Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 741: 4 Good Strategies (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 741 Four Good Strategies (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Doing this will definitely hurt the people's feelings."

Feng Jie, the minister of official affairs, heard this, but felt that it didn't sit well with him.

I became a minister in order to make myself comfortable, why is it not enough to give these Diaoshu points now, and I have to consider what Diaoshu thinks.

"Our Qin State has always focused on efficiency in governing the country. The problem is that there are too many men and few women. If the marriage issue cannot be resolved, the people will inevitably riot. If you are still entangled with the feelings of the people at this time, isn't this a matter of neglecting the fundamentals and chasing the inferiors?"

"It is said that the country is governed by Confucianism and Taoism, but today's Confucianism and Taoism also advocate pragmatism. If we only stick to reputation, can the empire be stable for a long time?"

Meng Yi agreed with Feng Jie's words.

"Your Majesty, I think what Shi Lang Feng said is reasonable. Maintaining the stability of the empire is the purpose of your new policy. Accumulating prestige for the empire is the icing on the cake, and it will happen naturally. For the sake of reputation for implementing benevolent government, he ignores the most practical things of the people. All your needs are met. Do you think all your ministers only want to make dogs loyal to their masters, but you don’t even give them a bone to eat?"

The second heard that Meng Yi answered so quickly, which showed that he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong today at all.

Such sharp and cruel words were spoken in court, which made all the ministers feel uncomfortable.

However, there is nothing wrong with this.

"Is Sima Wuyin, the internal historian, here today?"

Many more people came to the court, and the four ministers were promoted to the position of minister, and Sima Wuyi's seat was moved back.

The face of the person sitting in the back can hardly be seen clearly.

"Your Majesty, I am here today."

"I want to hear your opinion."

Sima Wuyi thought to himself that although Sikou Mengtian's words were unpleasant, they always made sense.

"I thought,

Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven must conduct benevolent government and spread his reputation throughout the world.No matter what method your Majesty takes, it is all to alleviate the plight of the people.The reason why the princes are arguing endlessly is because they all know that the matter of marriage is not only a personal matter for the common people, but also related to the overall situation of the empire.If Shanxi and Hanoi cannot be appeased, they will not be able to frighten the country. "

"So Wei Chen believes that the important thing is the method His Majesty uses to find marriages for the young people in Hanoi and Shanxi. This matter should originally be based on the wishes of the villagers. However, the wishes of the villagers are important, and practical considerations must be taken into consideration. The common people cultivate the land, and the land can be allocated; but the number of men among the common people is several times the number of women. The situation is urgent, but women are human beings, not other objects."

"Wei Chen believes that although His Majesty knows about this matter, he cannot solve it openly. As for forcibly recruiting women, it is not advisable. Your Majesty has just started the year of great rule, and the people of the world are willing to respond, but this matter of recruiting women for forced marriages , I’m afraid it’s too hurtful.”

Although Sima Wuyi was young, his words convinced all the ministers who were older than him.

All civil and military officials in the dynasty listened attentively.

"What good advice does the internal history have?"

"I remember that His Majesty once ordered that people within the Pass can circulate, and His Majesty also intends to allow people within the Empire to do business. I think these three can be combined to allow people from all over the Pass to trade with each other. As long as the population can move legally, then those who have never married The man who marries her can justifiably go to other places to marry his wife. This is number one."

"This first method actually relies on the geographical location of Shanxi and Hanoi. To the west of Hanoi is Longxi Pass, and to the south is Nanyang and Sanchuan counties. The geographical location is extremely important. Although trade is allowed, it is mainly for Men and women in both places are allowed to marry each other.”

"I think it is not safe to rashly open the pass and allow everyone in the world to enter the pass. This first method can only solve the needs of a small number of people, so the second method must be used to make up for it. This is We can only look at the land of Yunyan and Qilu, so the second way to solve this problem is to ask all the princes and princes in the world to help."

"All the princes in the world are your Majesty's concubines. Each of these princes has his own territory. Especially in Qilu, there have always been many female households. Those women have no way to settle down. Your Majesty can order to close the female households and crack down on women selling themselves into prostitutes. .”

"Each county king must select a certain number of women to return to Guanzhong. Your Majesty implements the Guanzhong standard system. There are many fertile fields for men in Guanzhong, so these women will definitely be attracted."

"So the third way to solve this problem is to make it easier for these women who marry far away. Women who marry men from Hanoi and Shanxi can get a piece of land at home and be enthroned. The law stipulates that this land belongs to women and cannot be used by others without permission. This move is intended to enhance the status of women in Guanzhong and attract unmarried women to marry into it."

"I also have beloved daughters, and I know very well what worries my daughters most about getting married. Especially this distant marriage. If Your Majesty does not enact laws to protect these women, naturally no one will be willing to let their daughters marry far away. Since Your Majesty intends for these women to marry far away, , then use the law to protect these women who marry far away, this is truly benevolent government."

When all the ministers heard this, they were all surprised by Sima Wuyi.

To be able to come up with such a practical method in such a short period of time is unrivaled.

And after going through these discussions, everyone knows who is the real talented person in the court and who is the one who preaches according to the law.

But I didn't expect that after Sima Wuyi came up with three good strategies in one breath, he still had some good strategies in mind.

Sima Wuyi said calmly and calmly:
"The fourth way is to start from those wealthy families. I learned that Your Majesty is troubled by the "Clan Chronicle", so why not take this opportunity to formally stipulate that only those who have entered the Clan Chronicle can keep unmarried women as concubines? If any other family has an unmarried daughter of the right age, the villagers who report it will receive ten coins, and all the women in the family will be confiscated by the government."

Sima Wuyi finished the work in one go. If it weren't for the hundreds of officials in court, the second generation would almost shed tears.Talking about the righteousness between monarch and minister, after all, it is not as good as being like-minded to please the second generation.

Sima Wuyi is the most perfect minister in the eyes of the second generation.

"I have Sima Wuyi, no less than Duke Huan of Qi has Guan Zhong. Today I am in court, and every word of Sima Wuyi is related to the people's livelihood and national interests. All ministers should imitate the internal history."

After hearing these words, all the ministers were sincerely convinced and nodded to him.

After hearing these words, Dazhu Kingdom Mengtian also felt that there was someone to succeed the empire, and he felt inexplicably more at ease.

"Nei Shi is indeed a hero of the empire, and all ministers in the world should learn from him. His quick thinking and far-reaching vision are rare in the world. I thought that your majesty could make Sima Wuyi a marquis, so as to call on all the scholars in the world to regard him as Sima. Don’t be a role model.”


(End of this chapter)

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