Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 738 The Cockroach Metaphor (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 738 The Cockroach Metaphor (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Your Majesty has set up such a system to hinder the interests of these clans. Even if the clans want to submit to Your Majesty, they will resist Your Majesty because of these regulations, thinking that they are used to resist these clans."

"I know that Your Majesty wants to attack these clans. But in the art of war, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. Now, Your Majesty has no idea about the concealment of clan forces in the world, and there is no way to attack them. This is like finding a cockroach in the cellar. , although it was trampled to death in time.”

[Cockroach, the ancient name for cockroach. 】

"But as long as one cockroach appears, it means there are thousands of cockroaches. Your Majesty wants to eradicate the cockroaches, but now he lights a torch in the dungeon to indicate that cockroaches are not allowed to appear in these corners. "

"It is true that cockroaches will not appear in places where there are torches, but they will never appear under His Majesty's eyes. On the contrary, they will hide themselves in more shade."

"But the best way to catch cockroaches is to extinguish all the torches. Dark environments are what cockroaches like. If you want to burn all the cockroaches, you must first find them."

"If you light the torch, it will only be counterproductive. Cockroaches have the nature of cockroaches, and the country has the mode of running the country. Your Majesty wants to make the empire harmonious and get rid of the cockroaches. This is simply impossible. Today we will remove them. If a cockroach falls, a new cockroach will be born tomorrow.”

"If the country wants to operate, it must ensure that the number of cockroaches cannot be too large. This is the law of the country's operation. But if you want to achieve such a goal, you must use a method that goes against the nature of cockroaches. This is giving orders to the rebellious shadow. But I haven’t yet felt troubled by the other party’s unwillingness to surrender.”

What Feng Jie said is so insightful!
As soon as these words came out, Zhang Cang stayed where he was. What he said made so much sense!

Even the second generation stared at Feng Jie for a long time.

To become the most powerful person in the world, the Feng family must have its own merits.

"What Feng Qing means is to put out the torches first, wait for the cockroaches to come out on their own, and then strike with a net."

Feng Jie bowed:

"Your Majesty, this is exactly what I mean."

"Good! Great good! Everything Feng Jie said is true. I want to eradicate the powerful landlords of the six countries outside the Pass, but I do it openly with a torch. This will not only be useless, but will also anger the cockroaches. Regarding this matter, I Just listen to your advice.”

There was no joy at all on Feng Jie's face, which was filled with sincerity.

"I don't think your Majesty needs to do this in a big way."

"how do I say this?"

"Your Majesty can select a son of a good family, and he can do so from all over the country. It's just a matter of equal marriage and the royal clan. Only the clans listed in the "Clan Chronicles" can be called into the palace as the sons of a good family."

"Your Majesty asked all the Qin officials in the world to hold up torches in an attempt to find the cockroach. If the torches were suddenly extinguished, the cockroach would become suspicious and not dare to show up. And if you want to do this, I think your majesty needs to find someone who is willing to take the blame. Let me do this.”

"What does that mean?"

Feng Jie opened his mouth slightly, but then closed it tightly.

Seeing this, the second generation had no choice but to look at Zhang Cang.

Zhang Cangzheng was very excited when he saw that the emperor wanted him to go out.

Zhang Cang was helpless and had no choice but to bow:
"Your Majesty, there are still some chores waiting for me to deal with in the Household Department."

"Go back first."


After Zhang Cang left, Fusu dismissed other eunuchs and hidden officials.

After everyone left, Feng Jie straightened up.

"Your Majesty, I shouldn't have said these words today. If I did, it would violate His Majesty's taboo."

"I forgive you for your innocence."

Feng Jie then frowned and asked:
"Your Majesty, do you still remember Zhao Gao?"

"Of course I remember. He has a share of the credit for the establishment of the Great Qin Empire. I will never treat heroes poorly."

Feng Jie was slightly startled after hearing this.

Feng Jie could never figure out the emperor's thoughts. Now that the Second Emperor suddenly said this casually in front of him, Feng Jie subconsciously believed in the Second Emperor.

"As a king, you must be upright in front of the people of the world and act wisely and decisively. Only in this way can you convince all the officials and the people of the world bow their heads. Therefore, what your majesty can do is limited. But those who are against the empire, They are all in invisible corners, Your Majesty is so virtuous, and the villains are all hiding in the dark, ready to slander Your Majesty at any time."

"Your Majesty must be careful, but you also need to be careful. Your Majesty is surrounded by virtuous people. The two Meng brothers, Dr. Chunyu, and Zhang Shilang are all close to your Majesty. They are all virtuous people. This act is enough to demonstrate His Majesty’s virtue.”

"However, all things in the world bear yin and embrace yang. If there is virtue at the top, there must be insidiousness and wretchedness at the bottom. The Feng family has served the kings of Qin for a long time. My father assisted the late emperor, and he also felt the beauty of the late emperor's governance. Too strong is easy to break. , Your Majesty must learn to balance the situation in the court."

"A true wise king will definitely have a few villains around him. I think there are many ways for your majesty to fight against the local clans. But if you want to get rid of the powerful clans, you will make the people of the world trust and respect you. This is what you need. Borrow someone else’s hand.”

The second generation looked solemn and silent for a long time.

This is to ask him to find someone to take the blame for this matter.

"Who do you think is suitable to do such a thing?"

Feng Jie once again hesitated to speak.

"If you have anything to say today, it doesn't matter. I will never blame you."

"I do have several candidates, but there is one who I think is suitable, but is not suitable."

"Who is it?"

"The current queen's biological brother and the prince's biological uncle. He was demoted outside the customs and has contact with the common people. You can use his hands to complete this matter."

"Do you want to destroy my prince?"

Only outsiders can understand how deep the love between the second generation and the prince is.

As an outsider, Feng Jie could see clearly. He also knew that Wang Wu would come back sooner or later.But his return will affect his career.

"Your Majesty, forgive me. It's all my fault."

"You just said that there are several candidates. Besides Wang Wu, who else can do this?"

"Your Majesty does not want to let Wang Wu, a common man, do this, so the only option is to be elected in the court. Zhang Han can do it. There is another person, and that is Zhou Qingchen."

Speaking ill of another minister in front of the emperor is not allowed to exclude others.

Feng Jie asked the emperor to remove the others, not because this method was shameful, but because he would offend anyone he recommended.

Feng Jie was instigating Fusu to let other officials take the blame for them.

"Zhang Han——"

Today, Zhang Han is busy training prisoners in the army, and he may not be in the mood to help him deal with this mess.

Zhou Qingchen, the person who talks sweet words in his ears all day long, has no other use except giving himself a little fun every day.

(End of this chapter)

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