Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 743: Cow and horse ears! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 743: Cow and horse ears! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"The production technology of stirrups and saddles is not mature at first. It takes a team of 50 craftsmen a month to make [-] sets of stirrups and saddles. Although the technology of steel smelting has just been conquered by the Ministry of Industry, if you want to produce it in large quantities, Manufacturing is inherently difficult.”

"Then recruit craftsmen from the private sector and compile work registrations for these people. If there is no one in the family who grows food and fields, then we will pay them according to the number of acres. In addition, we should also give them extra monthly salary."

"These days, I have thought about it again and again. I cannot just wait because no one in the government understands the important matter of doing business. I plan to handle this matter myself. The key lies in supply and demand."

"Although the empire has issued coins, the money cannot be circulated, and the people cannot enjoy the convenience of doing business. As for those merchant families, I am afraid they have hated the empire for a long time. I want to take this opportunity to give some merchants rights , allowing them to engage in animal husbandry and forestry.”

"It's just that they need to pay higher taxes and fees to the empire every year. As for those fields and hills, naturally they still belong to me. As long as these things are clear, doing business will not harm my empire."

Wei Ji's father presided over the economic audit, and he also followed suit.

"No one in the empire has taken care of major business affairs for more than ten years."

"It's been more than twenty years. I remember that after Wenxinhou Lu Buwei was dismissed as prime minister, many wealthy businessmen in Qin were implicated. Since then, the empire has always suppressed business."

Wei Ji's scalp is still a little numb. He belongs to the Qin Legal family. If he follows His Majesty's advice and the country does business now, Meng Yi will have to eat him later.

Kai Ji followed Fusu, a layer of greasy sweat already appeared on his neck.

Seeing that the emperor's words were really clear and logical, he had obviously made up his mind. Now that all the people in the court were his majesty's people, he couldn't even twist his thigh with his arm.

"Your Majesty, a doctor of the pre-Qin Dynasty once wrote an article called "Five Worms", saying that businessmen are one of the pests that affect the country. I and others have always regarded Doctor Han's article as a guideline, and we follow this method in everything. Now that Your Majesty is running a business, isn't that just breeding worms for the empire?"

Fusu was helpless after hearing this:
"Kui Ji, do you know why the late king did not use Han Fei's method and instead listened to Li Si's suggestion?"

"Because Han Fei is a Korean prince. Although he came to Qin, he was thinking about how to preserve Korea and extend its life."

"Then do you think Han Fei's "Five Worms" was written for Han Wang An to listen to or for the late emperor?"

"Of course it's Han Wangan."

"Then why do you think that this "Five Mosquitoes" method is a timely help for the Qin State instead of making it worse?"

Wei Ji nodded in thought.

"What your Majesty said makes sense, but for such a major matter as business, I thought it had to be discussed by all the ministers. I have rashly offended Your Majesty today. I am afraid that I have to go against His Majesty's wishes in this matter. On the major issues of the Empire's New Deal, It is the ministers who are deeply aware of the general trend. It is just that the knowledgeable people were forced by the pressure of the late emperor when he was still alive and did not dare to openly support His Majesty."

"But once Your Majesty succeeds to the throne, we will follow your example and fully support His Majesty's New Deal, implement the Guanzhong standard system, and lighten the corvee and reduce taxes. However, we have a consensus in our hearts, that is, the New Deal is the direction of the empire, but Your Majesty cannot abandon the laws of our ancestors. ah."

"How can your Majesty ensure that there will not be another Marquis Wenxin in the empire in the future, who will control the court and threaten the royal power. I don't have the talents and achievements of my father, but today I shamelessly moved out of my father's house. I just ask your Majesty to think twice about doing business. , we must not speak rashly to the businessman. This businessman has always been cunning, destroying credibility among the people, and causing trouble for the king and the government in both the government and the public."

After hearing this, the Second Emperor said:

"What's so difficult about this? What you are worried about is that I opened a door for merchants and eventually cultivated talents like Fan Li and Lu Buwei. Then I will add a clause in the laws of Qin that those who have been merchants for three generations in the family are not allowed to be in politics. Tell the people of the world , If your family wants to do business, then be prepared not to enter the court for the rest of your life."

Wei Ji was immediately speechless.

"The ministers are worried about business because they are afraid that business will grow and escape the control of the government. Then I will control it from the source and the result. I don't care how much profit the merchants gain during the business process, but the land and mines all They are all under the jurisdiction of the empire and are the assets of the empire.”

"And the profits that merchants make after starting business must be handed over to the empire at a certain share; and since they have benefited from it several times, even dozens or hundreds of times, they must be careful and keep a low profile. Businessmen are not allowed to do so in public. If you wear decent clothes for occasions, if you run a business alone, three generations of your family are not allowed to be officials.”

"Everything has its origins and consequences. When it comes to business, the government is the main one, and the merchants are the last. I don't think there is anything impossible."

After hearing this, Wei Ji had nothing to refute and asked again:
"Then we must think, how much profit does the government want to get from business?"

Fu Su suddenly remembered that he used to write online novels, exhausted himself, but in the end he had to share [-]/[-] with a famous entrepreneur, and he was so angry.

Now, at last, the opportunity to use political power to vent its anger.

"Fifty five."

Wei Ji was shocked when he heard this.

"Your Majesty wants to give the merchant [-]% of the profit?"

"Kai Qing thinks [-]% is too little?"

Wei Ji's eyes widened and he said in great fear:

"No! I think that [-]% of the share is really too much!"

Fusu said seriously:
"Merchants who do business under the official system are like men and women. The empire takes half. Firstly, it does not suppress their enthusiasm for doing business. Secondly, when those businessmen see that there are still benefits to be gained, they will not feel resentful. Run away because the profit is too small."

"So, a [-]-[-] split is actually the best choice for the empire. Just like selling articles to make money, some people can't write articles, so they hire people who can write articles to help them. In order to control the writers, those people Just monopolize the platform to control the writers, and then induce them with a [-]-[-] split. The writers dare to be angry and complain, but in the end they dare not stop writing.”

"So when the empire does business, it also uses a [-]-[-] split to achieve the purpose of controlling merchants."

Wei Ji could see that the emperor had some resentment in his heart when he said this, and he felt that it was reasonable to do so.

It's just that Kaiji thought about it and made another plan.

"Your Majesty, I believe that although [-]-[-] is the best choice for the empire, we cannot rashly declare it to the world with [-]-[-]."

"Kai Qing, what do you mean by this?"

"Your Majesty, why don't you leave this matter to me? I want to summon the wealthy merchants of the Qin State and tell them that your Majesty intends to allow the world's merchants to intervene in animal husbandry and other commercial matters at a ratio of three to seven merchants in the empire." .”

"Thirty to seven points?"

"Your Majesty, don't be offended. Since they are cows and horses, let them suffer a little bit first, and then give them some sweetness, so that the cows and horses can happily obey the empire. Your Majesty will tell the world first by giving three to seven points, and the merchants in the world will definitely have resentments. , If you are not willing to operate these, then Wei Chen will summon those famous merchants to discuss with them."

"In the end, His Majesty is merciful and decided to give up two points of the benefits to the merchants, that is, five to five points. At that time, the merchants in the world will be grateful to His Majesty."

After hearing this, Fusu naturally appreciated Wei Ji even more.

"Gao, Wei Qing is really smart."

From then on, Fusu discovered that Kaiji had the face of a capitalist.

(I'm late. I've moved out these days. I'm a little busy and don't have time to update the book for everyone. I killed a dozen mosquitoes in my new house today. I'm in a good mood and improvised a bit.)
(End of this chapter)

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