Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 739 is on the right track (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 739 is on the right track (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Seeing the second generation in trouble, Feng Jie couldn't continue talking.

Today's court is no better than in the past. There are His Majesty's people everywhere. If Wang Wu comes back, it won't be long before his charges are wiped out and he will be reinstated.

Feng Jie would not let Wang Wu take the position of prime minister.

Fusu didn't know that Feng Jie was thinking like this. In Fusu's heart, Wang Wu had done everything he could for his country. If he allowed him to do such a thing for him again, it would be a complete discredit to the Wang family.

But without the support of the Wang family, what would Prince Yao do after a hundred years?

"Don't mention this matter to outsiders. I have to think about it carefully."


"What you said to me today is simply enlightening. I have been in charge of the country for three years, during which many people gave me advice, but only your advice made me see its value to the empire. But today I also Let me explain to you in advance. Do you know who is most likely to get his shoes wet in the world?"

Looking at the handsome and cold face of the second generation, Feng Jie felt very uneasy.

"I don't understand, please let your Majesty clarify."

"Of course you are someone who often walks by the river. Everything I want to say to you is contained in this."

Feng Jie looked startled.

"As long as my minister is loyal and considers the overall interests of the empire, I will reuse him according to his value to the empire. If he always thinks of taking the wrong approach and using some special methods, it is difficult for me not to doubt such a person. , is a potential threat to the empire."

"Actually, I have never been worried about the resurgence of the Six Kingdoms. As long as I can hold on to the clan and family property, I will not be afraid even if the Six Kingdoms of Guandong rise up and the Six Kingdoms allied forces attack Qin. What I am worried about is that there are people within the empire who have different intentions. .”

"Do you still remember what the late emperor said when he established the emperor system? In the whole world, it is not the king's land, and the shore of the land is not the king's ministers."

"Although the Great Qin Empire only came into its current territory after annexing the world, the emperor system was not initiated by the previous emperor. It was a rule set by the kings of Qin in the past. If a prince breaks the law, he is guilty of the same crime as the common people."

"If you want to ensure the strength of the empire, you must ensure that there are no moths within the empire. You, Dazhu Kingdom, Zhang Cang and others are all ministers around me and the elites who govern the empire. I will not treat anyone badly."

"The Ministry of Husbandry and the Ministry of Personnel, one is in charge of farm and household registration, and the other is in charge of the world's officials. The two seem to have different powers, but in fact the two departments often need to communicate with each other. I hope that your two departments can become a model of departmental cooperation."

Feng Jie bowed:

"Don't worry, Your Majesty."

"The four parts are the work of my painstaking efforts, not for my personal grudges. The empire is unprecedentedly huge, and governing local areas requires a large number of officials. In order to adapt to the vast territory of the empire and strengthen local control, I need the political hall."

"Your Majesty is working hard for the sake of the empire. I will definitely live up to your Majesty's high expectations and shoulder the heavy responsibility of the official staff."

"What do you think should be done if some Qin officials become corrupt within the empire?"

"Of course it is handled according to the law."

"I can rest assured that you are doing your work. You have spent a lot of effort in compiling the local "Clan Chronicle" this time, and I have seen it all. I have also appointed you as your high minister. But you already have a title, and today I am returning With the additional title being placed on you, you will enjoy the dignity of a double title, with twice the salary, and other ranks of servants and the like shall enjoy twice the ordinary title."

The Feng family was quite wealthy. Feng Jie dismissed those redundant servants just to please the second generation.

Now that the second generation said this, Feng Jie did not dare to add more rashly and only said:
"Your Majesty implements the policy of light corvee and low taxation and advocates frugality. I should also follow your Majesty's example. Those maids and servants who are not needed should be sent out early and let them start their own families and start farming. Since Boon and my father After his death, the house really does not need a large number of maids and servants to serve him."

The second generation was very pleased and said:
"If everyone can imitate Shilang Feng, then the empire will surely prosper forever. Today's discussion has been taking a long time. Please step down."

"Your Majesty, you must pay attention to rest as you are busy with state affairs. I will retire now."

Feng Jie came out of Zhangtai, feeling more at ease than ever before. Only when he gained the emperor's trust could Feng Jie dare to enjoy the pleasure of being a marquis.

Feng Jie looked back at the Twelve Golden Man, but this time when he looked back, he felt that the Twelve Golden Man was extra smooth and shining with silver than usual.

Qin Bing, who was standing with a sword, also had a strong murderous look in his eyes.

In three years, this palace began to look like the past again. Although it nestled here quietly and silently, it revealed its majesty invisibly.




In the autumn of the third year of the Second World War, the world experienced great prosperity again.

Taxes from all over the world were piled on carriages, mounted on the straight road built by the Qin State, and transported to the Xianyang Palace of the Qin State.There are countless vehicles to and fro.

While the people in the southern part of Qin State were all rolling up their trousers legs to collect corn in the fields, the farmers in the north were sitting together on the threshing field to thresh wheat.

During the autumn harvest, everyone is busy with their own affairs. Almost everyone in the family is at work, specifically harvesting wheat.Far in the north, the Great Wall bulges high, and all the Qin State's Great Wall guards are present and densely lined up on it.

People with good eyesight stood in the distance and saw the queue on the top of the city, feeling reassured.

The whole country is in the autumn harvest, the people are busy in the fields, the soldiers are out to pay taxes, and the clerks are busy counting the numbers.

The food supply in Hanoi and Shanxi has more than tripled compared with last year, an unprecedented achievement. However, some people's crops failed because they were late in relocating.Zhao Wan is also responsible for coordinating distribution.

The whole northern area of ​​Guanzhong is full of busy scenes.

The Second Emperor was worried about Zhao Di. After all, Zhao Di now gathered a large number of soldiers and horses, and sent Yushitai to lead many censors to inspect Hanoi and Shanxi.

But this time during the inspection, Meng Tian made an unexpected discovery. There was an obvious situation in Zhao Di. There were more men than women, which would lead to big trouble.

The next day, Meng Tian was out on inspection when he saw a group of young men openly robbing someone else's girl to marry him, and they also robbed her 40-year-old mother-in-law and her six-year-old sister.

Although the officials arrested them and later tried to persuade them, Meng Tian had a vague feeling that this contradiction would become deeper and deeper.

But before Meng Tian went back to report it, Zhang Cang discovered the problem when he was counting the data.According to the first reported number of men and women in Hanoi, Shanxi and other places, the number of marriageable adult men is half more than the number of women, not to mention those little boys.

"Your Majesty, the people have always favored boys over girls. Originally, the number of women was smaller than that of men. Nowadays, large-scale immigration and the return of soldiers back home have intensified this contradiction."

(End of this chapter)

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