Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 744: Waiting for the opportunity (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 744: Waiting for the opportunity (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Then the matter is settled like this. Transportation will be convenient for the people, and geographical barriers will be eliminated, and the control of the entire Guanzhong will be strengthened, all thanks to these horses. This matter cannot be taken lightly."

"This move will benefit the present generation and will last forever. I will definitely let the entire Young Mansion handle this matter with care."

Although government-run business is to make profits for the country and to make a good life for some people, the people who handle it will definitely benefit from it.Fusu must be on guard.

The second generation led everyone out of the stable and onto the grass outside.

At this time, the stable pasture has already turned from green to reddish yellow.

There are fences, fences, and roadblocks everywhere for the purpose of training war horses.

The second generation said casually:

"The grass and trees bloomed in spring and withered in autumn, and the empire also had its ups and downs. However, after the ups and downs, the original position of the nine ministers in the court was only the post of Shaofu. It is still as high and powerful as when the late emperor was alive. To this day, The Shaofu still has a large number of smart and capable officials."

As the helm of the empire, I will kick all the unfavorable factors and people off the ship without mercy.

Wei Ji knew that the second generation had something to say, so he was naturally afraid.
"For the position of the Shaofu, although the official title has not changed, the position has changed. The Shaofu was originally a minister next to His Majesty. I think that the position of the Shaofu is not as noble as the three princes, but it is the most practical. It’s also something that the kings don’t pay much attention to. For example, people must wear shoes when they walk, but everyone only cares about walking, so who pays attention to shoes.”

"The role of the Young Master is exactly this. It is to handle all non-military and non-governmental matters for Your Majesty. Without him, His Majesty will find it difficult to move forward in life. However, because he only handles complicated and trivial matters, he does not have the status of the other three ministers. So prominent.”

The Shaofu originally dealt with some miscellaneous affairs, but because after Qin Shihuang unified the world, the internal bureaucracy did not undergo a reasonable update, and the ministers who used to pull carts and handle housework were all responsible for arranging national affairs.

As a result, the administrative organization is chaotic, and the center has only the emperor.

After hearing what Wei Ji said, the Second Emperor clearly felt dissatisfied with the position of Shaofu.No matter what he thinks in his heart, the second generation will not let him be the young man again.This position is too close to the emperor and has too much authority.

A person who is going to handle major official business matters must be a foreign minister.

"You are right. In the past two years, you have been entrusted with important matters such as the finances and grain of the imperial court, and you have been tired. I really should promote you. The position of the young master is originally to handle the affairs of the palace. It's time to restore the old system. I will appoint you as the Prime Minister, specifically responsible for presiding over the empire's business. From now on, the Shaofu will resume its previous functions and will only be responsible for palace affairs and not for the general affairs of the court."

"Your Majesty has great ambitions, and I will work hard to achieve this for Your Majesty."

"Earlier, Meng Tian recommended Xu Youbing to me, saying that he could travel to the Western Regions for me. I wonder if Xu Youbing can take on this responsibility?"

The relationship between Wei Ji and Meng Shi was neither good nor bad. ,

"Well, since Xu Youbing is the person recommended by Meng Tian, ​​he must be loyal, so I think it will work naturally."

"Then do you have any recommendations?"

Wei Ji wanted to speak but stopped, as if he was in trouble.

"Today you and I are in the suburbs, without the restraints of the court, we can say whatever we want."

"Your Majesty, do you still remember that Xu Fu asked for the elixir of life for the late emperor?"

"Of course I remember it," the second generation said, with countless sadness in his eyes, "I still remember it vividly!"

"Then is Dongyi now under His Majesty's control?"

Dongyi?This is one of the rare stupid things Fusu thinks he has done since joining politics!Although his original intention was to let Qin Shihuang see through Xu Fu's tricks, he unknowingly lost a lot of manpower and material resources.

Think about how the empire's finances are really stretched now...

"Why did you talk about this matter?"

"Your Majesty the Emperor, do you still remember how many people criticized the late emperor's request for the elixir of life in the court. It's just because of the majesty of the late emperor, no one dared to say no."

When talking about these things, every soldier present showed pain on his face.The First Emperor's request for the elixir of life was a fatal blow to all imperial soldiers.

When the Second Emperor saw this, he ordered everyone on the left and right to retreat.

"It's just that I thought your Majesty would stop this incident at first, but instead of doing so, he even advised you to continue the eastward expedition and occupy Dongyi. But more than ten years later, the people who sent troops to explore Dongyi have now fled to Guizhou. Southern Badlands.”

"It wasn't until the late Emperor's death that he finally understood that immortality was something that could not be pursued, and then he stopped seeking the elixir of immortality."

The Second Emperor frowned. For some reason, he could no longer tolerate his ministers criticizing the late emperor, so he raised his eyebrows and said sternly:
"The late emperor asked for the elixir of life for the sake of the empire. And now I am going to open the Hexi Corridor. Do these things you are talking about have anything to do with the opening of the Western Region?"

"Your Majesty, there is an expert in my residence, and he said this about Your Majesty. Your Majesty acted against the will, and now you are lucky enough to succeed."

After hearing this, the Second Emperor did not take it seriously. He walked away with his sword and said with a smile:
"Then when you, an expert, say this, you are somewhat ignorant of life and death."

Wei Ji smiled bitterly and shook his head helplessly:
"Your Majesty, everything must go according to the trend. The way of heaven, Yao, Shun and Shang Tang are irreversible. In order to maintain the long-term peace and stability of the empire, your majesty has given the empire one elixir after another. But Wei Chen thought that this matter of opening up the Western Regions , is not appropriate for today’s empire. There is no inventory within the empire, and there is rebellion in the south, and the counties and counties in the world are still internally unstable.”

"To send an envoy to the Western Regions at this juncture, how much manpower and treasure will be expended. I think that this mission to the Western Regions is actually something that can only be done when the empire becomes prosperous and has sufficient strength. By then, the opening of the Western Regions will be like autumn. When it arrives, the fruit will ripen naturally. This is a natural thing."

"Now that the empire's strength is not enough, His Majesty insists on opening up the Western Region at this time, which is no less than when the late emperor ordered people to go to Dongyi to obtain the elixir of immortality."

"Your Majesty thought that this move would be beneficial for a long time, but in fact, doing this when the empire has just stabilized is like transporting huge rocks from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. I will make it clear to Your Majesty here. Yes, this is the attitude of knowledgeable people in the DPRK towards this matter."

"We sincerely request your Majesty to wait until the end of the five-year period before dealing with this matter. By then, using the empire's strength to handle this matter will not be enough, but at least it will not make everyone complain. Isn't it right, Your Majesty? Forget the oath His Majesty made during his new administration and rest with the people!"

After hearing this, the Second Emperor suddenly began to understand how the First Emperor Ying Zheng felt at that time.His life was so short, and history changes so slowly.

"In this case, there is nothing I can do. I only regret that my life can only last a hundred years at most! I have so many things in my mind throughout the ages, but there are only so many things I can do."

After Wei Ji heard this, he smiled and said:
"Your Majesty, life is short, like morning dew!"

"That's the truth, but whoever is willing to live a short life in vain, why not give it a go."

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you are the king."

"I know. I am very unhappy talking with you today."

Wei Ji knew that the emperor was speaking out of anger, so he stopped saying these useless and unpleasant things.

"Your Majesty, that humble minister has retired."

(End of this chapter)

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