Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 742: Horse Raising Plan (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 742: Horse Raising Plan (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Sima Wuyi heard this, but he was not happy.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I will never accept the position of Lord."

"Your talent has been witnessed by everyone in the court. If I don't praise you, it would be unfair to me."

Sima Wuyi shook his head.

"Your Majesty, I think this should not be the case. My father, Sima Chang, is currently stationed in the Shangdang Army, and I am the internal history of the empire. It is very rare for both father and son in a family to be able to use their talents to serve Your Majesty at the same time. . But I have never felt anything about the position of marquis. If I say it is to set an example for the world’s heroes, I think it is the country of Dazhu that the people of the world should imitate.”

"What's more, the reason why I can come up with these good strategies to deal with these problems now is precisely because I listened to the reports of many ministers. I believe that when your Majesty rewards your subordinates, you can't just look at the subordinates' temporary abilities, but there must be fixed measures. standards, otherwise we will not be able to convince the public.”

After these words were spoken, everyone naturally liked Sima Wuyi even more.Although he is a young man, he is very talkative and knows how to respect his elders.

Time goes by, and now Meng Yi, Feng Jie, Zhang Cang, and Li Xin are all entering old age. The white hair on their heads has not grown, but wrinkles have appeared on their foreheads.

These words hit the ears of these people.

How could the second generation not understand that this young man was actually trying to protect himself.And he was also hinting to me that rash promotion of ministers would cause dissatisfaction among others.

"Okay, I will do as you said. In the future, I will promote ministers according to fixed standards."

"Your Majesty is the emperor, but you are willing to listen to your subordinates' opinions. Your Majesty is the blessing of the world."

Everyone admired this smooth fight, and all the officials also admired the young Sima Wuyi after experiencing this incident.

In the following month, all the ministers were discussing the detailed laws and regulations on these matters, and they were busy issuing documents and announcing them to the ministers.

The political atmosphere in the pass has been unprecedentedly good, and it is gradually catching up with the Qin Dynasty, which was in its prime.

However, the entire Guanzhong area experienced major earthquakes one after another in the early years of Dazhi.

The best weapon for Qin II to implement the New Deal was by no means the local governor who implemented the policy, nor the censor responsible for supervising the censorship, but the tools for disseminating information, horses and paper.

As soon as the announcement was issued, notices were flying in the sky, and the horses got rid of the harness behind them and ran back and forth with their hooves raised.

The emergence of these two tools helped Qin's material civilization span a century. It was the emergence of these two tools that contributed to the success of the reform.

Fusu knew the consequences of reforms in previous dynasties, so he never bet on the success or failure of the New Deal on Qin's ministers from the beginning.

The point that really promoted Fusu's New Deal reform was precisely the point that everyone admired in Fusu - scientific and technological factors, which minimized the consumption of manpower and used science and technology to make up for it.

When the people of the entire empire are living in dire straits, what they need at this time is changes they can actually see.

The turbulence of the political landscape often results from local changes causing overall changes, either a violent collapse or a slow change.

Technology, on the other hand, uses the fastest and most practical method to let everyone see the actual results.

If the New Deal emphasizes agriculture, public announcements will definitely be made. In the past, there would be people who secretly acted secretly and interpreted the laws at will based on the words carved on the wooden boards. But it is different now. Papers with clear legal provisions are everywhere in everyone's hands.

The promotion of agricultural tools, and the implementation of these tools into the hands of farmers, are the best medicine to alleviate the people's ailments.

As for the last magic weapon to protect the people's support for Qin II, it is the horse.

Separated by mountains, rivers, and different customs, the Great Qin Empire is like a puzzle piece on the sea. Without horses, these puzzle pieces will only fall apart even more.

Now that the general situation in the DPRK has been established, everyone is gearing up to work together to govern the Qin State and strengthen the central government's control over local governments.

In order for the Second Emperor to envelop his authority over the entire Qin Empire and to allow the New Deal to proceed smoothly, the breakthrough point was technology.

On this day, the people in the pass were busy with the autumn harvest, and Qin II came to the stables and paddocks of the garrison in Xianyang City, Qin State.

Shaofu Weiji accompanied the second generation.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Qin Ershi walked into the dark stable, and the stench inside was reeking.

The grooms who were in charge of the stables were all frightened. They did not expect that His Majesty the Emperor would come to such a place.A place like the stable is like a toilet for the emperor's servants.

So when Qin II stepped into the stable, the eyes of many hard-working criminal slaves were filled with crystal tears.

Wei Ji stayed next to Qin II, full of admiration for His Majesty in his heart.

"I have heard in the past that saints are hypocrites. Now that I have spent time with His Majesty day and night, I feel that this statement is wrong."

"What does that mean?"

"There are indeed people living upright in the world who work for the benefit of the people. Such people are called saints. But later, some people did not want to do things for the people, but wanted to enslave the people. So these people pretended to imitate the saints' actions, but while they were beating He looked after the people while saying that we should cherish the people's strength."

"I understand today that hypocrisy is not about benevolence and righteousness, nor is it about saints. In fact, the really disgusting people are those who are unwilling to believe in benevolence and righteousness, but do things in the name of benevolence and righteousness. These people are the real hypocrites. But in the name of benevolence and righteousness, they did dirty things and tarnished the name of benevolence and righteousness."

"So Confucius is a true saint, but it's a pity that other people later ruined the reputation of benevolence and righteousness."

Wei Ji, a representative figure of Qin Legalism school.

The Second Emperor knew that people of the Legalist school of Qin disdained benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust. This was a sign of eagerness for quick success and a lack of cultural education.

"It seems that Lord Wei is dissatisfied with my strategy of governing the country with benevolence and righteousness?"

Wei Ji naturally said:
"The legalism that has been passed down by the Qin State for hundreds of years suddenly changed its course to Confucianism when it came to your majesty. Everyone in the court had the same thoughts as the humble ministers. It's just that your majesty used his own actions to prove to us that your majesty's name of benevolence and righteousness is what he uses. What was gained through the New Deal was not something we shouted out. Now that the situation in the world is gradually stabilizing, those rebellious thieves are beginning to use their weapons to stop the enemy, and the empire will surely be at peace."

After hearing this, the second generation's face was as cold as a knife.

"Some things are insincere, so it's better not to say them."

All the courtiers were snickering nearby, the horse was really poorly photographed.

Wei Ji changed color slightly, pretending that nothing was wrong.

II walked around the stables and found that the horses' backs were all bare, and there were no protective gear on the horseshoes.

"Why aren't these steeds equipped with stirrup saddles?"

The person in charge of managing the stables came forward and said:
"Reporting to Your Majesty, the number of stirrups and saddles is limited, and stirrups and saddles are usually used in rotation. Today we are calling another batch of horses, so the stirrups and saddles are put on another batch of horses."

"After returning, summon Ji Hao and ask him to mobilize materials from all over the country. Be sure to equip every horse in the pass with a set of harness."

The waiter quickly wrote it down.

Then the Second King asked Kaiji again:

"Approximately how many horses are there in the world today?"

"Your Majesty, there are about a million horses."

"There are about 4000 million people in the world, but there are only [-] horses. In other words, out of forty people, only one can ride a horse."

"I wonder what your Majesty wants?"

"I want every household in Guanzhong to be able to afford a horse. As for Guan Nei, every person has a horse."

"Your Majesty, horses are livestock. Raising livestock is different from farming, which requires large tracts of pasture. We Central Plains people have been farming since ancient times."

"Three-year-olds know the truth, but I don't know it?"

Wei Ji only felt that everything he said was wrong.

"I asked the people to raise a large number of horses in Guanzhong to facilitate transportation, not for food. However, the people of the empire cannot be allowed to raise horses, but must rely on the government. Wei Ji, you are my young master. All stables in the world are under the control of the government. So from today on, I want you to raise horses at any cost without encroaching on farmland."

Wei Ji was surprised:

"Your Majesty wants every household to have horses. Why not let the people raise horses themselves, but let the ministers raise horses?"

"If I order the people to raise horses, they will inevitably turn farmland into pasture, which will hinder the increase in food production. But if the empire is allowed to raise horses, the geographical environment of the Yinshan area can be used to open up horse farms and breed horse breeds."

"In order for the people to use horses, there must be a sufficient number of horses. Only when the number is large enough can the price be reduced, and the price set by the government can be accepted by the people."

"If people want to get horses, they don't need to raise them by themselves. They only need to pay money or grain to buy horses."

"Raising horses is not only for the people, but also for the empire. I want horses to become a common means of transportation for the people in Guanzhong. Only in this way can the people of the empire travel easily. This is a strategy I have been planning for a long time."

"I believe that this move will not only be beneficial to the intermarriage of the people in the Guanzhong, but also conducive to business. More importantly, it will break the geographical barriers and eliminate the differences in regional customs in Guanzhong, especially the differences in language."

Wei Ji's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"Your Majesty, if we do this, the empire will also be able to earn a large sum of money, which will be enough to replenish the national treasury."

"Kui Ji, you finally said one thing right today. I think so too. I want to raise horses in the same way as the government-run salt industry and foundry industry."

"Your Majesty, stirrups and saddles can also be sold, but the price is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

(End of this chapter)

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