Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 737: Put yourself in someone else’s shoes (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 737: Put yourself in someone else’s shoes (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
The Second Emperor issued an edict to all counties and counties, which naturally captured the hearts of county guards and county officials everywhere.

His status second only to the Sangong and Jiuqing, and his generous salary made the governors and county officials all over the Qin State feel the benefits of the second generation's reign, and they naturally worked much harder than usual.

In Zhangtai Palace, Fusu looked at the memorials and could clearly tell that the content in these memorials had been written more seriously and carefully than usual recently, and the content of the memorials was increasingly focused on people's livelihood matters.

This shows that the policies he issued are being implemented by local governments, although the effects are not yet obvious.

The northern part of Guanzhong is the old Zhao State, which was reorganized many times by Fusu. Fusu integrated the teams and forces of Qin officials, and sent many Qin officials there. The control over Guanzhong and Shanxi was unprecedented.

But there are obvious drawbacks to doing so.

In terms of geographical location, the land of the old Zhao is the key to Qin's radiation and control of the world, and it is the backbone of the Great Qin Empire.And the land of the old Korea is the confidant of the Qin State, and it is also an extremely important existence.

Although South Korea had been annexed long ago, it was not well governed by Qin officials.In the early years, riots often occurred in Xinzheng with the intention of rebelling. Now there is no voice of opposition. However, according to inspections by Yushitai officials, Koreans' resentment towards Qin has not decreased but increased.

Most of the county guards who were sealed off were the tentacles extending from the homes of powerful people in the DPRK.There are still great conflicts between the powerful and the common people.

Therefore, Fusu never dared to relax and always sent heavy troops to guard Hangu Pass.

Just east of Hangu Pass, there are refugees everywhere. Most of these people have become thieves, occupying the hills and opposing Qin's rule.

The hinterland of South Korea is very rich, with a large number of people, and many remnants of the Zhou Dynasty. The weather is very good, but Fusu has never been able to think of what benefits it can bring to them besides promoting light corvee and small taxes.

When Fusu was distressed, the two heads of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Personnel came to see him.

"Your Majesty, it took eight months to reorganize the household registration in Guanzhong. The total population of the world is 150 million, which is more than 100 million more than the total when the world was unified at the beginning of that year."

"Their names, residences, the number of acres at home, the location of the acres, age, and gender are all recorded in the book. The detailed information is all written in the book. I came here today and compiled another number of people for Your Majesty. Statistics. How many people and fields are there in each county, and the taxes receivable are also listed next. Your Majesty, please take a look."

Fusu was naturally happy after hearing this:
"You are worthy of being my personally designated Minister of Household Affairs. You are so considerate in your work. I would like to reward you and make you a high minister."

This time, Zhang Cang has finally made enough achievements and can become a minister, and there will be no more objections in the court.

Zhang Cang said happily:

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

When Feng Jie saw it, he was naturally glad for his decision. Fortunately, he and Zhang Cang came to see His Majesty, otherwise His Majesty would secretly favor one over the other.

"These small books are related to how I govern the country. They must be not only in the Ministry of Household Affairs, but also in the Shangshu Desk. Zhang Cang, I not only need those small books after statistics, but also those detailed records. Please sort them out. , engrave them all on a simple book, and give a copy to the Chancellor."


The errands of the Ministry of Revenue have been handed over, and the next step is the Ministry of Personnel.

"The statistics of the Ministry of Officials have also been completed. The names of the officials of the counties and counties in the world, as well as the three local elders, have been recorded. In addition, the "Clan Chronicle" that His Majesty once advocated for compilation has already received responses from the clans. The land and assets of the family are listed in detail. Now there are ten volumes. Although it is not completely completed, I have brought it to your majesty today."

After hearing this, Fusu kept tapping his index finger on the tables.

"These people responded to my edict and intended to be loyal to the empire. I want to reward these clans and commend this kind of behavior. I don't know what you think is the best way to reward them."

Zhang Cang knew the emperor's thoughts and said:

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I think that I can select the women from these families to enter the palace and make them my wives to show that Your Majesty attaches great importance to these clans."


"Your Majesty, I thought that Your Majesty could give these families special powers. For example, they could exempt the male members of their families from corvee service."

This kind of wealthy and powerful family could have paid others to do corvee work for them, but now they are clearly asking them not to do corvee work, which is considered as giving them face, and the deal is not a loss.


Feng Jie didn't expect that Zhang Cangyuan was smarter than him.

But how could the prime minister's son be willing to fall behind others?

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I think what the Minister of Household Affairs said is very true, but I also have a clever plan here."

"tell me the story."

"Your Majesty ordered to reward these people. The original intention was to appease the nobles and improve their status. However, some clans really want to respond to Your Majesty, but they are worried. Since ancient times, the Central Plains clans have not exposed their wealth to avoid making others jealous. .”

"Your Majesty ordered the compilation of the "Clan Chronicle", which is to allow them to expose their family wealth in a big way. Today, there are still many refugees and thieves who are causing harm to the countryside. I thought that your Majesty could issue an order to allow the families listed in the Clan Chronicle , you can recruit a certain number of family servants, you can also support some scholars, and you can even ask special teachers to teach their children to read at home."

When Zhang Cang heard this, he was the first to object to these suggestions.

"Your Majesty, these suggestions from Minister Feng are completely against the New Deal."

Fusu looked at Feng Jie and said calmly:
"Feng Jie, you should know what the main purpose of my new policy is, right?"

"Your Majesty, forgive me. I am fully aware of your Majesty's new policy. I also know that if these suggestions made today are put forward in the current government, many people will definitely oppose them. But I still want to explain it to your Majesty."

"When governing the world, one must not violate human nature. Everyone seeks good fortune and avoids misfortune. The late emperor ordered that private education be prohibited and rural studies should be promoted to learn the laws and writings of the Qin State. This was effective, but the law prohibited private education, and private education was It’s never gone away.”

"In order to cultivate their descendants, the clan will definitely select special gentlemen to teach them. Your Majesty has ordered that private education be prohibited. These people only feel that your Majesty is trying to cut off the education of their descendants, so not only will they not stop, they will also resent your Majesty. "

"Thank you both for your hard work this time, I decided to promote you to..."

Everyone in the south rolls up their trouser legs to plant rice in the fields.

In the autumn harvest, everyone is busy with their own affairs. The Great Wall Guards are here, and the whole country is harvesting and paying taxes.

Food prices in Hanoi and Shanxi have skyrocketed, and some people's crops have failed because they arrived late.Zhao Wan coordinated the distribution.

The northern part of Guanzhong is a busy place.

(End of this chapter)

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