried in this water when they die."

Xiao He's carriage was very simple. At first glance, it looked like an ordinary carriage from a distance. Outsiders could not imagine that the person in the carriage was actually the current Shang Qing.

At this moment, a sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded from behind the carriage.

The leader is dark, thick and strong. Although his hair is streaked with white hair, he is riding on a tall horse. He is covered with reddish-brown armor and has a sideways bun on his head.

Xiao He knew who the person was by looking out of the rear window.

If we were passing by, Xiao He would definitely get out of the car to greet us, but this time, he wouldn't!

Xiao He and Chen Pi were originally sitting next to each other in the carriage, but at this time Xiao He pulled Chen Pi back into the carriage.

Chi Wu was very good at riding a horse, and soon slipped to Xiao He's carriage, and the soldiers behind him surrounded Xiao He's carriage.

Xiao He was sitting inside, and hearing the sound, the sycophants outside had already circled his carriage several times.

Seeing that Xiao He didn't come out, Chi Wu twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, but he still shouted:
"Master Xiao, please wait."

Xiao He pulled Chen Pi, shook his head at him, and signaled him not to get out of the car yet.

"I wonder who outside the carriage stopped my carriage?"

Chi Wu wondered, had this old guy been promoted to a noble rank and wanted to give him some power or something?

"It's me, Jun Xiao, why don't you even remember my voice?"

"Could it be General Chi?"

"It's me." After Chi Wu said it, there was still no movement in the car. He was about to reprimand him, but he still held back. He must be because I was rude in the past and didn't recognize his talent, and he still blamed me for being so tough in the past. Drive him away and get angry.

"Xiao County, after receiving the imperial edict, Chi will return to Xianyang to resume his duties. I should have set off today, but thinking that San was stationed in Chen County and sharing the same robe with the Duke, I am leaving now, so I deliberately came to say goodbye to the Duke. . Just now when I arrived at the gate of the mansion, the second son of the county told me that the prince was out inspecting the fields today."

After hearing this, Chen Pi slowly got out of the car, and then picked up Xiao He and got off the car.

Seeing Xiao He getting off the car, Chi Wu also got off his horse and came to see him, and all the guards also got off their horses.

The nine-foot-tall old Qin people all showed expressions of sincerity in front of Xiao He.

Xiao He stepped forward and gained the momentum of the leader of Chen County.

Chi Wu ordered them to go down, lay out the banquet and set up the table on the spot, and put the drinks on the table.The two sat opposite each other under the tree. Chi Wu poured wine for Xiao He himself. Xiao He couldn't help but feel a little moved, and said to him with fists raised:

"General Chi returns to Xianyang City this time. I guess he won't come back in the future?"

Chi Wu shook his head.

"You will eat your salary and worry about your worries. Now I, Chi Wu, came to Chen County because of your majesty's order. After I go back this time, there is no guarantee that your majesty will not order me to go out to garrison again. I obey your majesty's orders."

Xiao He raised his wine cup and said:
"In that case, Xiao He would like to offer a toast to General Chi. Returning from this trip, the mountains and rivers are so far away that it may be difficult to see him again in the future."

"Don't worry about this. I think His Majesty will definitely find an opportunity to call you back again."

Xiao He shook his head,
"Securing peace in Chen County for Your Majesty is enough to comfort you for a lifetime."

After hearing this, Chi Wu looked slightly gloomy.

Xiao He's ambition is not in this.What Xiao He wanted to overthrow was the nobility and let the common people raise their heads.Only Your Majesty would risk the disapproval of the world to do this.

When he came to Chen County, Chi Wu met many knowledgeable people from common people because of Xiao He. This is what he learned from Xiao He.The common people are also wise, have integrity, and have loyal people.Realizing this, Chi Wucai felt that he was very narrow-minded in the past.

Chi Wu believed that even if Xiao He did not think about returning to the court at this time, His Majesty would definitely promote him to Xianyang City.

After thinking for a while, Chi Wu decided to open up the relationship with Xiao He.

"I came here today not only to say goodbye to the Duke, but also for another matter. I want to take advantage of this time to leave Chen County and apologize to the Duke."

When Xiao He heard this, he was both surprised and delighted.

"What are you talking about, General Chi? General, what can you say to me?"

Chi Wu turned around, looking very embarrassed. Xiao He excused himself:

"Since the general has to travel, it is not appropriate to delay here. Xiao He personally escorts the general to his horse and escorts him for three miles."

Chi Wu waved his hand:
"These words are not only my voice, but also the voice of all the brothers around me. I, Chi Wu, am a descendant of Prince Chi, the royal family of the Qin Dynasty. I was also born in Xianyang Palace. However, due to the military merit system, the power of the clan has been reduced. I have actually been reduced to working as an errand in Xianyang Palace."

"Although he comes from a royal family and his name is on the royal family tree, he has never been reused. Your Majesty is the savior of our Chi family and even the entire Ying clan. Since your Majesty was born, almost everyone who has no power has treated him as a savior. Hope is pinned on His Majesty, who was the eldest son at that time."

"Xiao Jun, you come from a distant Chu country. Although you are talented, you don't understand the difficulties of us people. Whether His Majesty can successfully succeed to the throne has never been related to him alone. I don't know this, but the Duke may understand ?”

Xiao He naturally nodded and said:
"Although I was born as a commoner, after spending several years in Xianyang Palace and accompanying the young master, I can see to some extent that the struggle for power has never stopped. His majesty can successfully succeed to the throne because there are indeed people like General Laochi who serve your majesty wholeheartedly. .”

Chi Wu then said:
"Xiaojun is magnanimous and understands how difficult it is for us to wait. Chi Wu is so grateful. I remember that when Xiaojun first came to my country of Qin, I treated you poorly and even asked the Duke to leave. Your Majesty, I made a special trip here today, not to say goodbye to the Duke. , just to make the three nobles drink wine and make amends to the county prince."

(End of this chapter)

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